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Konami Announces Silent Hill: Shattered Memories For PSP, PS2, Wii

We always like to hear about new survival/horror titles simply because there isn't exactly an overabundance of titles that fit in the niche genre.

Konami has announced Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for the PSP, PS2 and Wii; initially predicted it would be called "Shattered Dreams" and a Wii exclusive, but that was a little inaccurate. Basically, Shattered Memories is a quirky remake of the original Silent Hill on the PlayStation; it's the same story, but you will view it from different angles. The characters will show up in different places and give the player different responses, even though you'll still play as the same protagonist, Harry Mason. He's on a quest to solve the mystery of his missing daughter, Cheryl, and his search takes him to Silent Hill, a town that has a dark, evil secret. There will be a few other additions as well, but perhaps the most intriguing feature is something called a psyche profile element. From GameZine:

"This will monitor every aspect of the player's reactions, from where they explore first, the items they've examined and the reactions to characters they've meet. This profile will then adapt Mason's reactions to human and inhuman characters."

So if you've never played the original Silent Hill , or you remain a huge fan of it and would like to play through an overhauled version, keep an eye out for Shattered Memories this autumn. These games have always been creepy to the max and it's always best to play 'em with the lights off at about 2 a.m.

Related Game(s): Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

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15 years ago

Awesome! This is going to be so much better that the latest SH, and that's not saying much. As the first SH was great I don't believe they will ever top the 2nd installment.

15 years ago

The last SH was kinda boring.

15 years ago

please konami pretty please LET Team Japan do the remake, dont let Team America mess around with this

15 years ago

I'm picking this one up as soon as possible, but for the Wii if it turns out to be the better version.

15 years ago

"it's the same story, but you will view it from different angles. The characters will show up in different places and give the player different responses."

At first i thought it was seeign the story from other characters perspective, but now im just confused, why would you want to put characters in different locations??? and different responses…. surely that would effect the story?

15 years ago

Just thought about something. Konami need to incorporate good and useful Sixaxis options into the PS2 version if it's played on a PS2 backwards compatible PS3. Would that be possible?

15 years ago

I dunno, i mean it is a PS2 game after all. the PS2 is still a very populat console so im sure manhy people will be playing it on their PS2's instead of PS3's. not me! because i have a ps3.

15 years ago

To be clear, this will be a PS2 game that have the encoding to take advantage of optional Sixaxis option when played with a Sixaxis or Dual Shock 3 on a PS2 backwards compatible PS3. Just thinking that if Konami will be using motion options for the Wii version, possibly optional motion options for the PS2 version?

15 years ago

LOL Ultimadream!


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 4/6/2009 9:17:55 PM

15 years ago

I say throw it on the PSN since it's technically a remake of a PS1 title.

15 years ago

I understood what you meant the 1st time, i still doubt it, theres no need, i hope the games not poor due to being based off Wii's control design, motion sensor for everything in a game like this doesnt work.

the best use of Sixaxis ive seen is in Uncharted when by keeping balance while walking over a log. its nice for subtle things, but for major control elements,its really un-enjoyable.

but like i said before as its a PS2 game i doubt they will add a Sixaxis feature for PS3 players, that sounds rather complex and a waste of time tbh.

15 years ago

This better not suck. The first Silent Hill remains one of my top 5 favorite games for the PS1, and it would be like stomping the life out of me if this remake isn't good.

15 years ago

I'll get it for PS2, lol maybe they will bundle it with the cheaper PS2 for more sales.

15 years ago

Will try Gettin This On the Psp 😀

15 years ago

This link has two images…. i dont like the look of it, if thats Cybil im not impressed.

15 years ago

They've thought of remaking it exclusive on the PS3 instead.
The first part is a masterpiece, it deserves better than that!

15 years ago

Meh, I'd rather they focus on a New game rather than remaking one on the PS3, Homecoming didnt really feel like a current gen game…. visually or gamplay wise.It was awful. i dont want to see a game from Double Helix for a long time!

Oh btw the way, if you havent played Siren: Blood Curse, i heavely recommend it, it far surpasses any current gen horror title and is up to the standard of SH1-3, try it out.

15 years ago

Yeah siren is the way to go. SH on the Wii? would gamers buy it given that the Wii is a family console?

15 years ago


Well if it's good story/gameplay wise the graphics won't matter

Hoping it's a good entry to the franchise

15 years ago

H3ll yeah…. the first Silent Hill was one of the scariest games I've ever played. And it was way ahead of it time when it came out. Definitely one of my favorites….

The remake better do the game justice…. I'll probably get it on PS2 for my BC PS3….

Can't wait….

15 years ago

Fatal Frame 1 was THE scariest and creepiest horrer game that I've played. We need more games like that. Games today are more focused on little kids and not very scary. Take the newest SH:Homecoming, for example nothing scary about it.

Has anybody else Played any of the Fatal Frames??

15 years ago

This will be really awesome or really tragic depending on how it's handled. I wonder if Team Silent is doing this…I also wonder if Akira Yamaoka is doing the music, it wouldn't be Silent Hill without his music.