By now, PSP owners should've already downloaded the great firmware update 5.00, which features the long-awaited direct access to the PlayStation Store. However, many important upgrades need a bit of tweaking down the road, and 5.00 is no different.
Hence, according to the official PlayStation blog, we're going to get update 5.01 "soon," and it will address a specific problem caused by firmware 5.00. Apparently, when downloading content from the Store with an 8GB or 16GB Memory Stick Duo, an error message can pop up, saying there isn't sufficient space for saving. So if this happened to you and there were many gigs left over on your Memory Stick, you were probably confused and a bit irritated. However, firmware update 5.01 will remedy this issue, so there's no need to worry. For the most part, 5.00 really did go off without a hitch – save this one significant problem – and most handheld owners are currently reveling in the fact they can log on to the Store with their PSP. Previously, one needed a PlayStation 3 to access the Store, which meant it was a time-consuming process to download PSP content on the PS3 and then transfer it to the portable. But hey, we're advancing with every passing day this generation, right?
If you can spot any other issues caused by firmware 5.00, feel free to tell us about them, but after 5.01 releases, everything should be fine. We'll let you know when Sony is prepared to deliver the fix-it update.
I'm sick of using remote play just to watch you-tube on the freakin' device. I didn't even know that they made a 16gb. memory stick. How much do they cost Ben?
The 16gb memory stick is by Sony and is 200 Bucks.
It's on Amaz*n right now for $106. Also, San Disk has their own version, but it's more expensive.
Last edited by Kiengo on 10/22/2008 11:43:23 AM
I still only have a 1 GB memory stick 😛
1 gb power
Last edited by Jon15 on 10/22/2008 5:45:54 PM
Well I guess it's good I can't update my psp. Otherwise I think I would be frustrated and confused lol. Just got my 16gb mem stick the other day but cannot connect to the internet seeing that I have no wireless off campus =( Going home this weekend tho so I might end up screwing it up if either the patch does not release soon or I forget, haha.
Last edited by Daedusian on 10/22/2008 9:13:26 PM