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Pre-Order Resistance: Retribution, Play Demo Two Months Early

PSP owners shouldn't be entirely removed from the stellar Resistance series, so prepare yourselves for Resistance: Retribution , which was unveiled at last year's E3. And just to satisfy all you impatient gamers out there, Sony is giving you a chance to play it nearly two months before its retail release!

According to the official PlayStation blog , those who pre-order the promising shooter from Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, or Game Crazy will receive a voucher that gives them access to the Resistance: Retribution demo. This early demo will boast single-player gameplay, plus the option to sample Resistance Connect with the Infected mode and Resistace: Retribution Plus. If you weren't already aware, this game can connect with the recently released Resistance 2 for the PlayStation 3, and for connectivity instructions, head on over to the blog. There's also a few new pictures and the links to pre-order pages at the aforementioned retailers (the Best Buy pre-order page "will be coming up at the end of January"). Although initial feedback wasn't good, the team has had time to polish things up, and we have high hopes for the final product. Besides, the PSP could certainly use a blockbuster release to help push sales; the handheld won't be getting stuff like Killzone 2 , and more puzzlers (as good as they might be) won't increase hardware sales much.

We'll see if we can scrounge up more details on Resistance: Retribution over the next few months, and if it delivers the goods, it's just another reason to own Sony's sleek portable unit.

Related Game(s): Resistance: Retribution

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16 years ago

I get the feeling I'm closing in on the end of Resistance 2. Sorry I don't have a PSP but is it powerful enough for a Resistance spinoff? I spose insomniac has more tricks up their sleeve.

16 years ago

I really hope this game is good. I need another good game for my psp!

16 years ago

thing is, at least this dev is making an effort. and that's what i like to see. just a shame i don't hav a psp. don't really want one. not enough decent games. Ds is better handheld by far.

16 years ago

When is this coming to teh UK anyway, ive heard nothing.

16 years ago

This is quite a saddening trend. Demos are supposed to convince people who haven't yet decided to buy a game to, well, buy it. Not for people who were going to get the game anyway.

Last edited by LividFiction on 1/18/2009 11:01:23 AM

16 years ago

I agree. This makes no sense to me at all.