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Far Cry 3 Review

Replay Value:
Online Gameplay:
Overall Rating:
Ubisoft Montreal
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
December 4, 2012

To start, what went through my head playing Far Cry 2 : “You know, I like the idea of a GTA shooter, but…this isn’t quite doing it for me.” In contrast, after quite a bit of time with Far Cry 3 : “Ah ha . Precisely what I was looking for.” The latest iteration in the acclaimed franchise features a lush environment, a ton of stuff to do, a decent story and totally twisted, intriguing characters, and a sense of freedom that is both heavily intoxicating and addictive. This colorful, dangerous world is partially flawed, yet undeniably stunning.

“Stunning” is an accurate descriptive term, too. Not many open-world adventures look as good as Far Cry 3 and personally, I’m a huge supporter of the vibrant color scheme and meticulous attention paid to most every minor detail. This isn’t about photorealism or drop-dead gorgeous CGI; this is about presenting the player with a huge, sprawling package where the visual presentation is cohesive and complete. This is about exploring a rich, surprisingly lively landscape of beautiful scenery and occasionally shocking brutality. The contrast between that brutality and the apparent serenity of the background is another appreciated element.

With excellent voice performances, a slightly underwhelming yet well implemented soundtrack, and a bevy of fantastic effects, Far Cry 3 surrounds you with quality audio at all times. There’s a small balance issue (which is common with sandbox games, unfortunately) and not all the voice performances are top-notch, but we shouldn’t nitpick. Again, as is the case with the sweeping visual presentation, everything works together to enfold the player in a believable, highly entertaining virtual world. Everything plays off each other; the ambient effects blending with the natural splendor of your environment is just one example.

From the start of this epic, chaotic quest, there’s really only one motto— “It’s up to you.” This tropical paradise – consisting of not just one, but two islands – appears awfully quaint and picturesque on the surface. But a whole lot of nasty and seriously depraved individuals roam this supposedly pristine area, so this battle of survival pits you against humans that only qualify as human in the most technical sense of the term. Animalistic and amoral to the max, the wackos you encounter are appropriately intimidating. Seriously, Vaas is a compelling and extremely effective villain, because he’s unpredictable and unstable…and that’s always frightening.

You play as Jason Brody, who is attempting to rescue his friends from Vaas and his roving band of pirates who deal in the lucrative and hazardous drug trade. For the most part, and as I expected, the storyline quickly takes a backseat to the open-world fun. I mean, as memorable as certain parts of the Grand Theft Auto and inFamous plots have been, there’s no doubt we all played those games – and indeed, any sandbox adventure – with one thing at the forefront of our minds: Explore and do whatever we want. Missions are there to be tackled however we see fit.

That being said, I don’t wish to imply the story is mediocre or poorly constructed. Despite the questionable pacing and the fact that I never really cared much about Jason’s buddies, this is an engaging, interesting story that can grab – and shock – you at frequent intervals. Therefore, you’re never looking at the plot-advancing missions with a frown, feeling almost as if they’re impeding your progress, that they’re in the way of your gallivanting. That’s because the story is worth experiencing and besides, it’s not like the game suddenly gets all linear just because you have to follow a certain story arc. The developers always give you ample opportunity to experiment.

Going back to the intro of the review for a second, I have to reiterate— FC2 just never got me. I never felt absorbed. There was too much driving, the story felt disjointed and the entire adventure just seemed…aimless. Although I understand that open-world games should give one a somewhat aimless sensation – that’s part of the inherent appeal – FC2 was just too erratic and occasionally tedious. Nothing about this sequel feels tedious, except for a few spots that actually qualify as more frustrating than anything else. The control is rock solid, the living, breathing environment continually keeps you on your toes, and you’re always rarin’ to go. “Gimme another mission!"

I just love the combination of stealth and flat-out firefight action that can be found. Sneaking into a patrolled area can be just as much fun as racing in, guns blazing, sh** blowing up all around you. And with a large arsenal coupled with that expansive environment, there is any number of approaches. Got some C4? Time to make things go boom. One of my favorite things to do is to free wild animals in cages, and let them hunt down your foes; it’s like wild kingdom gone berserk and merged with a straightforward shooter. Ah, but even then I may be speaking out of turn because in truth, just how “straightforward” is Far Cry 3 ?

After all, there’s a whole ton of depth courtesy of great role-playing elements. Collecting materials for various reasons is oddly more fun than anyone would expect, and finding all the radio transmitters to hack is just awesome, partly because it feels exactly like climbing the viewpoints in the Assassin’s Creed games. The first-person platforming in FC3 isn’t as intuitive or realistic as it is in the past few AC iterations, though, and in some ways, scaling those radio towers seems out of place. Still, gotta love the idea and using the zip line (akin to the Leap of Faith in AC) to get down fast is never boring. I would also argue that any game that utilizes experience is at least partially an RPG. And that's right up my alley.

