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DmC: Devil May Cry Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
Ninja Theory
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
January 15, 2013

Reboots have been big this generation. In my humble opinion, however, Devil May Cry wasn’t one of the franchises that seemed to be in desperate need of a reimagining. The last couple of entries have offered fantastic action goodness and for the most part, the fans haven’t been grousing and grumbling. There may have been some slight technical stagnation but besides that, it seemed fine. However, now that I’ve played DmC: Devil May Cry , I realize that although it may not have been necessary, I really like this new look and feel.

We start with one of the more interesting categories, especially for PlayStation 3 owners. Graphically, the game won’t blow you away; there are some visual inconsistencies and minor flaws, and there’s a general lack of crystal clear clarity we typically associate with AAA productions. That being said, the fantastic design and artistry is undeniable and the animations are slick and smooth. The overall presentation is something special and pays homage to the excellent atmosphere for which this franchise has been so well known. It’s different but there’s that palpable current of vintage DMC that runs beneath those differences.

Side note: It’s unfortunate to note that the PS3 version may lag a tad behind the Xbox 360 version in terms of frame rate and general graphics performance. With the Unreal Engine, though, this isn’t exactly uncommon. And for the record, this is part of why the game doesn’t receive a 9.0 in my eyes; the 360 version might be slightly closer to that elite plateau. Just please bear in mind that the gap is nowhere near as bad as it was with Bayonetta . If you’re buying DmC for the PS3, you don’t really have to worry; the lesser performance output is minimal and likely won’t hinder your enjoyment. Well, unless you’re a stickler for such things.

Moving on to the audio, we’ve got some great voice acting, a kickin’ soundtrack, and a bevy of sound effects that accompany every absurdly fast attack Dante has in his prodigious arsenal. The acting represents an upgrade for the franchise (as does the story, which I’ll get to in a moment), which I anticipated from developer Ninja Theory. Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West proved that this studio only hires top-notch voice talent. The score is full of wicked heavy metal and other hard-hitting songs, which match the action perfectly, and those effects are both diverse and what I like to call highly “impact-ful.”