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Japan Hardware Sales: PSP Tops Wii, DS

For quite some time – ever since the Nintendo Wii launched, in fact – the PSP has labored behind both the Wii and the DS in Japan. In fact, there was a time when the DS was outselling the PSP by a ridiculous 4:1 ratio; that was during the dark times for the PS3 and PSP in early 2007. Oh, but how things have changed.

According to the latest hardware charts, the PSP has finally topped the Wii in sales during the week ending March 16. Here's how the numbers play out, and as you can see, Sony's handheld is flying high at the top of the list…a list that even includes the previous reigning king, the DS.

It was close, but it happened. The PS3 continues to lag behind Nintendo's products by a large margin, but at the very least, it's also outselling its predecessor on a consistent basis. The Xbox 360 remains mired in last, and there just doesn't seem to be any way out of the basement. But the story of the week is definitely the PSP: Winner winner, chicken dinner.

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16 years ago

I am very impressed with the continued success of the PSP-2000. I expect to see a large spike in sales for the week ending on March 30. This is because on March 27, Monster Hunter Freedom 2G comes out and I know that will drive up sales. When the original MHF2 came out last year they sold, I think almost a million in several weeks (?).

16 years ago

As the tide turns, the king take his rightful place.

16 years ago

Yeahup, so we can definitly see that the only advantage the 360 had was the "early bird gets the worm" motto.

16 years ago

psp is gay cmon the only real reason why its sales went up were because of that final fantasy bs. the ds is way better in every respect anyway it has more games and alot more fun for alot cheaper. the psp is a piece of trash.

just remember that old saying…
"one game a system does not make.."
nintendo has many MANY games compared to the psp and the crappy ps3, which, by the way is pretty shitty too.