The campaign could take you upwards of 30-40 hours, depending on how heavily invested you are in the quest. Along the way, you will find a few annoying little glitches and not-so-excellent gameplay issues that can detract from the experience, but they’re usually minor. I hate respawning enemies in any game and they’re no less irritating when they pop up in FC3. I also came across a few bugs that nearly caused the game to freeze, and I really did felt taken out of the story later on. However, the campaign is still deep and rewarding, and the co-op and competitive multiplayer add another layer of enticing gloss to this incredibly robust package.

Co-op is definitely the star of the show, as up to four players tackle various objectives. Competitive multiplayer isn’t quite as interesting, as it’s largely predictable with the exception of a few fresh modes. Getting back to the co-op for a minute, you’ll want to play with three other buddies most of the time, because playing with only one ally can prove challenging. I’m not entirely sure why, but it just feels harder that way. I’m not the biggest fan of multiplayer in general, but co-op is capable of grabbing my attention for lengthy periods of time, and this game might actually be best played with friends. Depends on how your friends play, really.

Far Cry 3 is a bombastic collection of free-wheeling fun. There’s a distinct, foreboding darkness to the story, which emphasizes the chaotic wildness of the island, the characters are well drawn, the control rarely wavers (with only a few small drawbacks in the driving and platforming), the technical aspects often shine, and the available depth outstrips most other titles. The plot falters a little and respawning enemies in certain irritating missions can get on one’s nerves, but there’s just so much good here. Co-op is always a blast, the campaign is lengthy and ceaselessly involving, and the promotion of freedom and player choice is amazing.

If you hadn’t already guessed, it’s another winner that needs a spot on your holiday wish list.

The Good: Bright, detailed graphics. Excellent voice performances. Wacky, memorable characters. Beautifully designed, immersive environment. Freedom and experimentation = endless fun. Great depth and longevity. Co-op is massively entertaining.

The Bad: Scaling radio towers is cool, but seems out of place. Story falters about halfway through. Minor technical hitches and glitches.

The Ugly: “I’m still not sure wild animals always act like that…”

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11 years ago

Great review Ben! I'm definitely excited to pick this one up tomorrow, and I'm really happy that this is one of those games that was heavily hyped but actually lived up to it's expectations. The whole completely open-world aspect of it just seems so amazing since many first person shooters don't use that style of gaming much. I'm just curious though, how tight are the controls? I've played some FPSs on PS3 that are just way too loose when it comes to aiming and being able to move quickly.

11 years ago

I never played Far Cry 2, but I heard it was good. I might actually pick this up, but that stack of unplayed games I have is rising towards the ceiling.

11 years ago

Join the club 😉

11 years ago

Glad to know I'm now the only one, my wife gets mad every time I get a new game.

11 years ago

Good review sir. I was hoping for that type of review. After Red Dead and Skyrim this will fill my oddly unquenched open world desires until GTV. And I just bought a new tv, so the bright colors and environment will be appreciated.

Btw, is anyone YOU know writing a book or no? If you are picking up what I'm putting down.

Stay Classy PSX…

11 years ago

Sounds exactly like I thought it would. I bet the first patch irons out lots of that stuff when it comes.

11 years ago

I hope the graphics look good as i saw in the videos.Looks beautiful.

11 years ago

Glad to see it went over that well, first one was terrible, second one was ok, this one had the look of being pretty good so I was pretty interested to see how it reviewed.

I'm looking forward to it, but I still hate first person view, so that's always gonna knock it down a notch for me.

11 years ago

Lovely to see this game turn out as hoped. Needless to say, this game is just so right up my alley there's really nothing further for me to comment on.

The only thing I am in doubt about is if I should get this for PC or PS3. According to a review here in Norway the difference is notable, and this would be a nice excuse to upgrade my PC rig.
But yeah, this one is on top of my xmas list for *sure*.

11 years ago

The game on PC look really good on ultra setting but it also look good near low/medium setting ( what ps3 one seem to be at )so i would nt go crazy in upgrading you re rig for that game .It can get real pretty at some place and at a certain time of day tho .1 little example of what i mean Ultra setting with 90 fov .

With game on the horizon like crysis 3 and bioshock it might be a good idea to start upgrading soon tho

Last edited by berserk on 12/4/2012 6:50:24 AM

11 years ago

I'm prepping my PC for gaming anyways, now that Steam is released for Linux and thus a sea of games are on their way to my fav OS. 🙂

Also, the PS3 is not too far off from being replaced by the PS4 so I've become a bit hesitant with adding a lot of games to that collection, they will be rendered almost useless once the new console has replaced the old.

11 years ago

I think you should go with the PC version. Some games it is an obvious choice to go for the console version, like Darksiders, Binary Domain or pretty much any action or tps style game.

But for me once it goes into first person I almost ALWAYS grab it for the PC, unless its CoD because I know I will want to trade CoD in at some point and its pretty much built for consoles at this point.

