The PSP just recently underwent a redesign, and now we have a slimmer, lighter unit that has been selling very well. However, it can't last forever, and experts are already weighing in on the second iteration of the handheld. We have no idea when the PSP2 will arrive – or even if it will arrive – but it's always tons of fun to wonder and speculate.
According to Games Radar, a group of polled experts are predicting the PSP2 will boast a new interface, including a touch-screen, and Sony will drop the UMD support in favor of internal flash memory game downloads and "improved PS3 link-up." At this time, though, Sony has no plans to get rid of UMD and the experts agree the format is "safe for now." Besides, ever since the PSP-2000 hit, sales have been steadily climbing and there's really nothing to complain about. There's always room for improvement, of course, but the experts don't believe that the PSP, in its current form, "won't get any more major operations." Basically, they're saying there's no chance UMD will disappear until the PSP2 hits.
The experts appear to be split on the existence of UMD in the first place, as some say "it's useless in a digital world" (veteran developer Dave Perry), while others believe the UMD format "gives Sony more shelf space, something that might be keen to keep up with Nintendo (DS) encroaching on their space" (Gamasutra Senior Editor, Brandon Sheffield). But in the end, most agree UMD is here to stay…for now. The PSP2 is another matter entirely, though; it'll be interesting to see what Sony wants to do.
So it's looking like everything's going to be going touch-screen soon, huh?
As much as I love my iPod Touch, I'm not seeing how it would be of any use for the PSP…surely the gameplay won't use a touch interface…will it?
Appears to be the case lately, everyone is trying to make the next iPhone.
Sony – Please make this.
Wow, I'd definitely have a hard time passing up on buying that!
Note to self: fix long text so it fits. 🙂
Touch screen Harddrive (or internal flash) and a second analog stick are must haves for the PSP2 but don't expect any sort of official news until late 09 at the earliest.
I wouldn't want one of those concept designed PSPs that were on Kotaku/Gizmodo/Engadget/Joystiq . The positioning of the L1/2 and R1/2 look like they could cause some pain.
I hope they don't put in touch screen. If I wanted touch screen, I would get a NDS. The whole reason I liked the PSP was because it looked like it could play traditional styled RPGs. I don't want weird gimmicks in my games.
I guess I'm old fashioned…
Just give me my two joysticks and I'll be happy.
I dont know about that PSP design. It just doesnt look comfortable. But I do agree that a touch screen as well as a hdd would be the next step for Sony to take when dealing with a PSP 2. I think they might wait till they can reduce the Blu ray in size before making a PSP 2.
PSP2 with BluRay, wow, thats an idea! I don't know if the PSP will ever need that much data but you never know with the way games gobble up disc space nowadays.
I love the design, it needs alterations for the L R buttons but still top work. It would be much smaller while keeping the same screen size, it could use the new OLED screens for amazing picture quality (something a new DS coupldn't compare with). The anolog will be more comfortable to control as your hands will be closer together. Hopefully the anolog won't be like the nub on the current PSP's, it needs to be flat so the screen can close, so I suggest that it being a ball with a good grip so your thumb doesn't slide off.
When closed the screen would be cool for touchscreen capabilities like a PDA. It will make web-browsing easier (if Sony uses a better web browser with more memory) and would be good for multimedia features. I wouldn't like to have touchscreen for games, I'm not keen on it and we would never hear the end of it from Nintendo fanboys saying Sony coppied.
I do think that its too early for a propper successor to PSP and would Sony get rid of any type of format? Using just downloadable games from a store will only alienate your audience. Its not even 50% of PS3 owners you have a PSN account. So surely having a new handheld where you can only purchase games from download would be far from encouraging for many people?
The touchscreen wouldn't be a primary input device for gaming but it could work well for navigating and certain secondary input functions (Like selecting something).
If they only had downloadable games it would be a huge mistake IMO. I agree with what bamfsaid about it.