The PSP is already home to several top-notch RPGs, including this year's excellent Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII , but handheld lovers can always use more. Besides, what with the current lack of role-playing titles on the PS3, the PSP is like a haven for many fans of the genre.
According to Gamekyo and the latest edition of Famitsu, Sega has revealed they're working on a brand new and exclusive RPG for the PSP. It's called Garnet Chronicle and it's scheduled to arrive in Japan on October 23; no word yet on whether or not this particular title will make its way to other territories. We have to remember that something like this will appeal more to the Japanese gaming taste, but hey, there are a ton of RPG fans in the U.S. and Europe, too! The only other detail of note so far is that the character design will be handled by "a member of the Lineage team." Lineage is a well-known PC RPG that has certainly boasted some impressive design, so this should be interpreted as good news. Hopefully, we'll be able to uncover more details over the next few months.
We'll also be waiting for confirmation that Sega will bring Garnet Chronicle to North America; if that announcement ever shows up, we'll be sure to let you know about it. This should be a great addition to the PSP's library!
Related Game(s): Garnet Chronicle
Oops! I thought it was going to be another 'Shining' game. This is beautiful news none the less..
I've never played an RPG on my PSP, except for Crisis Core, what do you guys recommend?
depends on what kinda rpg. im playing the classic wild arms from the ps store. final fantasy tactics?castlevania symphony of the night,monster hunter is a rpg in my opinion,jeanne d'arc,disgaea, brave story,valkerie profile, probably more but thats all the ones i can think of
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions.