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Square-Enix Confirms Final Fantasy PSP Remakes For Europe

Okay, the wait is finally over. Hardcore RPG fans in Europe have been wondering if they'd ever see those very popular Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II remakes for the PSP, but they don't have to wonder any longer. Square-Enix has officially issued estimated release dates for both games; both should arrive at about the same time early next year. No, it's not exact, but at least y'all know it's coming!

Both titles feature plenty of enhancements, and that includes being able to fit the handheld's 16:9 screen, updated character art, and even brand new areas to explore in each game. The original Final Fantasy will boast the Labyrinth and the sequel builds on this by introducing two new dungeons called the Arcane Labyrinth and the Arcane Sanctuary. FFII gets a little extra TLC, too, as fans will be delighted to find new equipment, items and enemies, plus one mysterious new boss. Obviously, these are must-haves for any FF fan, and really, any avid role-playing fan.

"Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II are the foundations of the Square Enix success story," said John Tamamoto, president and CEO of Square-Enix. "With these beautiful new versions, fans can now experience the origins of Final Fantasy wherever they go." (source- IGN)

We know you want something more specific than "early 2008," but hey, just be happy both are confirmed for Europe. That's certainly better than not getting them at all, right?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II