Sony seems to be gearing up for a major PSP blowout at E3 this year, and one can find the evidence in recent statements made by SCEA executives. They like to talk about the handheld's future, and many are expecting some big announcements come June.
We're all anticipating the unveiling of a new PSP iteration – either the PSP-4000 or the PSP 2, even though Sony continually denies the latter – and we figure the games are definitely flooding our way. PushSquare reminds us that several big titles were revealed in February ( Assassin's Creed , MotorStorm: Arctic Edge , LittleBigPlanet , etc.), and as we get closer to E3, more game announcements are in the hopper. SCEA's John Koller said:
"There's a lot of announcements coming up to E3 and particularly at E3. There's probably 50-60 percent of the lineup for the year that has not been announced and there's some big titles coming. So there's a lot of excitement on PSP."
We can't wait to see the portable gems that are scheduled to arrive within the next year or so, and there has never been a better time to be a PSP owner. Of course, if you aren't one yet, you may want to wait until E3 to see if a new model will hit store shelves for the holidays. You can better plan out your year, but the bottom line is that Sony is finally starting to push the PSP; they even admitted in the past that it had been "under-supported." Well, no more. Bring on the games!
Sony will prolly give us the name of the other 50% of the line-up and cut the price of the psp.
sounds really cool,we gonna be getting some nice games.Maybe seeing the new psp 4000.
I have a PSP-3000 and the screen is still not bright enough to use in a car…unless it's dark out.
Please let it be a PSP2 with second analog stick and twice as bright screen for outside use.
No portable device is going to have a screen that's bright enough in direct sunlight. Even the PSP-2000 isn't bad in daylight. Your 3000 model has to be better. Unless there's been a major efficiency break through in back lighting or a huge leap in battery capacity, don't expect a 4000 model to improve much on the 3000 in the screen brightness department.
^^^^ i agree as i would play my psp a lot more when my girfriend is doin her shoppin and im out in the car waitin for her, nothing more that i hate is tryin to play a game on the psp and tryin to find a dark shadow in the car to see the screen!
Hehe, word up.
I'm glad to see the PSP getting some love.
I want: a sliding touch screen with a QWERTY underneath, two analog thumb-sticks, at least a 20 gig HDD, better graphics, support for a office packet, option of using it as a 3G-phone (sim card slot)/wireless broadband capability (preferably the new 20mb/s), (at least) 1.3 mp camera built in, motion sensitive controller, HDMI out, and backwards compatibility.
Am I asking for too much? 😉
Not really actually that is a great idea, but that would be expensive a least $350.
hot damn! now that'd be a toy and a half, but it would surely cost a small fortune which wouldn't bode well with things the way they are right now. and b/c would require a UMD drive, which i really think sony should do away with in the next PSP incarnation.
dare to dream though… dare to dream 🙂
If your proposed system also comes with a organ grinder's monkey then I am in but with out it no dice sorry. Oh and no skimping on the outfit and hat either. I want the full package.
I want a million dollars
I know it's far fetched, but oh how sweet it would be.
And also, I forgot, throw in support for a stripped down version of photoshop. 😛
I ended up selling both of my PSP's believe it or not and will definitely grab another when the redesign or PSP2 hits… The games went south after FFVII:CC and GoW:CoO. I still need Patapon 2 and LocoRoco 2.
lets hope sony dont spend most of e3 talking about the psp because to be honest the ps3 is the flagship console of sony.i want loads of ps3 announcements.i do own a psp but i think sony should just announce ps3 stuff at E3.
lol i still have the 1st model, played FF8 on it today, its been a while, it was lush. I'm intruiged by the Resistance game and Motorstorm game also that Jak and Daxter game, bussiness may be picking up for the PSP finally
I'm thinking with all this new PSP support they won't be bothering with a PSP2 for awhile, but a PSP model with a second stick is more likely.
The addition of a second stick only supports one game genre, what a waste of time and effort that would be. Better for them to spend the $10-20 they'd save on the second stick on a second memory stick slot, or even an SD memory card slot in addition to the existing memory stick one.
Dissidia: Final Fantasy is my most anticipated game on the psp. i can't wait for that game.
I'm a PSP owner and this news comes hot on the weekend of the DSi's release. A handheld market I'm delving into thanks to an update on Nintendo's part. Going in with the mindset that the PSP is superior..
Yeah more games for the PSP!!!, Ive waited for this for a long time.
I had the orginal PSP gave it to my brother to use, i never used it. We'll see the line up and if anything catches my attention like a must have then i'll pick up another one.
Mini-Blu-Ray Drive anybody???
It does exist it just needs to be implemented.
yeah, that would be cool!
Oh goodie, another disc format for people to rag on. Digital distribution is the future for the PSP. It's likely to become ever closer to the PS3 with the PS3 offering a kind of mothership of PSP content, so that we don't have to try to squeeze everything into a single 8GB memory stick.
i think probebley psp2 or psp-4000!
Please, just give us some original titles. I can play Assassin's Creed, MotorStorm, and LittleBigPlanet on my PS3. That's not why I own a PSP.
I'd like to see the Remote Play via Internet work correctly and not have so many issues…I'd love to be able to access files on my PS3 from anywhere with wifi.
Sony just needs to FIX IT! 🙂
Oh and more PSP use in PS3 game features…like as a radar screen or something cool like that…although that is more for developers rather than Sony.
And games….lots of games.