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PSP-3000 Can Use PS3 Controller?

As most of you avid industry followers well know, the new PSP-3000 was unveiled at the Leipzig Games Convention, much to the delight of soon-to-be handheld owners. The system provides an enhanced LCD screen among other significant additions, bu there's one feature we didn't hear about until now…

Of course, that's just because it's nothing more than a rumor, but it's an entertaining rumor at the very least. Evidently, this new model will supposedly allow you to play games on the PSP with a standard PS3 controller. This news comes from a MaxConsole reader and Best Buy insider, and this tipster also said we'll be able to use composite cables when hooking up the PSP to a TV; using component won't be a requirement. Obviously, as we heard no mention of this during the announcement, and the feature was not included in the official press release, we have to treat this as rumor and speculation. But it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility, does it? Of all the crazy wild rumors circulating around out there (some people still believe Duke Nukem Forever is a real project! HAha!), this appears to be the least nutty.

We'll let you know if we hear anything more on using a PS3 controller – either the Sixaxis or Dual Shock 3 – with your PSP. We'll be looking for some sort of official denial or confirmation, just because there's no use proving a rumor with another rumor. That much, we know.

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16 years ago

this just adds to me buying the psp brite

16 years ago

gonna be good holidays. 🙂

16 years ago

I really hope this is true. That would be really useful when playing PSone classics on the PSP, as it lacks some necessary buttons, like the L2 and R2 triggers, and not to mention an additional analog stick.

16 years ago

…I thought Duke Nukem Foever was a real project…

16 years ago

lol, it's a joke about how long it is taking to make it

16 years ago

I am still buying it whether or not it has this feature. That being said, I hope it does.

16 years ago

Me too. I'm a tech geek, so I have to have the latest and greatest electronics! Which is why I like Sony so much.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
16 years ago

I didn't get the "slim" model yet because my PSP 1000 model still works great. I think I will get the 3000 model for all the new features and the video out (which is the only thing I wish the 1000 had).

16 years ago

The slim model is so much better than the fat one. You will be glad if you do get one. The lightness of the slimmer PSP feels so nice when you hold it.

16 years ago


Last edited by ZubraZap on 8/29/2008 2:13:02 PM

16 years ago

I really hate the analog stick that is on the PSP even though I have 2 launch PSPs and still enjoy them. I wish they would put 2 analog controllers on the PSP and give them more movement for more precise control. I would buy 2 more PSPs if that happened.

As for using a PS3 controller with the PSP that is something I would probably use every once in awhile just because of the better controls.

16 years ago

Cool idea, but don't ya recon it would be a bit awkward? You'd have to put the psp on your lap or something while your holding the controller, but I guess that problem could be fixed easily enough.

16 years ago

You could hook it up to an HD TV if you have one.

16 years ago

That's true, but sadly I don't have an HD TV… not yet anyway. Helps being able to use composite cbables though.

16 years ago

I think this feature is pretty cool. If it works the way I think it would work then the controller would sync up through a built in Bluetooth adapter. And if that is the case then you should be able to use a Bluetooth headset for Skype or PSP titles which let you use Sony Headset for. I guess we will find out soon enough.

16 years ago

This is a really cool idea, I hope it is true, except for the fact that I will have to buy yet another psp.

BigT makes a good point. It makes me wonder why they dont already have bluetooth on psps.

16 years ago

It would be better if they could somehow just update the current psp to do this.

karneli lll
karneli lll
16 years ago

what ever happened to the idea of using a psp as another controller for the ps3 ?

16 years ago

If this was true it would mean either the PSP has Bluetooth or you'd have to connect the cable from the controller to the PSP. Currently the PSP is just a peripheral so if this was true then they would also have to change the USB port to be a host. Not sure if it's possible. I'm no USB expert.

16 years ago

Better than nothing.

16 years ago

The possibility of using the PSP as a PS3 controller was mentioneed by Sony efore the PS3 came out, I'm sure of it? I don't see the point if you have a sixaxis or dualshock 3 which does the job better. The PSP doesn't have R2, L2 triggers and a second analog stick which you'll need for most games. If you can call the stick on the PSP an analog stick, it slides instead and has no precision like a PS3 controler. Also the stick is in a uncomfortable position, part of my left aches after a while.

16 years ago

"bu there's one feature we didn't hear about until now…"

Spelling error. 😛