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Europe Will Receive Crisis Core This “Spring”

Hey, it's better than "TBA 2008," isn't it?

While it is already available in Japan (it released on September 13 last year) and will launch in North America on March 25, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII never even had an estimated release date in Europe. Some particularly worried PSP owners were concerned they would never see this hotly anticipated action/RPG, but now they can quit worrying- according to Eurogamer, Square-Enix has finally provided a "spring" release window for Crisis Core in Europe. Considering this one title helped to create a giant sales spike in Japan late last year, and the simple fact that it's a Final Fantasy game, Euro gamers should be encouraged. Remember, this is essentially a prequel to Final Fantasy VII , where you play as the Zack, the member of SOLDIER who played a large role in Cloud's past.

With a real-time, fast-paced combat mechanic and probably the most beautiful visuals you've ever seen on a handheld, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is destined to be a must-have. Let's hope Square-Enix nails down a more specific European release within the next month or so.

Related Game(s): Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII