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Resistance: Retribution Goes Gold

Last year, the PSP got its two best games – Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and God of War: Chains of Olympus – before March had ended, and this year, it seems we'll be getting another hotly anticipated in that same time frame.

Resistance: Retribution is scheduled to launch in the last week of March and that release date is now solidified, as it has been announced that the very promising third -person action title has gone gold. As revealed over at the official PlayStation blog , the game went gold "last week," and the Sony Bend studio is all primed and ready to show off some media. Right there in that post on the blog is a video, and if you follow the link below it, IGN has even more for your eager eyes. We probably don't need to remind you again, but despite taking its name from the stellar PlayStation 3-exclusive FPS, Retribution on the PSP is a third-person action game. Considering the handheld's difficulty with handling FPSs, most consider this a good move. Furthermore, if you own a PS3 and Resistance 2 , you can link up the two systems to unlock more cool stuff in the latter title. In short, there are more than a few reasons to be excited for this portable Resistance ; it's the first really huge PSP game of 2009.

Some big franchises do very well in the handheld universe; just look at last year's Chains of Olympus . Even though the PSP doesn't have the power of a home console, it's still a very capable little unit, and something like Resistance: Retribution could turn out very well.

Related Game(s): Resistance: Retribution

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15 years ago

I'm getting this game day 1 now only if sony can keep pushing out games like this II will have more reason to play my psp.

15 years ago

Guys, are there any rumors of a Retribution Bundle? I've been itching for a PSP and that would put me over the top to drop 200 bones.

15 years ago

They havent announced any bundles yet but that would make since to have a resistance bundle wit a 4gb memory pro stick

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I haven't heard anything about a Resistance bundle, but I imagine they'll do one. It's a perfect opportunity.

15 years ago

Wait its not going to be easy to play with the missing second analog stick and any other button would be really baaad

15 years ago

You can play it with the dualshock 3

15 years ago

But as in if you dont got R2 on PS3 then wat do you do
people arent gonna buy R2 so they can play RR

15 years ago

I think they changed the controls to accommodate the lack of the right stick.

15 years ago

You don't need R2 to use the dualshock on the psp all R2 does is turn RR into infected mode when you connect the 2 of them.

15 years ago

hmmm. I dont have a PSP but if i did id probs miss this. Shooters just dont go with PSP's IMO

15 years ago

You obviously missed out on the Siphon Filters.

15 years ago

Trust me, this game is amazing. I've got the demo on my PSP and played through it soooooo many times already. The controls are solid enough and easy to get used to. I've gone into infected mode and it is also pretty darn cool. You look more like a Chimera when infected, and you also unlock the Magnum from R2 and also you regenerate health. I've pre-ordered this game, getting it delivered day 1. If you are still unsure, get yourself a European PSN account. The demo is available for a free download on there. XD

15 years ago

@ compton's finest you do need R2 to use the DS3

15 years ago

Oh okay II didnt know that but II got R2 lol.

15 years ago

Find me a way to play it through the PS3 on my big TV and ill get it!

15 years ago

I know you can jack in the component cables for the PSP slim into an HD TV, but as for through the PS3, I don't think you can do that.

15 years ago

I've been on the fence about this game, so I may wait a while and see what people have to say about it. I guess I'll go gather info and watch some videos on it or something. The little bit that I have seen looks very promising, though.

15 years ago

I think it'll be good, but the psp really needs 2 joysticks.