It would be a mistake to say that Call of Duty: Ghosts is a mediocre production. It would be an even bigger mistake to say that ardent fans of the franchise won’t enjoy it. However, one must begin to consider various elements that indicate a slipping IP, especially when it becomes abundantly obvious. In many ways, the campaign is rousing and engaging, and the multiplayer remains a highlight, loaded with new tweaks and refinements that make the experience even more fulfilling. But when playing, I sensed the fading light of the series…
It’s difficult to say anything against the flashy, bombastic set pieces in the story, and the well-designed maps in the multiplayer. The latest from developer Infinity Ward features a wide variety of dynamic locales during the story mode, and the special effects take center-stage. Sure, I can notice little signs that remind us of the aging engine and the fact that IW and Treyarch need to step things up in the new generation. That being said, there’s always so much going on that it’s tough to come to a disappointing conclusion. You’re always involved in the on-screen action, and that’s partly due to the designer’s world creation expertise.
The audio shines during particularly over-the-top moments, as the explosive effects and solid voice acting complement a balls-to-the-wall military adventure. The soundtrack is apt, as it continues to drive home one salient point: The action will never cease; it will only change in style, tone and theme. There are some clichéd voices mixed in and I wanted a bit more variety in the musical selection, but the production values remain relatively high throughout. All in all, the technical prowess of Ghosts is considerable, even if all aspects aren’t overly impressive. One last side note— I’ve heard the PS4 version suffers from some frame rate issues but obviously, I haven’t been able to verify that just yet.
Two things I know to be true: 1. The overwhelming majority of those who purchased this game are going to spend 99% of their time (if not more) absorbed in the multiplayer, and probably don’t give two figs about the campaign. 2. At least the majority, if not the overwhelming majority, don’t really care about review scores. The franchise has become so entrenched in mass popularity and acceptance that it’s almost immune to critical assessment. And yet, I still have to deliver an accurate, professional analysis designed to help those who may be on the fence, right? Well, let me start by saying that Call of Duty: Ghosts has a lot you’d expect…and a little you wouldn’t. There just aren’t enough surprises.
For instance, the campaign isn’t bad at all. I don’t think it’s as good as the story mode in Battlefield 4 but it’s still entertaining. Four hours remains too short even for my tastes (busy people have difficulty completing longer games), and the plot itself isn’t anything to get excited about. But I liked that the writers cut down on the intricate, sometimes confusing narrative twists that were prevalent in the Modern Warfare titles. This is a more straightforward, even predictable story that is actually more enjoyable simply because it’s not bogged down with manufactured twists. It also has several emotional, dramatic moments that are worth seeing.
The balancing between all-out action sequences and narrative progression seems just about right, and the gripping shootout scenes are quite intense. The variety of locales and mission objectives is pretty good, too; you never feel as if you’re repeating the same thing over and over and over. Of course, you can’t avoid the repetition inherent to shooters; i.e., go there, shoot that, go here, shoot again. As is the case with most shooters, Ghosts doesn’t have a brain in its bullet-riddled head but at the very least, it accepts that and emphasizes the positive traits. And it’s not all about shooting wildly in every direction, as various scenes require a more tactful, timely approach, and the varying environments make you think differently.
But above all else, despite the refined and entertaining approach to the campaign, I know I’ve done it all before. What the developer uses to make it feel fresh falls flat as well. The pet dog, which got plenty of attention since the game was unveiled earlier this year, seems utterly superfluous. The dog is capable at taking down enemies but it feels very much unnecessary, and it’s not even a part of the game during the latter stages of the adventure. The canine companion wasn’t a bad idea; they just didn’t do anything with it, and the result is an almost trivial addition.
The AI isn’t anything special, either, as both your allies and enemies occasionally have total brain fades. I keep hoping to see improvement in this area but it never seems to happen. At least, it hasn’t really happened since the original Black Ops. Then there’s the fact that there are too many examples of straight-up shoot-fests in familiar surroundings. There’s only so many times I can aim down the sights and take out yet another faceless foe in yet another bland corridor. Yes, the designers implemented plenty of crowd-pleasing locales to make the experience richer and more lurid, but there are still several tedious, even boring situations.
