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Ready At Dawn Rethinking Decision To Drop PSP Development?

Although there have been many unbelievable titles in 2008, we really can't forget about the PSP; God of War: Chains of Olympus is easily one of the year's best, and we can all thank Ready at Dawn for such an excellent handheld action experience.

Unfortunately, not long after the game released, the capable developer said they'd be moving on and focusing on other projects that didn't involve the PSP. However, as GamerCenterOnline points out, 2 of the top 5 PSP titles on Amazon in the last week were developed by Ready at Dawn. The team recognized this and issued a little message, saying "maybe we should reconsider this whole 'no more PSP games' thing because we seem to be doing pretty good at it." Remember, these guys posted on their official site that they were "officially done with PSP development," but then again, why look a gift horse in the mouth? You've proven you can make a fantastic handheld game, the consumers have responded, and instead of risking the potentially problematic console waters, why not stick with a winning formula? Besides, the PSP could really use the help, and we have no doubt that gamers wouldn't frown at another God of War portable installment. Ready at Dawn could do something else, too; there are plenty of possibilities, right? While "bigger and better" is the name of the game, sometimes "better" can be found in smaller packages…

So what's your take? This may come down to Ready at Dawn fielding a lot of consumer feedback and then making a decision, so perhaps your words will be heard (or seen; whatever). Do you think these guys should return to PSP development and help out a bit? Or should they stick with their plan of moving on into PS3/360/Wii land?

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16 years ago

They should so make a second God of War for PSP.

16 years ago

Daxter and GoW:CoO were some of my favorite games out on the PSP (Monster Hunter trumps them both only barely). I really hope they keep the talent there, cuz I need a reason to pick up my PSP again…

16 years ago

uhh aren't they working on resistance retribution, just wondering.

16 years ago

That's Insomniac.

16 years ago

no. Sony Bend is making retribution. They are the ones that made the two syphon filter games on psp.

Last edited by SHADOW on 12/14/2008 10:45:18 PM

16 years ago

I just figured Insomniac made Retribution because they obviously made the console version, and the teams would have a harder time sorting out the PS3-PSP cross compatibility stuff coming from a different developer.

16 years ago

I hope they stay with PSP.

16 years ago

PSP users have been greatful to Ready at Dawn by producing God of war for the PSP and sales numbers have shown that. Maybe Ready at Dawn should reward the PSP users with a new game. Help boost the PSP software

16 years ago

Dont have a psp yet but I want to get one in time for that new parasite eve thats coming out next year

16 years ago

Their port of Okami was decent. Not without issues, but decent. I'm sure their hands were tied with the project. I was hoping they would be able to take some of their new knowledge and put it to some original IP.

16 years ago

The should make the sequel to Heavenly Sword…

16 years ago

I dont know why they wouldnt ontinue making psp games, they obviousley have great talent doing so. I'm sure they made a lot of money with the games they made.

The psp really needs more good games. I wish they would stick with it and show other developers that the psp ins't dead, and that good games and good money can still be had.

16 years ago

they better stay with sony period.

no multiplatform!

16 years ago

I hope they keep up the psp development. I also hope they happen upon this website so they know they will have lots of happy customers!

16 years ago

They're good at PSP development as they have proven. More original games will help PSP and devloping games on PSP is more cost effective. I think They'll be good for PSN games too.