If you're a PSP and PS3 owner, you know all about the connectivity between the two platforms. You know you can download certain content on the PS3 and than transfer it to the handheld, which is indeed a handy feature. However, wouldn't it be just the bees knees if Sony decided to bring a native Store to the PSP?
Some fans have been clamoring for just that, although Sony has been relatively quiet on the issue. But PSP brand manager John Koller actually commented on the possibility when Pocket Gamer caught up with him at E3 yesterday. In response to the question, Koller simply said- "Having a native store on the portable is something we're looking into." The downloadable movie service for the PlayStation 3 is fantastic, of course, and you can download movies and then transport them to the PSP for viewing on the go. But what if you were already on the go? Wouldn't it be ultra-convenient to simply tap into the store via wireless connection and get whatever you want? Well, that day may soon be coming, and although Koller didn't confirm anything, he did say to "keep an eye out in the next few months" for new games and media that aren't officially revealed as of yet.
Ever since the launch of the PS3, Sony has been working to expand the connectivity between their flagship console and their handheld. They've done a fine job so far, but some PSP owners want to eliminate the middle-man, so-to-speak, and simply be able to access the Store with the one portable unit. It just might happen in the future…
I thought this was supposed to arrive this summer when I first heard about it last year. I haven't heard any thing since so I guess maybe later this year or early next.
Bees, Knees? Don't try to sound old lol.
That would be cool though
you old people are hippies