Who can resist a good rumor? Especially one that involves quite possibly the single most important PlayStation 3 exclusive yet?
You've heard this rumor before, but it was quickly shot down by Media Molecule. This time, however, EGM's Quartermann claims an inside source has revealed the existence of more downloadable content for LittleBigPlanet along with – get ready for it – a PSP version. The specific quote in question says- "The LBP universe will also continue to evolve next year with the release of the PSP version: Q-Mann hears it's fantastically ambitious and will further flesh out the PS3 LBP experience." Well, Sony has said from the start they want to bring SackBoy and Co. to as many gamers as humanly possible, and this is the second or third time we've heard the rumor. Usually, when something like this pops up repeatedly, there's at least some truth to the idea. Perhaps by the end of the year, Media Molecule will come forward with the truth, and perhaps that truth will make the handheld fans very happy.
On another subject, now that this developer has made a big splash with a wonderfully well-received and innovative title, many gamers are wondering about any future projects they may have planned. And the vague comment in response to this is-
"And what's next for Media Molecule? Suitors are lining up at their door, and we hear they'd like to bring their revolutionary concepts to a new genre – possibly online role-playing games."
So what do you think? What should Media Molecule try? And will they bring LBP – or a version of it, at least – to the PSP?
Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet
Littlebigplanet ftw!!
A psp version would rock, definetly would get it on day one
"Usually, when something like this pops up repeatedly, there's at least some truth to the idea."
In that same vein, I'm very much enjoying playing the FFVII remake right now. I'm glad they decided to support the 360's Blu-Ray drive.
… I don't actually have anything relevant to add. (Fix the forum!)
Heh. We're working on it.
i bought LBP last week and i think the game is so boring.. it has endless tutorials. i hate them.if u think i dont own the game, add me on PSN-xlx-russ_92 just to make sure.
Damnit, I love this game.
Give it another chance. It's so addicting trying to collect all the stuff and playing other people's worlds online. The Mirror's Edge and Metal Gear Sacklid worlds are some of the good ones I've tried.
i will give it a chance after i get atleast 90% of the trophies in R2. plus i bought Motorstorm 2 and the game feels so much different than the first one.
I really hope they decide to do something like this. If they did I imagine they would have some kind of PSP/PS3 connectivity like they plan for R2 and retribution. That would be cool. Hopefully it will be on my american released Dissidia PSP. x(crosses fingers)x
@war kid,
The tutorials at the beginning do move a little slow, but once you get past them it is a lot of fun. there have not been many platformers out lately, but I thought it was a little refreshing to see one.
On an off-topic note, I just finished Resistance 2 and the ending is WILD!
yep, i finished the game 2 days ago.Ending was awesome. I love jedi powers at the end.
Last edited by WaR_HaWk on 11/14/2008 2:54:29 AM
lbp on psp! i hope they really working on this.
If you watch all the tutorials including the videos you unlock a trophy I have heard.
LBP just lends itself to portable play. I'd say this one is fo sho.
Having LBP on PSP might even sell more PS3s. When you think of how many people have PSPs, then them playing it and seeing how great it is, that may then entice them to buy a PS3 to play it on that.