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Resistance: Retribution Performing Well, PSP Should Benefit

Resistance: Retribution had two things going for it: 1. name recognition, thanks to the established series on the PlayStation 3, and 2. the fact that Sony Bend opted to implement a third-person shooter mechanic rather than use the first-person view, which has often come up well short on handhelds.

And now, according to VGChartz Resistance Union , Retribution is enjoying decent sales in the first few weeks of its availability. Furthermore, the game seems to appeal to gamers worldwide, as the title has sold as well in Japan as it has in Europe; both regions are only "slightly behind" North America. Perhaps the biggest issue doesn't necessarily involve numbers, but the fact that PSP software tends to be performing better over the past year or so. Hence, the PSP itself has been purchased more often as well, as indicated by several weeks and months where Sony's portable unit outsold the reigning king of the industry, the Nintendo DS. The point is that games like Resistance: Retribution are absolutely crucial to the continued success of the PSP, and it also proves that developers have the definite skill to make great, must-have games for the sleek handheld unit. The shooter has been very well received by critics and gamers alike and if you haven't yet had the pleasure, it's a strongly recommended buy by most members of the press. And so far in 2009, it may be your best portable option…

This all leads us back to the idea of a new PSP: will the PSP-4000 – or perhaps the PSP 2 – be released for the holidays? An "inside source" has confirmed this to be true, but we don't have anything official yet. So while we await E3, we'd like to remind all of you that there are plenty of reasons to own a PSP.

Related Game(s): Resistance: Retribution

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15 years ago

Nice. Good to see a PSP title performing well. I think this one will have a long tail thanks to it's links to the PS3 game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Off-topic, but…KOS-MOS rules.

15 years ago

Indeed she does – though Shion has a place in my heart too…LOL!

Wonder when we'll see a game of the caliber and similar type to Xenosaga on PS3? I know it can't be soon enough for me.

15 years ago

Man I love this game its single player campaign is so fun but its multiplayer is off the chain!

15 years ago

Damn, I didn't even know Retribution has a multi player on the PSP. How does it play… is it glitchy or smooth? How many players can play simultanously online?


"i am home"

15 years ago

It plays smooth 97% of the time. you can only play up to 8 players, but its so fun!

15 years ago

@ madkatbebop. Wasn't that you that had that girl avatar. What happened? She looked really good.

15 years ago

Forgive my ignorance, but I ave not played Resistance on the PS3 (yet). Is this PSP incarnation comparable in any way to the StarWars Battlefron II and Renegade Squadron games?

15 years ago

Ben told me that he got some complaints about it so I took her off, she did look good though.

15 years ago

@TheHighlander Nah RR is better then both star wars battlefront 2 & Renegade squadron its graphic, gameplay and controls are better.

15 years ago

Alright, sounds good, is there story, or is it just a straight up shooter?

15 years ago

Resistance: Retribution should never be compared to Star Wars Battlefront. R:R is without a doubt the best PSP game I've played personally. I've heard however that God of War is AMAZING though, so I may have to try that aswell

15 years ago

First party games delivering!
Nothing better than going to store and looking at the first or second party games and KNOWING they are good.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

If your not playing RR on the PSP you are missing out right now. It's the best game on the PSP at the moment. If you liked R1 and R2 on PS3 you will definitely get into RR.

I personally like the story, gameplay and graphics on the PSP RR better than R2.

Resistance 2 looked to much like a comic book to me. Where R1 and RR look more "realistic".