I have to say, though, the newly revamped co-op mode, Extinction, is a definite highlight. It’s a zany alternate reality that allows you and up to three friends to throw down against some seriously bizarre enemies. No, not zombies…aliens! Yeah, it’s another overused staple of video games but in CoD, it actually feels somewhat refreshing. It changes up the gameplay, giving the game a much-needed dose of newness. In all honesty, I’d rather immerse myself in Extinction rather than the competitive multiplayer. Of course, that’s just me; the majority of franchise followers would say otherwise, I’m sure. And that makes sense, I suppose.
The multiplayer is almost exactly what you’d expect. I’m not a big fan of the lean and running slide skills, even though they are implemented relatively well. Still, there are several appreciated new additions, such as the new perk weighting system that adds depth and balance. The character customization mechanic is deeper than ever, as you can now develop a full team of personalized soldiers. Each ally can be fully equipped, and you can even choose skin color, facial design, and other neat little details. Each soldier also levels up at his own rate, which is nice. In general, you feel like you’ve got complete control over all advancement.
Squads is a great example of how this deeper, more freedom-oriented character customization helps the multiplayer. This is where you have to flex your strategic, tactical muscle, perhaps even more so than your trigger finger. Then there are other new modes that are entertaining albeit not exactly innovative: There’s Blitz, which is a mad dash to the other team’s goal; Hunted, which starts you with a handgun and 10 bullets and makes you fight for random weapon drops; and Grind, an updated version of Kill Confirmed that tasks you with retrieving fallen dog tags and bringing them to specific locations on the map. All of this works quite well and I don’t take issue with the mechanics, outside of that silly slide.
There really isn’t anything glaringly wrong with this production. There are a few drawbacks and missteps, but nothing major. The problem is that at every turn, you sense…old. It’s there, lurking behind every admittedly grin-inducing spectacle, and it’s impossible to miss. The campaign has its moments and the story is more appealing for a number of reasons. The multiplayer is deeper and more diverse than ever; more options, more customization, more modes, more reasons to keep playing and playing. And yet, despite these pros, the one giant con is that you can’t help but feel tired. The engine is old, for one, and the gameplay is what you’d expect from a military shooter and nothing more.
I’m not saying CoD should suddenly morph into something else. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be an FPS. I’m saying it’s time to work an a new evolution of the series, because Ghosts is just begging for that evolution. It’s proudly beating its chest while at the same time, it knows its an aging, predictable formula that is in dire need of a change. I’m not the design or development visionary that has all the answers; I’m not telling Activision how best to reimagine Call of Duty. I’m simply saying it has to be done, because refusing to face the music is a bad idea. Infinity Ward and Treyarch are talented enough; just let ‘em try.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is an example of a tried-and-true formula that has begun to fray. There’s nothing particularly objectionable about it, the first-person shooter mechanics have long since been refined and almost perfected, and the multiplayer is still bound to draw in millions. The production values are still very high and the fun factor, depending on your affinity for the genre, is definitely there. None of that is in dispute. That being established, we have to realize that even the most successful packages reach a point where only minor tweaks and additions attempt to masquerade as innovation. That doesn’t work and hopefully, Activision will realize that CoD is on the downward slope and it’s once again time to reinvent. It must be done in the next generation.
The Good: Great set pieces and enjoyable action sequences. Explosive visual and sound effects. Decent voice acting. Campaign has worthwhile dramatic moments. Solid variety. Multiplayer is still hugely robust, and Extinction is great fun.
The Bad: Aging engine is starting to wear down. New pet dog mechanic is cute, but ultimately a waste of time. The formula is definitely starting to feel tired.
The Ugly: “Millions will still blindly buy any new CoD, so maybe innovation is sadly unnecessary.”
