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MotorStorm: Arctic Edge On PSP: “The Full MotorStorm Experience”

Everyone always talks about pushing the PlayStation 3 hardware, but let's not forget that the PSP is a very capable little handheld. The upcoming MotorStorm: Arctic Edge is really going to test the limits of Sony's portable!

According to a recent NowGamer interview with BigBig game director Richard Ogden, we still haven't seen everything the PSP is capable of, and Arctic Edge will be one of the first titles that really takes advantage of the machine's significant power. Said Ogden:

"MotorStorm: Arctic Edge really does push the machine. We’ve got more physics and damage and destruction going on than most other games on the system. As to whether there’s more that can be squeezed out; most definitely. We’ve been working with the hardware now for a good few years and we’re still finding ways that we can squeeze more out of it."

We know some of you are skeptical that a technically proficient PS3 series like MotorStorm could make an effective transition between the two very different platforms. But Ogden says you needn't be concerned, as the team will bring the "full MotorStorm experience" to PSP owners, and in fact, he says there "really aren't any major constraints when translating a PS3 game to PSP." He admits they have to lower the resolution textures and of course, they can't use as many polygons, but he promises it'll still "look great on a small screen."

Now, our big question is this: should consumers start paying more attention to the PSP, now that developers like BigBig may be starting to push the system to the limits of its capacity? I mean, look what Ready at Dawn did with God of War: Chains of Olympus …perhaps there's a lot more to be excited about in the PSP's future than some gamers would've imagined…

Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Arctic Edge

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15 years ago

Hmmm… that could be interesting… the engine must really push the PSP hard!


"i am home"

15 years ago

awesome somebody got to push the power of the psp, thats good psp is getting alot of support from developers.

15 years ago

Good news for the psp it looks like business is picking up. II have loco roco and resistance r, thats more games then II brought all last year for the psp. Ill prolly end up with about 7 games the way sony is supporting the psp this year. Motorstorm AE is another great addition to the psp catalog im sold on it.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Can't wait to play this one….Motorstorm is a ton-of-fun.

I have been blown away by some of the titles on the PSP now (as far as looks). Resistance Retribution and the Syphon Filter games to name a couple.

I hope more developers push the PSP, I feel it's a very capable portable gaming unit.

15 years ago

Consumers will stand up and look at the PSP if there are good, unique games on it. I don't think this necessarily means quality graphics, and while I'm sure BigBig's efforts to produce impressive visuals will attract attention and sales, the key in the long run will be whether they can create a desirable experience that you can only get on that platform.

I am happy the PSP is getting this kind of attention though.

15 years ago

This is the kind of game which really gets me interested in the psp again.

Chain of Olympus was enough(love that game!), but man this really makes me happy. Love Motorstorm, they really know how to capture racing in rough terrain to a whole new level, really fun stuff.

I hope this great support continues

15 years ago

It will fail can I really see more than 8 tracks I don't think so

15 years ago

I wish some version of all games would come out for the PSP. If more really good games came out for it I would buy a PSP.

Last edited by crawdaddy on 3/20/2009 9:32:34 PM

15 years ago

Can't wait for this one; I got Motorstorm the day I got my PS3 and I absolutely loved it; the visuals, the insanity, the air-time, the destruction.

It was orgasmic.

15 years ago

The psp seems to be a great handheld but I like being home to play games so this just makes me wish there was arctic dlc for pacific rift. Sounds like an awesome idea to me, they could make the 5th zone snow, a snowmobile class would prolly be a bit much tho.