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Online Petition For Assassin’s Creed PSP Reaches 23,000 Sigs

It was one of the most impressive games of the year, and we remain big fans of Assassin's Creed . The stealth/action game offered a finely honed and borderline revolutionary experience to all next-gen gamers, and we're certainly hoping that Ubisoft is primed for a sequel. The game enjoyed excellent sales success, so perhaps it's inevitable…

But what isn't inevitable is a PSP version of the stellar game. The size and scope of the title could prove challenging to transport to the handheld, but we have no doubt that Ubisoft could manage the job without losing much in the way of immersion. Clearly, there are many gamers out there who believe this sentiment as well, because an online petition is attempting to make this dream a reality. We noticed when the petition first went up, and today, we were reminded by a reader that the petition now has over 23,000 signatures! Here's the petition's description:

"We, PSP (Playstation Portable) owners would like Ubisoft to release their immensely popular new IP; Assassin's Creed on the PSP.

Considering the success that Assassin's Creed has seen on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, we feel it is a slap in the face for PlayStation Portable fans to see the Nintendo DS getting Assassin's Creed in early 2008. If this is the kind of treatment Ubisoft plans to show its loyal PSP fans in the future, than i for one will go elsewhere for my gaming needs. Hopefully Ubisoft follows in Capcom's footsteps and realizes that its fans are important. Not only is Assassin's Creed possible on the PSP but it will be a great success as a portable game. Furthermore, the PSP has the processing power to recreate the Assassin's Creed universe in all of its glory. Considering all of the assets are already in place to be used, this is an opportunity for Ubisoft to demonstrate what a great company they are. That they too care for their fans. So please, bring Assassin's Creed to the PSP."

Okay, PSP owners, sign away! Maybe Ubisoft will take notice… It has worked before.

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16 years ago

nice, I wll like to sign, I will like to play assassins creed on psp.

Advent Child
Advent Child
16 years ago

I am sorry I think they are wrong. I do not think the PSP is capable of fully realizing the Assassin's Creed world.

16 years ago

If you look at games such as God of War and Crisis Core on the PSP…those are both (i believe) using the nearly all 333 MHz the PSP has to offer. Ready at Dawn, the team behind God of War on the PSP, said that they could have gotten more out of the PSP.

Now, combine that with GTA VC in terms of streaming and open-world and Assassin's Creed on the PSP would be entirely possible.

16 years ago

^If the DS works fine their purpose then I'm sure the PSP can aswell

Last edited by Mystearica on 6/10/2008 1:18:32 AM

16 years ago

They made a Assassins Creed for the DS and even cell phones…don't tell me the PSP isn't CAPABLE, if anything isn't capable its Ubisoft! ::ZIIING::

16 years ago

Well, since Ubisoft just reaffirmed their like of the PSP they need to bring this one to the PSP to prove that.
btw, the number is already up to over 25000. It's been shooting up all day. It's so popular, you can watch the number go up every time you reload the page. Looks like a lot of people want this.

16 years ago

The thing is they make the DS and mobile versions of multiplatform next-gen games as its all in 2D, very easy to make and in-expensive. They are rarely decent games, they just do it to cash in.
For the PSP version they would need a good team to put some effort and money in for a game that works well on PS3 but might not on PSP. One of the attractions of Assassins Creed is its visuals, you take that away as soon as you make a PSP version. God of War and GTA looked great because they came from the PS2 versions so they're comparable in terms of visuals. However the console versions are better games. GTA VC and GTA SA on PS2 is better than the PSP GTA games. God of War on PS2 is better than the PSP version however they did a great job of recreating the God of War world and its gameplay.
I just don't think that they would recreate the same experience on the PSP with its inferior visuals and fewer buttons.
Try and imagine GTA IV or MGS IV for the PSP, its just not going to be the same. Killzone wouldn't work and thats why they took a different approach and created a totally different experience. If Ubi did the same with Assassins Creed then it may work?

16 years ago

But that's the thing, i'm not asking for a word for word/frame for frame port of the 360 and PS3 version(s) of Assassin's Creed. If they want to do that, fine, i've already explained why i think it will work out fine on the PSP. I was thinking of a spin-off or prequel, something to compliment the console versions.

16 years ago

I signed it.

And hopefully it's not like that nightmare, Assassin's Creed Altair's Chronicles for DS. I actually rented that and borrowed my friends DS because I loved the PS3 version so much. Big mistake.

Last edited by n/a on 6/22/2008 4:12:50 PM