Very good review. Sadly, CoD:Ghosts is review-proof as many 12 year old boys and casuals must play this game to maintain their cred in their gaming "cliques". Shooting people in theaters of war got tiresome for me a long time ago.
I stopped after Black Ops 1.
I will not buy a Call of Duty again until what Ben prescribed actually happens. And unless the series itself tanks, then that will probably be never so long as the people continue to justify this ride-the-rails bullcrap.
Thanks, Activision, for ruining my once favorite FPS franchise.
Excellent assessment I say. Maybe it is time for Battlefield to rise because I think the fact that CoD fandom is immune to critical reception will eventually cause further degradation.
The only military shooter I'm interested in though is Homefront 2.
When a game receives mediocre-to-good review scores, and in its 57th (exaggerated) edition still sells 1 billion dollars in a day, why change? It really doesn't make any business sense for them…
There's more risk than reward for them to make big changes, so expect things to stay the same until sales drop.
Last edited by Crabba on 11/6/2013 11:44:05 PM
It didn't sell $1 billion in a day. It sold $1 billion worth of copies to retailers in a day. Activision released a easily misinterpreted press release on the sales figures in an attempt to increase stock in the company.
You may be right, I guess we'll know more soon when we see some actual sell-through numbers…
Sadly though, it's been proven over and over again – Call of duty fans are sheep that will buy anything with the name "call of duty" and/or "modern warfare" on it, doesn't matter if it's the same junk as it's always been…
this is the perfect example of whats really pissing me off lately.
the developers changed so much of the game in the first few missions, the stronger emphasis on character development and rileys so cool to play as!
but once you find the ghosts and enter yourself, well, it all goes down the shitter and turns into your usual crap fest.
they always try to change, but always eventually end up back where they started.
Come on , the fish move away from you . It deserved at least a 8 just for that , so new and inventive .
yeah i'm not all that surpised but i cudn't careless right now as i have bf4 and the ps4 soon and maybe a vita and i know keep saying that i just being hopeful cos i keen as for tearaway.
happy gaming =)
I think that COD had been over rated over time.
IMO since W@W the review scores have been too high, maybe all these games deserved 7s – 8s, scores that Ghost are getting.
Been playing the game and it's COD, you know exactly what you are gonna get, no more, no less. Just brainless shooting fun.
For my, COD is a great game because I can log into a MP game if I have only 10-15 minutes to play; with BF4 (which I enjoy a lot) I need more time to play.
This video nicely illustrates the copy and pasted nature of the franchise.
This is something I saw happening in other iterations, reused voice clips, gun sounds, multiplayer textures etc.
I just never thought they would do something this lazy.
Some are saying it is a tribute to MW2…and it was an easter egg etc. Sure whatever, just like MW3s entire multiplayer was a tribute to MW2 by basically copy and pasted everything right 😉
On another note this is a fair review. I haven't played it so I can't comment, but from what I have seen the CoD formula is finally getting the 7s it deserved since MW2. I will admit though Blops 1 was pretty good, but I hated all the other ones after MW1.
Totally didn't see that ben made an article on this video already.
I just got linked here from the facebook page.
Anyway yeah…silliness.
I've actually been surprised that I've only had two PSN friends playing CoD over the past two nights. A far cry from previous CoD releases. To be honest, not many more are playing BF4. Vast majority of everyone else is still playing GTAV (or GTAO). Of course, there are also a few people watching Netflix too.
the last COD game i played was COD4, sp player was ok.
mp was fun until the aim-bots, glitchers and P90 snipers
ruined it.
COD to me is, been there, done that.
they either need to take time off or let the team work on a COD game
for a couple years. but Acti is to money hungry to let that happen.
The problem is – COD is more than just a game – its a whole social experience. My group of friends / work mates are all older. We don't get to go the the pub all the time anymore like 20 years ago. No, when the family is asleep, the headset goes on, the liquor cabinet gets opened and its on. The banter and insults traded with your buddies is the social outlet for a lot of us and a break from wives and family.
