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Dissidia: Final Fantasy Sequel Relies On Western Interest

It makes perfect sense: if a game does well, the developers will be interested in making a sequel. Really, it's only business logic.

Not surprisingly, both Japanese critics and gamers alike really took to the recently released Dissidia: Final Fantasy , and you had better hope the game fares well in the Western territories as well. According to a recent FinalFantasyUnion interview with producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Takeshi Arakawa, Square-Enix will make a sequel provided the Western gaming crowd rewards the team for their hard work. Said Arakawa:

"Obviously the game hasn’t been released in either the US or Europe and we will have to wait and see how popular it will be. If it’s successful obviously we’d like to make an attempt to make a sequel."

The game is scheduled to release in North America some time during the third fiscal quarter, and based on what we've heard, it's well worth the attention of every PSP owner. And just to clarify, one has to remember that this isn't an RPG like Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ; it's basically a straight-up fighting game that features many of your favorite characters from the legendary franchise. If this sounds intriguing, then make sure to put Dissidia on your wish list; if more people do this, the chances of a sequel increase greatly.

Related Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy

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15 years ago

No worries… they have my day one purchase!

15 years ago

Don't have a PSP,but wouldn't buy this game regardless.I don't appreciate being screwed by a company that I have supported for the last 10 years,so screw Square.

Last edited by DarthNemesis on 5/6/2009 10:21:59 PM

15 years ago

I really wish they stopped caring so much about what the west thinks. Just do what you do, if its a good game, people will bye it. SE's whole "We gotta be more Western!" thing is really starting to annoy me.

15 years ago

Maybe it's because SE can't produce good games anymore. That's why they try to appeal a new crowd.

But seriously, how much could making this game ACTUALLY cost? They sold almost 1 million copies in Japan itself. Isn't that enough justification to make a sequel?

15 years ago

they care because they have seen how upset we get because they dont want to listen to us and they want to step out from the typical JP Company who ignores what anywhere else except Japan wants. after all, they did betray Sony. got to make some kind of good change right?

15 years ago

I kind of agree. But as a "Western" gamer myself, I can't help but to think that they tend to keep some of the good stuff (that I personally would enjoy, like the KH Final Mix titles)to themselves. I think that I would be happy if for the most part we had some of the same stuff. In hindsight, I kinda understand that not every "Western" gamer feels the same.

I put Western in quotes cuz if you go far enough in the opposite direction you end up in the same place (eventually).

15 years ago

Oh god

This is too much, shut the f**** up squeeeeeenix

15 years ago

Its a fighting game, there's no reason this couldn't have been a worldwide release with a couple language tweaks. If they wanna be more western try giving us games at the same time or closer.

15 years ago

….. ok its a good game but is a sequel really needed?

15 years ago

Your talking about a good SE game on a Sony platform, and asking if we really want another?

I wouldn't mind them moving the sequel to the PS3. Have more than just the Hero and Villain of each game. Online play. Thats something I would want.

15 years ago

Every FF character ever playable plus all important villains, slap it on PS3 and I'm in.

15 years ago

ehh why should i support SE when they don't wanna support us? i mean yeah im buying FFXIII but that might be it besides FF vs XIII.

ive really lost interest in supporting a company that has basically said "F U"

15 years ago

Except Dissidia is a good game. However, I'm also tired of this gimmick of appealing to the West. It just sounds stupid.

15 years ago

Talking sequels before the game hits a market is just silly. What's he saying anyways? If the game sells well in EU and NA then they'll release a sequel in Japan? Why do I care? Just get the game out already. When it sells well THEN you can talk about a sequel.

15 years ago

i sold my psp cause thought, as 1st reported dissidia was a march release , then i saw august on the gamestop list and said screw it. if psp go is real and it comes out on that maybe, cause obviously in the west “ IF IT AINT XBOX IT AINT SQEEENIX” , treat everyone equal or F off my money will support companies that atleast try to give a good rpg experience …..on a console i own

15 years ago

Why are people here saying that they don't support square enix anymore and that they screwed them up? Is it because of final fantasy XIII going multiplatform?

15 years ago

they ignore sony gamers and ps3 and tell lies

15 years ago

No lie, I'm getting pretty tired of people hating on SE, they screwing ps3 owners ok, don't gota keep repeating it evrytime an article comes out about them, evryone basically noes this, so people, ima ask politely SHUT THE F*** UP thank you =)

15 years ago

Well, to be fair, most of the articles has someone from SE saying something to the effect of "Yes, We are screwing PS3 owners… again!"

A lot of the hate would die down if SE would make there multiplatform games…Well… multiplatform. I'm looking at you TLR. >_>

And the fact that they are supporting the 360 with everything they got while preaching "Square Enix is a Multiplatform company that loves its fans!" isn't helping at all.

They ignored the PS3 during the hard times, and now that its selling well they expect all of the PS3 owners to grovel at there feet even though they have yet to release a single game for the PS3 as of yet. It just pisses a lot of people off at there attitude.

15 years ago

Well release it then I can buy it

15 years ago

The West….(official title of SE's new game)

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 5/7/2009 3:46:52 PM