So last week we reported that, according to Famitsu's tracking, the PlayStation Portable sold 139k units. The doubled surge in sales is primarily due to the release of Capcom's Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, which also sold close to 900,000 copies within its first week.
Naturally, what often happens after a huge spike is a sharp and then gradual decrease to normality. Well, instead of a sharp decrease, the PSP still managed to move another 113k handhelds the following week, according to Famitsu. What's even crazier is that Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G managed to sell an astonishing 553k more copies! With 1.4M sold, the game is well on its way to becoming the best and fastest selling PSP game available.
The numbers below illustrate rounded up figures of each console's sales performance last week in Japan. We'll keep you posted with Media Create numbers, which tend to be a bit more accurate than Famitsu's.
Sony PSP – 113000
Nintendo DS – 52000
Nintendo Wii – 46000
Sony PS3 – 11000
Sony PS2 – 10000
Xbox 360 – 2300
Shame about the PlayStation 3's sales in Japan. But with a severe lack of software, expect this trend to continue. The next huge releases for the PlayStation 3 are Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit and, of course, Metal Gear Solid 4. But both aren't scheduled until June, and that's a lengthy two months from now.
I can't wait to see a graph of sales for the yeah after June. It's going to go from 11,000 sales to 100,000 sales over night.
MGS4 is 2 months away, not 3 and Valkyria Chronicles is released April 24th which will also be very popular.
Good news about the PSP sales.
Fiddlesworth: I had considered Valkyria, but I honestly doubt it'll make any sort of impact. And yep, typo on my part. 2 months.
wth is Valkyria Chronicles? o_0
This is great news for the PSP. This year might be the year of the PSP in Japan. It's holding its own against the DS and the Wii. Plenty of good titles have recently came out for it and maybe we'll hear more news at E3 or TGS (maybe more so TGS). And hey, Square Enix Party is next month (I think) and that will probably have 1 or 2 good announcements.
wtf? i bought a ds lite a little while ago. But the PSP has a much better selection of games! So i don't understand why the ds sold so much. I see that the best selection of games are psp,ps3,360,ds, and finally the wii. So i don't understand sales!
The DS has a very, very long list of fantastic 1st party Nintendo games. And a very long list of "non-games" (I use the term loosely, don't kill me) such as Nintendogs, Brain-Age, Wario Ware, etc. Its mass appeal and cheapest price tag makes it a winner for everyone.
The DS is also more of a child's hand-held. Expecially with the non-games such as Nintendogs. Brain-Age helps is appeal to the, and I use this term loosly, "older" adults. I see more kids walking out of Wal-Mart carrying there brand new DS's and jumping up and down. Teen's and Adult's, I see, are more attracted to the PSP because it is wide-screen and you can download movies to the memory card and that there are more adult oriented games for it rather then the Nintendogs or the Petz Cats 2 or Hampsters 7 (I know there is not 7 Petz Hampsters but it helps prove a point). You do get some adults that want the DS just because it has Brain-Age 1 and 2 and the classic, New Super Mario Bros. also Call of Duty 4. Those games, in my opinion, do not out weigh the face that I don't need NSMB and I already have and beat CoD4 for PS3. The best systems for the money would have to be the PS3 and PSP. You can't get on the net with your DS…
well I have my DS for Advance Wars, the Castlevania's, and I think thats about it. Don't care about digital pets, or pokemon. Lol but its still a cool little gaming device