This isn't really a news update, so much as it is just my personal prediction of what and how I think the new PSP should look like, and how it'll incorporate the second analog stick. I recently saw a Photoshop online and the designer of said Photoshop placed the analog nubs of the PSP at the very bottom, below the screen, which made absolutely no functional or aesthetic sense. They were placed where the Home and Start buttons can be found on the current PSP, so go pick yours up by holding your thumbs only there, and you'll realize it's an awkward placement, as the PSP's screen will no doubt be in the way and your thumbs will obscure parts of it occasionally. Never mind the fact that your nails (long or short) will, overtime, leave scratches all over the bottom of the screen in that configuration.
So I fired up Photoshop (okay, it was MS Paint) and did one tiny little chop job, and what came out was something beyond obvious, which you can see in the pic. The second analog nub was added as a mirror placement to the original below the d-pad. The PSP already has the space for the second analog, it just needs to be used, plain and simple. The other configuration I can imagine seeing is the D-pad and analog nub switching positions, seeing as how most people prefer analog controls, anyways. Now, our other wish is to have a tilting and sliding screen, the tilting to be used in order to minimize glare at certain angles and make it easier to view the screen (similar to the upcoming Palm Pre).
We expect the width of the console to remain largely the same, unless Sony makes the D-pad and the action buttons smaller in order to decrease horizontal width a bit. Additionally, we're hoping for an even slimmer package, and hope Sony can trim away the excess plastic; especially since the biggest rumor for the new PSP is that it won't rely on a media drive anywhere, which should not only help to make this portable much slimmer, but also much lighter. That should help make the unit much more pocket friendly than the existing model.
We're also expecting updates to the LCD screen, which in the PSP3000 system has ups and downs, and not everybody is happy with. Perhaps a touchscreen ability for the new screen is also a possibility, considering how everything these days has a touchscreen, with an on-screen QWERTY keyboard for when you're online, chatting, etc. In addition to support for larger memory sticks, enhanced hardware specs, backwards compatibility with PSP and PSOne games, enhanced network/internet capabilities, and maybe even a few smartphone-esque features here and there. Now, while there are some rumors that believe the new PSP can also be a phone, we doubt it. The PSP is a gaming machine first and foremost, and to have it also work as a phone could make for an astronomical price that Sony will not want to risk having.
Of course, don't expect to hear anything concrete regarding the new PSP until E3 rolls around in about 40 days.
u do have sum pretty good theories
i dont mind what they do, so long as they DO NOT remove the UMD drive.
I'm with you on that. Having dial up is becoming a real disability.
P.S: I liked that picture that was on here a while ago. The PSP had a sliding scree, under witch were all the buttons including the analog sticks.
Last edited by SubjectiveTruth on 4/21/2009 7:48:08 PM
yea…it always looked weird with a big ol' fat PSP1000 hanging out of my skinny jean pockets…lol
lmaol photoshopped analog stick XD
For me the analog is uncomfortable to use. When you grip the PSP, your thumbs are much higher than those analogs sticks in your mock-up.
I hate the analog stick where it is now, i get cramps every time i use it. I think it would be better if they put the analog sticks up higher to make it more comfortable, other than that i think your other theories are pretty good, Hope they come true ;). btw i have a psp-2000 or psp slim
I have to agree. I also hopes that Sony moves the main analog stick upwards. The second one I can deal with being anywhere, really, but the main one needs to be moved upward.
You need to be a bit more innovative. We all know that the 4000 will not have a UMD drive and is likely to have something amazing happening to the industrial design. It will be much more than a simple analog stick.
I can't imagine redesigning w/o the UMD and not taking the opportunity to radically change the design.
You may not have realized this…but I suck at photoshopping anything. I think I made that rather clear from my sarcasm in the article.
Scrap the old design and redesign the next PSP with a clamshell design that will protect the screen and allow the designers to create and cover up 2 small analog sticks on the device when it's not in use.
I don't really care about a touch screen, but it couldn't hurt…720p resolution would be fantastic, but 640×480 resolution would be more than good enough.
An instant 8 GB of on board memory is an absolute must. An option to expand hard drive space with memory sticks is an important idea too…
Full backwards compatibility with PSP, PS One, AND PS2 titles…All of these games would be available for download on the PlayStation Store.
Retail games from now on would be sold on read-only Memory Stick Pro Duo sticks.
Bluetooth for wireless headset capability and full 802.11 b/g/n support.
Keep Skype. It's a good idea.
Add Opera Mobile web browser instead of that crappy web browser currently found on the PSP and PS3.
Powered by modified mobile Cell Processor with at least 512 MB of RAM.
Sell for $299 and take the war straight to Nintendo.
LoL the current PSP has 4MB of RAM. Isn't 512MB overkill?
You got it wrong… also, think about battery life… that is a factor in itself, the more gizmo's, memory, faster processor and brighter/higher resolution screen – the worse the performance.
"i am home"
It'll will be like a game gear
despite what others think… i tend 2 agree.. your idea sounds awesome, and I'd buy it… but only of it had a long lasting battery pack…
maybe even a backup solar panel?? lol i doubt they would do it because of costs and such… but i think it may work well in conjunction with the battery pack..
I really tried to love my PSP, but in the end I didn't find it to be a very good gaming platform. It just didn't feel comfortable in my hands for long periods of time. The flat "analog" sticks were unresponsive to me.
There were a decent amount of pretty good games available, but many were poorly marketed.
I'm really serious when I say that they should leverage their past game library and market it as the next generation PSP, PLUS mobile PS2.
Why not consider making a deal with a wireless company to provide infrastructure for a truly wireless gaming platform? Would you pay $25 a year to play online from anywhere you could get a cell phone signal? These are ideas, but valid ones…
I do not own a PSP,i have been waiting for a second analog stick for years, and truly hope they add one with the new one.,
as for all the things Arnold and others have stated,wishing to have,i say its all nice to have,but its not needed,the psp really just needs a second analog stick,and more games…
i once had a psp, but i sold it after 2 days.
i need psp2 or second analog and umd inclusive, cos i love my things being tangable.
This is what I think the new PSP is gunna look like…
Last edited by crump602 on 4/21/2009 1:46:36 AM
Nice job on that photo. I guess I would like that if it keeps UMD drive because I have 33 movies and 20 games on UMD.
i dont think there will be a 2nd analog "nub" before the psp2, i would just be unfair to the current psp owners, like the DSi, it would be more like a new console (with bc)
it probably will be some more RAM for faster loading and a built in flash drive..? maybe a fm reciever like my phone has?
If this is just another updated version of the current PSP don't even think about it having dual analogs, simply because the old PSP's won't be able to play the new PSP games that support the extra analog.
However if the PSP4000 doesn't include a UMD drive it shouldn't be called PSPS4000 at all, PSP2 will be more suitable.
Sony doesn't care about B.C. They have already shown that.
As far as they are concerned, if you want to play new games for 2 analog sticks, then buy a new psp.
I think they should just fix the problem everyone talks about with the screen, or change to a new lcd screen. Keep the umd. Increase memory. Longer battery life. Improve the features it already has.
I think Sony should leave it with PSP 3000 as the final update and support it with software. And later release a PSP 2 with all the new tech.