Initially, Final Fantasy XIII Agito was only announced for the mobile platform, which instantly sucked all the excitement out of the project. Let's face it; the hardcore gamers are playing their games on a PSP or DS and not a freakin' phone. But things got a lot more interesting when Square-Enix revealed last month at their private party event that Final Fantasy XIII Agito would also be coming to the PSP.
This means Sony's handheld will receive yet another top-quality RPG (we presume), but at the same time, we strongly suggest you seek your role-playing fix elsewhere for the time being. According to Kotaku, character designer Tetsuya Nomura says that while Agito is "currently running on PSP hardware and spitting out new screenshots," the finished product is a long ways off. …a long, long ways off. In fact, in speaking with Japanese publication Dengeki, Nomura says we shouldn't expect the game until after both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are done and out the door. Clearly, it takes time to develop three potential blockbuster titles all at once, but even so, PSP owners are going to have quite the extended wait for Final Fantasy XIII Agito . Not to worry, though; Square-Enix still has plenty in the hopper for the DS, and besides, for a true FF experience, don't you wanna play on a next-gen console?
If anything new pops up for Agito over the next few months, we'll be sure to let you know about it, but…well, we won't be looking too hard. This news basically means we can put the game on the back burner and leave it there for a good long time.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII Agito
If Final Fantasy XIII is out around spring/summer in 2009 in japan then maybe it will be like 4 to 6 month wait for the Euro and NA release. Then Versus XIII get released early 2010 in Japan then few months later in Europe and NA. Then maybe around christmas 2010 we will see the glimpse of Agito with the PSP 5000 out and all.
Anyway this is just me thinking a long the time line, and try to understand how SE would release these titles. They will of course not let any of the separate titles steal each others thunder.
Just stick to your remakes SE…
what a bummer !!!!
i was looking fwd to this game
off topic ;pllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz give us ff8 on psp/ps3(the best game ever finished it 4 times to get that damned doomtrain),cant play anymore my third cd always freeze .
Last edited by TEG3SH on 9/3/2008 4:53:08 PM
DS? On that shi**y ass small screen? Come on man I hate DS. They're coming out with some games that I really want to play … but not on DS. I don't like that handheld system.
I love the PSP so I am sticking with it. I wish the DS would offer a bigger screen. Eh …
And as for XIII Agito, I have no problem waiting for the game. Hell, by the time it is released both XIII and Versus will be cleaned to the bone on my PS3.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/3/2008 7:41:20 PM
ewww.. maybe by the time this comes out, sony would have release a new handheld
first they spit in our ps3 faces then they try to wipe away some of the spit only to satisfy us with a demo instead of something earth shattering (FF7 REMAKE, now thi? how small are their team? they merged for christ sakes!!!
first they spit in our ps3 faces then they try to wipe away some of the spit only to satisfy us with a demo instead of something earth shattering (FF7 REMAKE), now this? how small are their teams? they merged for christ sakes!!!
Not many people give a pee stain for this title, and more and more are too angry over SE becoming a Benedict Arnold (Hope they still teach kids about that dude) to Sony fans. The only title I see people hanging their hats on these days is Versus, and I'm one of them. If they "spit in our faces" (thanks Minishmaru) on that one too the anger will just be insane.
Although I DO NOT see the following ever happening: SE would do well to release Versus first, as a PS3 exclusive it might re-energize the base to go ahead and pick up the less exciting FFXIII (no subtitle) when it comes out in 2016. I mean come on, they just TOLD us that FFXIII original is just going to sit on a shelf for at least a year while they dumb it down for 360. Why not release a good game while they have their thumb up their butt?