The PSP can't really handle the all-encompassing worlds of Grand Theft Auto that appear on the PS2, but they do get the "Stories." You know, handheld versions of the popular console GTAs, like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories .
This being the case, wouldn't it stand to reason that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Stories would eventually come to the PSP? Well, we've got the first visual evidence of just such an occurrence, as reader Xeinix has stumbled across a HMV listing for the game , and it has PSP fans all excited. Anything GTA sells relatively well on any platform, so something like San Andreas Stories could really help to boost PSP sales. Furthermore, if our weekly poll is any indication, it seems as if the PS2 iteration is a big favorite – perhaps it has something to do with flying planes and jetpacks? – so let's relive all that in a slightly smaller world! We'll await official confirmation from the publisher on this issue, but we're going to label this rumor as 99% plausible. There's really no reason why they shouldn't come out with this game, and the timing seems to be about right. We won't have another next-gen GTA for a while yet, so the fans are gonna need something to keep their attention, right?
We'll let you know if and when Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Stories for the PSP is confirmed, or if we come across any additional evidence.
dang, i just sold my psp 🙁
why would u do that?
because its only good for GOW and GTA. nah, it's good, but DS has better software.
And Patapon. And Loco Roco. And Crisis Core. And FF: Dissida. And a number of decent RPGs.
The PSP not having games is another old argument, similar to the PS3, that I would like to see die.
As for the DS, most of its games are shovelware, much like most Wii games.
I love my psp aka mini nes/genesis machine
u got that mixed up. nintendo ds is aka mini nes/genesis.
no YOU got it mixed up. The psp is a mini genesis, ps1, game boy advance, nes, snes among many other things, since it has the ability to play games from all those systems
i considered it more of a portable ps2/gamecube. it does use the same disc as a gamecube?
or is the UMD different?
The UMD is way smaller than GameCube discs.
San Andreas doesn't need another story. The original wasn't very hot to begin with.
I should pop San Andreas into my PS3 and see if the software emulation can hack it.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/23/2009 11:09:20 PM
San Andreas works fine on the 60Gb model.
yes i want another GTA PSP!!!
I have all the GTA Stories for the PSP they're all awesome! I can't wait for this one.
Hey, neuro. You look like a lemming
Oh yeah! gta is the reason why I purchased a PSP back when it was released. So I could take gta anywhere – hell I played LCS for a couple of months after it's release until my PSP 1000 was stolen but now I have a 2000 and I'm jus' waiting for a 4000 model or SAS to come out, or which ever comes first.
Yo mustang, my Psp got stolen to…and to add insult to injury, it was during my aunt's wedding. I had 3 Umd movies and 4 games all convieniently placed in my carrying case along with the psp itself. I left the PSP in a back room nobody should have been in (in a church mind you) and when i came back an hour later, it was gone!!!
This is sweet news, Vice city stories was a sweet game. Gonna re-buy LCS and grab this if it ever comes out!
Sweet loved san andreas, favorite GTA, ready to get back to videogames greatest free roaming environment
I cannot wait to get this game too now! Argh, omg too many damn games coming this year…'s hurting my wallet big time, I guess I'll have to get this used or when it gets cheap i guess….
San Andreas was probobly the best game next to Vice City. If this is true, I will buy a psp for this game.
i hated Vice City Stories, all thoughs little bussiness's kept on getting in the way of the game. it was annoying, loved Liberty City Stories though. but to be honest i doubt i'd get GTA:SAs I've gone of the series now to be honest.
Totally agree, although I cannot wait for GTA SAS! Here's hoping it's nothing like VCS.
looks like I'll have to buy a new PSP if this is true…my PSP1000 broke years ago…
I want the 4000 though
Is it fit to 1.5 GB UMD disc?????
This was proven false within a couple of hours. Click the description they even say its not coming, but wishful thinking. Also been listed since 2007.
what intruiges me is that someone went to the effort of design the boxart, but just used thesame images on the original San Andreas box art… but it is weird that it appeared on the HMV sit eif anything.
Dang… I would Buy this if it came out. Sucks that I sold my psp 🙁
I don't think this is true…because the images in the HMV cover are from the San Andreas cover…and the Stories images are usually different…it's my take on it anyway, believe what you want.
i think kotaku already called this a dreamer's wish (that did not come true)
yeh, HMV… i posted the link on another comment on a different page! meaning i was the first too know, yey! but really, i have known about this for at least 3 months!
im going to repair my psp right now
cool and with the recent announcement of motorstorm: artic edge (for PSP and PS2 coming late 2009), assasin's creed portable, and LBP for PSP, once again, things are looking bright for 2009.
I play quite a lot of games on my PSP, not as much as on my PS3 or 360.
I never tried vice city stories, but I love Liberty city stories and still play it all the time. BRING ON SAN ANDREAS!!!