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Development Tool Costs For PSP Cut In Half

Not long after Sony cut the cost of the PlayStation 3 development kit by half and significantly slashed production costs, the PSP gets the same "half" treatment. According to, Sony Computer Entertainment subsidiary SN Systems has dropped the price of all PSP development tools by 50%.

This is effective as of February 4, and it includes all PlayStation Portable-related tools, including full and rental ProDG, Tuner, Build tools, ProView licenses, etc. In addition, it has been announced that support fees will also be halved, and this new price reduction does apply to "developers seeking to renew their annual support on existing PSP products." This is going to make things much easier on current (and future) PSP development teams, that's for certain.

"SN Systems development tools for PSP are well-established and mature, having been on sale since the end of 2004. Since then, the tools have grown extensively as a result of direct feedback from PSP game title developers,” said Andy Beveridge, director of SN Systems. “Significantly reducing the cost of the tools will help to ensure that PSP game title developers have everything they need to continue creating great titles. This price reduction, coupled with the recent addition of Tuner (performance optimizer) to ProDG for PSP, makes the core development tool a very attractive package."

With both PS3 and PSP costs down for developers, we should start seeing more software for both platforms very soon. Furthermore, with the rising userbase for each, that's further incentive for more development studios to start pumping out the PSP and PS3 titles. Good news, here.

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17 years ago

I hope this will help prolong the life of the console. It's great being able to play games and then when I need to, go a check emails (cheaper and better than the new Sony MyLo2). I hope more Devs see that the PSP is holding its own against the DS and produce more games for it. And with the drop in price for dev tools makes them more inclined to do so.