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PSP-4000 Confirmed For December?

While Sony continues to categorically deny the existence of a PSP 2, at least they're willing to acknowledge the fact that a new iteration of the handheld is not only possible, but probable. Therefore, many sources have been attempting to uncover early rumored details concerning the PSP-4000.

Well, according to VG247 , which claims to have an inside source that has confirmed details and an estimated release date, the PSP-4000 should arrive in December of this year. It will also boast the much-rumored sliding front-screen (pictured over at the site; follow the previous link), and the inside source calls the PSP-4000 a "complete aesthetic overhaul." They expect it to be announced at either GDC or E3 this year, but not surprisingly, Sony refuses to confirm or deny anything regarding a new version of their portable unit. At this point, one can almost expect a new PSP every year, and each time a fresh entry arrives, Sony sees a sales spike for the handheld. Of course, they could always generate more spikes by releasing awesome software between now and then, but it's no secret that sleek new gadgets always appeal to the North American masses. Hopefully, Sony will make the PSP-4000 announcement at some point, so we can at least report on something besides rumor and "inside sources."

As for the PSP 2, that idea remains clouded in shadow. One recent update is that Sony may be testing for a new piece of hardware, and that it has connectivity with the PlayStation 3, but that's hardly enough evidence. We'll keep you posted, though.

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15 years ago

Cool! But im gonna wait for a PSP to come out that includes 2 Analog sticks

15 years ago

If you look at the pic of the Psp, you will see 2 analog sticks.

15 years ago

the image on VG247 looks interesting I guess even though its an old image.
I've had my PSP since launch and I only use it when I go on holiday, so I'm not too fussed about this one really.

MSB 007
MSB 007
15 years ago

pendulum are sh!t compared to the prodigy

and yes i cant wait to get this psp

Last edited by MSB 007 on 2/23/2009 5:20:44 PM

15 years ago

I wonder if it looks like the handheld thats on PS Home? Cuz I remember it was suppost to be a psp but they had changed it for some reason.?!

15 years ago

I'm cool wit my psp 2000

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

@FeyeR the picture has two analogs at the bottom.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

That thing looks AMAZING! I want one now!!! Homebrew on that = WIN

15 years ago

So its compatible with all prior PSP software? Also, can it read UMDs?

Last edited by ZubraZap on 2/23/2009 1:06:50 PM

15 years ago

The image would suggest so.

15 years ago

well i have 2 psp phats on cfw and if this psp series comes out with a sliding screen and two analog sticks im gettin it regardless even if it doesnt run homebrew cuz it looks awesome i cant wait to get it

15 years ago

I had this picture ages ago from google image ripper
type in PSP concepts and theres lots of other cool ones too. theres another of those pics with GT5 and ratchet and clank

15 years ago

Crossbar ftw.

15 years ago

hmm the pic looks good but again, VG247? nvr heard of this site, so I don't trust it.

15 years ago

well this could be a lie, or not. if it's true i might take a look, but i might just stick with my DS.

15 years ago

Truly Realeasing a new PSP every seasom could bE A VERY GOOD THING FOR SONY, seeing as how Apple dose theexact same for the IPOD and it continues to sell a TON i wouldn't mind. Yes im getting tired of so many diffrent PSP's but as long as they continue to sell well and warrent the PSP2 to become finalized im happy.

15 years ago

First off, the damn thing looks ugly. What, is this supposed to be a PSP/GB:SP fusion. They might as well call it a damn PSP2. This brings me to my second statement. Why the hell are they starting to release a new PSP system every year. They're slowly but surely becoming like apple with all these new "versions." They should stop worrying about hardware and focus more on software being that there's still a huge lack in "GREAT" PSP titles. Lastly, this truly shows Sony's loyalty to their mainstream fan. They should realize that in these economic hardships, people just don't have the money to throw down another $200 for an "updated" version that essentially does the same thing and even if I had it I still wouldn't buy it. Maybe if they had better support for the PSP and better online service, than they wouldn't need to dish out a new one each you to entice the loyalist to get a new one.

15 years ago

I'd wait for an official release from Sony on this one. Too many times have sites had supposed "inside info" only to have it knocked down as being a fake. Im still waiting to see if they are going to announce the PSP 2 at all soon. But if this turns out to be true, then they'd have to do something different than just adding a little new feature for me to consider buying it.

15 years ago

wow, the 1 at the link looks amazing! im getting it for christmas! that is of course, if it comes out…. and also, if that is the design of it, im really glad that sony have chosen to change thier old design route… it was getting quite boring lol!

15 years ago

What's up with deleting my comment with a link to an awesome pic of a fantasy PSP?

Google "iWish" to see what I pray the 4000 model will look like!

King James
King James
15 years ago

Sooooo….guess I'm holding off on buying a psp until E3 and GDC is over.

15 years ago

well, i guess I'll hold off replacing my PSP for now…

Bandit King
Bandit King
15 years ago

If it looks anything like the sliding screen mock up from a while back I am sold. I love my PSP, for me it's hands down the best handheld available and IMO the true successor to the GBA.

15 years ago

Does anyone else see the two analog sticks on this or am I imagining stuff? lol

15 years ago

I would like that with a flip instead of a slider so i could feel more safe about it in a bag or in my pocket

15 years ago

A flip would make it look too much like the DS.

15 years ago

Yeah, I still have one of those original PSP-1000's they're awesome. My bro has a PSP-2000, but I like the 1000 better, it's phatter so yeah, awesome.

A slider would be a tyte idea!

15 years ago

". . .each time a fresh [PSP] arrives, Sony sees a sales spike for the handheld. Of course, they could always generate more spikes by releasing awesome software between now and then. . ."

Sony worked there ass off to promote the PSP among developers after the sales dropped off. According to somewhere I can't remember, Sony went on a 9 month roadshow trying to convince developers to make games for the PSP. Sony claims to have had success and now that the PSP is now selling well developers (including Ready At Dawn, among others) are starting to develop for the PSP again. So just be patient Ben.

15 years ago

1 thing that does annoy me is all these negative reports about the psp is going down cuz of the lack of software. and compares it to the cheap low budget 'lets make quick bucks' games on the nintendo ds.

game informer magazine (march,2009) gave locoroco2 the handheld game of the month award.

brave:warriors tale, resistance retribution, samurai showdown anthology, dynasty warriors:strikeforce, are just a sample of games coming out for the psp in march.

psp also showed a significant increase in sales last mid 2008 with games like final fantasy crisis core and the launch of the newer versions of the psp.

so how is the psp doing bad? even in sales.. its 2nd place.

15 years ago

Maybe I'll finally retire my old first gen psp.
or I'll get this and downgrade my old one to run old snes games

15 years ago

I was going to purchase a PSP 3000. I will wait to see what the PSP 4000 design will look like; I am sure pictures will be available a few months before launch… if I really don't like it; I will get a PSP 3000 cheap when shops want to clear stock 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

Sony should ask the gamers on what they would like 2 C on the new psp2. I liked the handheld GoW was Awesome I just wish n i believe im not the only one here that would want 2 C the 2 analoge joysticks n 2-3mm higher thumb feel cramped up after a while. Lots of possibilitys just look at the Iphone n the new Ds and Nvidia is suppose 2 come out w a portable device 1st is 720p resolution n the 2nd is 1080i the thing is fast n so smooth it ran Quake 2 like nothn glitch free n online, dam.

15 years ago

Man…use more puncuation or something.

15 years ago

a new year… a new psp…

15 years ago

I hope I get my dual analog sticks, L1-3 & R1-3 buttons, and my touch screen on this new PSP