We knew Konami had a sequel to Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops for the PSP, but up until now, we only knew this game as Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ . Apparently, this isn't the official name of the game…either that, or we're dealing with an entirely new and unannounced title, which doesn't seem likely.
All you PlayStation Underground owners out there should've received your e-mail newsletter, which promotes the T-Mobile hotspot service while listing out several WiFi-compatible titles. Among those titles is a game called Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War , which seems to be Portable Ops+ in disguise. The game is already available in Japan under a new name, so perhaps Infinite War will be the title for North American territories. We're not really sure, as Konami hasn't made any official announcements as of yet.
We do know that PlayStation Underground is fairly reliable, and there doesn't appear to be any news regarding a MGS game with this same title. It doesn't seem possible a new entry in the legendary series would've escaped notice all this time, so for now, we'll just assume that Infinite War is the previously named Portable Ops+ . …that doesn't make it fact, though.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ , Metal Gear Solid Portabel Ops: Infinity War