There doesn't seem to be another game that sticks to the same formula that older guys with less time can just jump in and play – for the casual gamer COD just checks all the boxes.
I have to say – i hope the PS4 has the option to hide when you are online – because guys find it very amusing to bombard you with COD invites when you are playing something else. The two of us who play BF4 are pissed off already.
You make a good point, GTA used to be that for me.
But there are a million games where you and your buddies can get together and play online. The fact that it's a social outlet also doesn't have any bearing on the game's quality.
Well Ben – I'm not saying Ghosts is high quality – what i'm saying is that its a ton of fun to play, its the brand name that older guys who only play once a week will buy every year because they know they can have a laugh online with their mates. COD is seen as a "guy's game" more than any other. Its simplistic, easy to jump into a game and has private lobbies that are a blast when you get to kill and hurl abuse at your mates.
I buy a fair few games every year – and while I love campaigns like TLOU, UC and ME, as far as logevity and value for money for hours played goes COD is still tops – there is no more fun online that matches getting some scotch in you and firing up COD with your buddies.
What other game would you suggest could fulfill that role? (I also play Battlefield – but it is too involved for the guys who have kids and less time).
I understand that familiarity is big for casual gamers, because they don't have the time or inclination to try new things. If it turns out to be a bust, you just wasted valuable relaxation time. I get that.
But of all the hundreds of games that can be played online, there are many, many quality experiences out there. And I'm not saying CoD isn't a quality multiplayer experience; I'm just saying that if it were me, I'd probably want to shake things up every now and then.
I agree with your point of it being the social experience., but for me it's negative. I'm an "older" gamer at 33 years old, and I don't have the kind of time the younger boys have. A month after the game is out I'm on level 20 or 30 something, and half the people I'm in a match with have prestiged 3 times already.
The 2 things I get in CoD more than any other game is the pre-teen, teen, and tween crowd glitching and spewing nonsense or the crew of 4-5 older gamers pwning and cursing everyone. It doesn't happen every match, but enough to be annoying.
When I play BF or KZ i seem not to have that experience (plus I'm better at those games). Heck I haven't even gotten that in GTA V multiplayer yet.
Ha ha ha ha ha it's funny how you said that, I d/l'd ghosts from psn and it has an expiration date, DEC 31 2099. Also I'd like to add that as god awful MP and the campaign are, Extinction is awesome.
Last edited by LowKey on 11/8/2013 7:21:59 AM
It's expires December 31st, 2099?! So much or it being a family heirloom. 😉
I think this is a valid review score for this game. I really enjoyed the campaign, and totally loved the free fall and underwater combat. It was different. Yet, the multiplayer is the same old same old. After playing BF4 for a while now, I don't like the small 18 player limit… Really? Only 18 players? It's 2013, you'd think they would have bigger maps by now. They don't have to go the way of BF4 with massive maps, but somewhat bigger. Or at least the option for bigger matches. I tried to play extinction, but was unable to find a server with open slots, so after about 30 minutes I gave up. Still, having said all that, I had fun, and I did have fun playing the multiplayer too, so I'd say it succeeded for me. I'll still spend most of my time in BF4 I think though.
i got it a few days ago (someone got it for me)
and it really is just S.S.D.D
The sp lasted me all of 5 hours and was same old tbh and not very story driven at all while the mp was just exactly the same as the other cod games. They really need to change the formula now as its just become way too much of copy and paste now.
Remember the days when games sequels were so different for the previous games….well i do.
Last edited by Godslim on 11/11/2013 10:30:06 AM
I bought MWF2 a month after it came out because I was finally done with KZ2. I thought it was amazing and fun. I bought BLOPS, thought it was good, but not great. Skipped MW2 because I got KZ3 and BF3. Bought BLOPSII for some reason even though i knew i shouldn't have. Done with CoD after I traded that in a month after release. It has fun moments, but overall it's tired.
Last edited by broox9 on 11/12/2013 4:41:23 PM