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Chains Of Olympus Demo Discs Shipped

If you've been wondering where your God of War: Chains of Olympus demo is after signing up for it earlier this year, we've got good news: it's on the way now!

According to a recent post by Creative Director Cory Barlog over at the official PlayStation blog, the demo has officially been shipped out to those who were smart enough to put their name on the list. Guaranteed to be one of the biggest titles on the PSP, Kratos and Co. are finally going portable, much to the delight of action fans and handheld owners everywhere. Here's part of Barlog's post:

"…to let everyone know that the PSP demo discs are freaking done baby!!! As I type these words, legions of carrier Harpies are being dispatched to deliver the sweet UMD goodness that is God of War: Chains of Olympus – Special edition: Battle of Attica Demo Disc…otherwise know as GOW: COO –SE:BoADD."

Woah…that's the name? Jeebus, you couldn't shorten that down, guys? Barlog goes on to say the game "is looking absolutely amazing," and we're not about to doubt his word. If this PSP God of War is even half as good as either of the first two titles on the PS2, it'll still be worth a purchase. Hope you're one of the lucky ones to be getting that demo!

Related Game(s): God of War: Chains of Olympus