The PSP is getting another firmware update today, so if you've turned yours on and noticed it prompting you to download your update and wondering what it does, here are your answers. For starters, FW 5.50 allows unregistered PSP owners to window shop at the PlayStation Store, and by that we mean you'll be able to enter the PS Store without an account and view what's available.
Clearly, you won't be able to buy or download anything without creating an account first, but letting you see what you're missing out on is a pretty good little move on Sony's part, one I'm surprised they didn't think of earlier. Furthermore, the other little update made to this firmware will allow PSP owners to access the PlayStation Network's Information Board from the PSP's XMB (Cross Media Bar), just like PlayStation 3 owners can, bringing the experience between both consoles that much closer.
Additionally, you can now browse your memory stick's subfolders, in addition to being able to filter the content that comes through your PSP's browser, courtesy of Trend Micro Security and Safety designed for the PSP. It's not a giant firmware update, but new features are always fun.
FIRST!!! 😀
lol j/k j/k i kid, i kid…
nice to see Sony actually implemented this… I've been thinking about this since they put the store in…
now all they need 2 do is upgrade the internet browser, and put some more software out there… and I'll be just as hooked as i am on my ps3
Window shopping is a good idea.
More access to memory sticks is an even better one.
That's cool, and I like the memory stick access thing.
What they need for the PS3's next update is making it so that the recharge for the controller isn't blocking the time;
no offense it just really grinds my gears every time I try to check the time and that happens.
Just hold it down longer and go to the entire black screen, like before we had in-game xmb, and the clock is perfectly seen 😛
Or look at your wristwatch or cellphone or stereo or alarm clock or cable/DVR box or wall clock like we used to before consoles gave us this ability.
Just pointing out, the PSP doesn't prompt you update like the PS3. You have to activley check for updates.
It would be nice if they released an update that allowed someone to watch the DVD or BD that is inserted in their PS3 (Via Remote play). It would also be cool if that person could also download files from their PS3 wirelessly (Via Remote play).
It would also be nice if we could play our PS3 demos/games on our PSP (after a PSP comes out with r1, r2, r3, l1, l2, & l3 buttons & dual joysticks, Via Remote play as well)
I'm too hooked to internet radio on the damn thing that I forget to update!
the update i have is 2.80 0_0… i havnt actually played online for around 2 years. i cant get my PSP to go wireless anymore:(