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Attention Square-Enix: Your PSP Titles Are Doing Quite Well

So far this generation, it's hard to give Square-Enix the benefit of the doubt if you're a PlayStation fan. They say it's just a matter of "Westward expansion," but shouldn't that just include the addition of games for the Xbox 360 rather than the subtraction of games for the PS3? And what about the PSP?

According to a recent analysis done by FinalFantasyUnion, we learn that earlier in 2008, 45% of all titles Square-Enix had in development were destined for the Nintendo DS, while only 17% were for the PSP. Now, that does make plenty of sense, especially considering the huge installed user base of Nintendo's handheld. However, Square-Enix might want to rethink their focus, as the sales numbers prove that Final Fantasy titles oftentimes fare better on the PSP than they do on the DS. Obviously, the most successful DS title tops the most successful PSP title in terms of sheer numbers – again, due to the user base difference – but the PSP titles clearly sell more during their opening week. And there's a good point brought up about the new Final Fantasy Tactics titles: while the PSP one was basically just a port of the original PlayStation version, the DS got an all-new FFT…and as of now, they've sold about the same number of copies.

And now that Dissidia: Final Fantasy has released with a big splash in Japan (or so we've heard), we're starting to wonder: shouldn't Square-Enix notice this trend and put a little more emphasis on the PSP? Yeah, you'll ultimately sell more copies on the DS, but if you support the PSP a little more, maybe that user base gap won't be so big…right?

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16 years ago

Hopefully Final Fantasy Agito (?) XIII will be good, even though most of their focus is on Regular XIII and Versus.

King James
King James
16 years ago

Agito should push the PSP further than FF7: Crisis Core. I applaud Square Enix for this Fabula Nova Crystallis project. That's about all I applaud them for though.

16 years ago

square has lost so much respect from gamers this past year, i wonder if they will ever clue into that. im still hesitant to buy ff13 but wkc looks awsome. i watched the videos they got up on gametrailers and it looks sweet.

King James
King James
16 years ago

I miss SquareSoft and Square. I don't know about this Square-Enix company…I don't trust 'em!

(In a country accent) And what in tar-nation is an Enix, anyway?!

Last edited by King James on 1/1/2009 11:05:04 PM

16 years ago

i think SE is just playstation haters now period

16 years ago

enix will follow the money. if the money's at the PSP, thats where they'll go.

16 years ago

I dont see how PSP owners can complain at SE, They've released Crisis Core which was amazing, Dissidia is on the way, and FFXIII:Agito will be eventually, + theres the Tactics game (i wasnt fond of that TBH) And FFI AND FFII remakes. Thats 6 titles. How can you lot still moan!

16 years ago

u are totally right!

but maybe ppl are also considering the final fantasy titles like the ds version of ff12 which is a epilogue story game.

and other games like crono trigger or the kingdom hearts(ds) being released only on the ds while psp is neglected.

SE has more than just final fantasy franchise.

(sorry i dont know the exact full names of these games becuz i am not a ds person)

Last edited by kreate on 1/2/2009 4:02:58 AM

16 years ago

I love crisis core so much I just bought a FFVII 10th Anniversary psp on ebay. I'm so fu**ing excited about it!

But if square could keep up with the psp love they have given us, they will certianly be rewarded. And who knows, maybe other companies will see that the psp is still a huge factor in the gaming market. We can only hope.

16 years ago

And Agito will probably have to be ported to some new Microsoft handheld P.O.S.

16 years ago

never =)