If you need another excuse to own a PSP – as if there aren't enough already – prepare yourself for the incredible Rock Band experience…in the palm of your hand.
As revealed over at the official PlayStation blog , Sony is preparing a Limited Edition PSP Entertainment Pack for the recently announced Rock Band Unplugged . The bundle will include a copy of the game, a Piano Black PSP-3000 unit, a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, and a PSN downloadable movie voucher for "School of Rock." Yep, that's a perfectly sensible selection for such a pack, isn't it? This handheld edition of the popular music franchise will combine "key gameplay elements from both Rock Band and Rock Band 2 , inclusive of familiar, as well as all-new songs." We'll get new features specifically designed for the PSP, Wi-Fi will be brought into play, and yes, your hands will essentially act as the musical peripherals. It reminds us a lot of Amplitude on the PS2, actually, and that's certainly not a bad thing. If you want a clear visual aid, head on over to the blog through the link above; they've got a great debut video for you. It should answer most all the questions you have concerning the game, and if not, just stay tuned; we're positive more info and details will be released over the coming months.
For fans of the genre, you can't possibly miss out on Rock Band Unplugged , which is slated to arrive on June 9. See? June really is shaping up to be an awesome month!
Related Game(s): Rock Band Unplugged
Ill try it out, without a guitar it might not be as fun I just hope the controls don't suck.
I might have to get a PSP now, but with the rumors of the new one coming out, I will probably wait..
so is this gonna have a controller like the ds version of guitar hero ????
Yep im finally going to have to get a psp now when this version arrives, can't hold back no more.
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
it doesnt count as singing if you just press godamn buttons
it doesnt count as guitar if you just press goddamn buttons
it doesnt count as drums if you just press goddamn buttons
especially when its the same 4 buttons for every instrument…
atleast GH:OT had some sort of peripheral…
I dunno, it still looks fun, not just a stupid game. Especially if you need to have some musical fun on the go, and peripherals cost so much…
This'd be fun if you had a few friends with PSPs and you downloaded a few songs that you all liked, and then you just sat on the city bus playing away until you got wherever you needed to be (school, work, store, etc.) I know for sure it won't be like the console versions with peripherals.
But it'd be nice to complete a song or two on the go, ya'know? It's especially nice if you like the music. Also I thought GH:OT was seriously overrated and I hated the peripheral almost as much as I hate people saying the PS3 has no good games.
And no offense, but it'd look pretty dumb in public holding a PSP and a mini toy guitar or toy drum set, while singing into your headset. A mini drumset would be awesome though…
Agreed that would look so stupid.
I just want the unplugged music made available as DLC! Today please…