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More Classic FF Characters To Be Confirmed For Dissidia?

Although we never got any groundbreaking PS3 announcements from Square-Enix this year, we did get the incredible Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII , and Dissidia: Final Fantasy is coming up fast.

For those of you who remember the golden age of RPGs, there may be a few soon-to-be-revealed Dissidia characters that'll kick your nostalgia into full gear. As Final Fantasy Union points out, Nikkei's TrendyNet recently conducted an interview with Dissidia 's senior director, Ken Arawaka, and he dropped some interesting names. Apparently, we haven't heard about all the FF characters to be included in the PSP title; the likes of Terra, Bartz and yes, even Cloud will be featured in the flashy, fast-action handheld experience. The game is on tap for the Tokyo Game Show this week, so that's when we expect to hear the confirmation; Arawaka did say there would be "6 playable characters" in the event demo. It'll be playable, too – as well it should be, by this time – which means we might get some gameplay feedback from attendees soon after TGS has concluded. Of course, this isn't the same as hearing that Terra and Cloud will have a secret romance in the Final Fantasy VII sequel, but we'll take what we can get.

We've already accumulated more than a few videos of the game, so if you missed 'em, feel free to peruse our frequently updated PSP videos . Remember, Dissidia: Final Fantasy isn't really an RPG; it's actually closer to a crazy action/fighting game, from what we can see.

Related Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy

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16 years ago

I hope it's true, that is really shaping up to be a good game.

16 years ago

Yeah, the style of gameplay kinda reminds me of Power Stone a little, without the pickups, which is why I'm psyched!

16 years ago

Come on Square-Enix, show Balthier already 🙂

I'm still not sold on this game

There's still too much mystery on how good the gameplay is. That and then there's the lack of characters, it'll get repetitive if they don't add more characters.

16 years ago

Yeah Balthier had style man!

16 years ago

You guys realized these Japanese characters all look alike.From this Cloud to Tidus to Vaan…..with DMC, Dante in dmc3 to Nero…..with beat-em-ups,from Jin Kazama to virtua fighter's Akira…..alright well these handsome guys make the game look attractive though(no homo!)

But they should try i would not say…ugly guys but not too handsome(intermediate),like Niko Bellic,Tommy,CJ n is it Cloud,at least the American devs make protagonists look different.

Handsome/Pretty protags are not a bad thang but balance the meal…if u naaa mean!

16 years ago

I hear you, that's why I never really care 'bout main characters in FFs(Tidus being the exception).

But yeah Square-Enix is really the biggest curprit here. Though yeah it's a common thing in animes and all that stuff.

US Devs fall into the same problems, but they have a bit more variety(barely). Rockstar is really the only company doing a good job in terms of having different kinds of characters.

And yeah I also noticed that in this game all the FF main characters have the same kind of face, it's really bothersome on the eyes lol…

16 years ago

What about MGS4? Konami is a Jap developer, and their characters look different. Square seems to make their characters based on Japanese people, so thats why it seems they "look alike."

16 years ago

YES!!! cloud will be in it!!… although i new he would be but its about time he was confirmed

16 years ago

Not gonna be for me, but I'm a FF nerd for the RPGs. I'm still angry at SE, but loyal to the series. Lets all hope this works out a little better than Erghiez eh?