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PSP Sell-In Tops 50 Million Worldwide

Everyone loves to talk about how the PSP is struggling – go ahead and search all the doom and gloom articles – but Sony simply maintains its dedication to the handheld and, as a result, is able to release some pretty decent numbers.

Today, Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that the "cumulative worldwide sell-in units of the PSP (PSP-1000, 2000, and 3000 series) reached a total of 50 million units as of January 2009." If you've already forgotten, the first PlayStation portable system launched in December 2004 in Japan, March 2005 in North America, May 2005 in the Asian region, and September 2005 in Europe/PAL territories. As you just saw, the PSP has gone through three iterations thus far, and during that time, the unit got slimmer, lighter, and was outfitted with a better LCD screen. Plenty of new features have been added as well, including Skype, a built-in microphone, and PlayStation Network access, and let's not forget about its connectivity with the PlayStation 3. As far as software goes, there are now more than 2,000 titles available worldwide, "with cumulative software sell-in units reaching 200 million to date." That Network access lets you log on to the Store and pick up downloadable games, too; there are now over 500 titles available for purchase online (like those awesome PS1 classics). Sony foresees more sales and better performance in the future, so here's hoping 2009 turns out to be another great year.

There was a time when the PSP couldn't touch the Nintendo DS, but it has now outsold the DS in Japan many times – mostly thanks to Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G – and 2008 was the unit's best year to date. Our guess is…this thing isn't going anywhere. Could still use more software, though!

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16 years ago

proud to be one of them,bring on resistance

16 years ago

my g/f got me a psp 2000 for christmas, and i love the little thing, comes in handy and in my opion miles better than the ds ( which my g/f has ) as i think touch screen is well overated.

The lack of software hasnt botherd me yet as theres quite alot of backtracking to do with the games that might of been out a while, plus the thing is a mini ps1, so theres millions of classics that can go on their as well, like gran turismo 2 i currently have on their… just brilliant little thing

16 years ago

I had a DS until I lost it one drunken night. The DS served it purpose (was doing a lot of traveling and the DS/iPod combo was a good thing). I respect the PSP, but honestly I want simple games on the go (definitely not GTA). Even the DS doesn't offer enough of this (more Mario 2D). But that card that you can put all the games on is sweet. I will probably never own a PSP, but they are cool.

16 years ago

I hear cell phones are pretty good for simple games on the go 🙂

16 years ago

I can't wait for monster hunter freedom unite. I'm going to spend a *lot* of time on that one.

16 years ago

It may have less software but at least the PSP has better quality software. The DS has a lot of great games but also a lot of shovelware. I'd still want a DS over a PSP, simply because I'm jealous of my niece having a DS and being completely addicted to it.

16 years ago

That's a good milestone for the psp even though the software is lacking right now on the flipside II just picked up loco roco 2 a few days ago its very addicting plus reisitance a be out in another month keep the psp games coming and we could be talking bout maybe 70 million sold at the end of this year.

16 years ago

Personally PSP can't compete with the Tetris, Mario Kart, New Mario trio. In fact they haven't even tried, just tried shoving more GTA down our throats. I really don't know enough about the PSP, but I love Sony, and they haven't given me a reason (yet) to buy one. I love God of War, but on the go…maybe. I can be persuaded though. It's up to you Sony.

16 years ago

there's a resistance: retribution demo up on the european psn. i'm actually playing it right now… good stuff.

16 years ago

graphics on the demo were sharp, this game looks good (for a psp game) maybe not quite as good as GoWCoO but it does look good.

Sound in general was solid, I like the return to narrated still shots progressing the story.

my one gripe (and it's minor) is the aiming. I felt the 'snap on' aiming was a bit unpredictable. My intended target wasn't always the one selected, and since there isn't a way to switch targets once it's locked i found myself shooting at a drone 50 feet away while a chimera soldier stood 2 feet away and shot the hell out of me.

however, you can switch to manual aiming, so i can't complain too much.

overall pretty solid. I haven't been excited for a psp game for a while now, but this makes me hunger for the full release

16 years ago

Well i did my part plus some, I got the Phat Black Psp for christmas 2005, then bought the Phat White Summer 2006,then the silver Slim Fall 2007, then got the Slim Blue Summer 2008, and now i gonna get the Green slim 🙁

16 years ago

I love Sony's handheld…simply love it! I've got the orginal PSP, the 2000 and the 3000, all of which still work. Although the 3000 basically only improved the screen and added a mic, I gotta say worth the money for the updates. I agree that they NEED software though. I downloaded the Resistance: Retribution demo, and it is awesome! I've pre-ordered the whole game, cannot wait to infect it :P. As for the DS (which i also own) it has a few titles which must be played, but I stand by my only reason to purchase one…Pokemon wasn't being made on gameboy anymore :P. Other than that it's PSP all the way!!

16 years ago

Congratz for the PSP! I still have my original 1000 series (the Fat PSP) from 2007, and it looks like as if I just bought it yesterday.

I have 40+ games on it, almost the same number of PS2 games (60+) lol

If there is a PSP2, I don't really want touch-screen, because as someone's comment I read said, it's overrated and there's already too many devices that support it. To be Honest, touch-screen is fun, but too much of it in my opinion, it's going to be a gimmick, but not anytime soon.

Does anyone kind of feel that way like I do, or am I the minority?

Last edited by Victor321 on 2/15/2009 5:43:16 PM

16 years ago

My phone is a touch screen and it doesn't even work half the time (the Samsung Glyde from Verizon). In my opinion the next PSP should have a touch screen BUT there should be a way to turn it on or off. Maybe it could be used when in the XMB or on the internet but Sony should stick with buttons and joysticks when it comes to the games because every time I play a DS (I hate them but sometimes my friend insists that I try his DS) I get so busy touching the bottom screen that I get slaughtered on the top screen 🙂

16 years ago

I hope everyone sees the truth about systems like the DS and Wii. People should stop buying them and stick with the PSP and the PS3.