Thats just sort of my rule ya dig 😛

11 years ago

I read that it's a real looker on a higher end PC.

11 years ago

Earlier I had my PS3 rigged in the living room and preferred to do all my gaming on the large screen there. But now I've gotten myself a larger monitor in my mancave and hooked both the PS3 and the PCs on that one, so that difference is gone.

I don't mind playing FPS with a controller though, I've gotten used to that now. But yeah, supposedly PC is the better platform for this game. Plus, the prices always drop faster on the PC versions. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/4/2012 11:14:19 AM

11 years ago

The new Steam living room interface is real nice. Basically, it's a mode that's meant to be played from your couch and living room with a controller in hand. It feels like a console really. This way, you can have all of the bells and whistles and performance gains of PC based play with an interface designed for a control pad in your living room or man cave.

11 years ago

I know 🙂 With Big Picture mode it's become real easy to build your own console.

I'm "Beamboom" on Steam too btw!

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/4/2012 1:10:47 PM

11 years ago

Sounds like a must-have title. This review has removed my initial apprehension caused by Far Cry 2.

11 years ago

if you have a good pc, the set up is sweet and you're comfy when you play, then sure get it for the pc… i don't have any of those so i have it for the ps3, and its superb. i haven't noticed any screen tearing or frame rate issues either.

11 years ago

one thing i really wish ubi would patch in, is whenever your climbing, in a cut scene, or any fast paced movement please go out of first person mode!
so many times the camera has shaken so much my eyes feel like there going to burst out flop down the stairs in a puddle of my own puke!
perfect game to induce motion sickness!

11 years ago

lol, i haven't had that issue, but I'm sure there's a whole host of things they will patch at some point.

11 years ago

I've had this since launch day here in the UK, and I'm loving it. Great review. This was the first game I ever preordered.

Last edited by Eunoia_ on 12/4/2012 6:17:04 AM

11 years ago

talk about problems in graphics you stupid Review,s
screen tearing is a mess is console

Last edited by lpsyco666 on 12/4/2012 6:35:38 AM

11 years ago

are you in an English speaking country? if so.. you should try it some time. if not, then you really need to express yourself better.

i have the digi version and there is no screen tearing so let's not even go there.

11 years ago

Not enough mention of the wild life and skill three in that review in my opinion . Beside that great review .

The wild life is one of the best thing about that game for me .Always funny seeing a couple of wild dog chasing some pig or goat .Also nice seeing pirate being ambushed by wild animals like those nasty komodo dragon ( not so much when you re the target ) .

Nothing can beat the surprise attack from alligator tho .The moment you think you re safe in water you get jumped by one and you soon discover that looting/skinning stuff on the border of river can be the end of it all .I m more scared while playing that game then in any recent survival horror game because of those .

Last edited by berserk on 12/4/2012 7:22:04 AM

11 years ago

that cabella hunt game or what ever its called could learn a few things eh!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I'm not sure what there is to say about the wildlife. It's there, and I mentioned freeing animals to help go after enemies. Beyond that…

11 years ago

Well , it s one of the best wildlife ever done .Some of those animal might be a Little too aggressive towards humans tho .

11 years ago

Can't wait to download it today! Hopefully Sony has an early update.

11 years ago

I'm happy to see the positive response by critics. I didn't feel this game was getting enough attention through it's development process. I also felt concerned when goty nominees were already being lined up well before this game had released.

I really enjoyed the first two games. Both were pretty stellar for their time. This looks to be a worthy successor in a very seasoned gen of offerings.

I've played enough AC3 to move on to Halo 4 but I'd like to some how squeeze in some time with FC3 before the year's end.

xjr 1300
xjr 1300
11 years ago

think am gona wait till gt5 or get a second hand copy it all sounds a bit repetitive to me and theirs way to much green in it but i could be wrong my little bro just got it so will have a go on it when i see him roll on spring gta5 king of open world bring it on

11 years ago

That's interesting, considering I mostly hated Far Cry 2.

xjr 1300
xjr 1300
11 years ago

well i got a lend of my bros far cry 3 at the wknd i had it completed in 16 hrs man i was glad it was over with the likes of village folk calling me my friend all the time in a bad south african accent i could live with that but then theirs the suicidal ai that just stand their while you pick wot way you want to kill them and then theirs the animals running about like zombies but its ok cos they give you cars to drive with a radio and 3 channels all playing the same crap at least they could of give us some descent tunes but no then theirs the plot what plot then the topping on the cake the graphics what a load of kak i have seen better on ps2 games if it was a rushed game i could understand the sloppiness of it but it wasn't i could moan about it a lot more but its just not worth it i say get a second hand copy if you must but don't blow 40 quid on this over rated game it gets a 7 from me and that's being nice. al have red dead eny day of the week (:

11 years ago

…is this English?

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