PlayStation Move is a nifty and supremely sensitive motion-sensing system, and it can be immensely effective depending on the game and situation. However, when a game is designed specifically for the motion-based mechanic and falls short in terms of overall control and substance, we’re once again reminded of Move’s relative youth. We’ve no doubt that developers can do some pretty amazing things with such fine-tuned sensibility but with a few significant exceptions, we haven’t seen anything to drop our jaws just yet. The problem with PlayStation Move Heroes is that despite offering an all-star cast, a charming and appealing premise, and accessibility for just about anyone, there just isn’t enough to keep us entertained. And what can be considered entertaining suffers from common motion-sensing issues.
The graphics are colorful and the level design is decent, but the entire presentation lacks that spit and polish usually applied to the Ratchet & Clank adventures. I only use that one series as a comparison because Sly hasn’t returned (yet) and Jak has been taking a long break since last generation. Anyway, the visuals in Move Heroes can best be described as a game that looks good, but doesn’t try very hard to reach the stars. It’s sort of content to be borderline pretty, and that’s it. The effects are nice, though, and any follower of the franchises in question will easily recognize that cartoon-y yet always attractive flair. It’s just that nothing stands out, which means most of what we see is soon forgotten.
The sound is helped along by some solid effects and the single biggest highlight: all the original voice actors for the major characters are here. Voices alone have never actually compelled me to play more of a game I dislike…until now. When you combine the stellar performances with an effective soundtrack and those crisp, rewarding effects, you get audio that enhances and bolsters an otherwise frustrating experience. Unfortunately, much like the rest of the game, even the sound and music begins to wear due to repetition and a distinct sense of disappointed expectations. The audio can’t really stand out in a ho-hum technical presentation that almost refuses to let any one element shine. Thankfully, the voices of those PlayStation icons really stem the tide…at least for a while.
It’s a great idea: take three of the most recognizable and beloved names in the PlayStation universe (sidekicks included), and drop them into a fun, diverse cooperative adventure. You get to use whips, wrenches, guns, and developer Nihilistic even tosses in some sports-related mini-games to add to the platforming/action format. At first, everything seems to be going along well; you just gotta love the tremendous trio, and given the potential due to each character’s unique characteristics, you figure you’re in for a fair amount of wand-waving entertainment. I mean, I sort of miss Sly and his sneaky ways, and I miss Jak, too. Having Ratchet is almost more of a bonus, ‘cuz we see him all the time these days. It’s just a great cast and a great concept.
It’s just that there’s isn’t much of anything here . Sure, we get Paris, Metropolis, and Haven City, but the repetition of the design and gameplay hinders our enjoyment something fierce. There are different activities, like bowling and disc-throwing, and the action segments can be fun and even rewarding, but the environments seem small and cramped, and the control doesn’t always work. First of all, you can’t even jump. I mean, you can’t jump whenever you want. That alone is enough to annoy the crap out of long-time fans (the games in question were all part platformer, after all), and the melee and whip controls are just far too inconsistent and unreliable. Supposedly, you only have to shake the Move controller at nearby enemies, but that just doesn’t seem to register as often as it should. And by “often,” I mean all the time.
The lack of mobility also allows enemies to easily surround you, which can make all the action sequences downright maddening. The sports-related activities are a little better: in bowling, you toss the ball and control it in mid-roll by aiming your wand. It has to go around obstacles and stuff, and smash the desired targets. Disc golf is even better because you control the Frisbee in mid-air, which made me think, “how cool would it be if I could do this in Sports Champions ?” Directing the disc is sort of like flying a very small plane through an obstacle course, and Move seems to work best with this particular mechanic. As I said, there is some sense of reward because you earn medals based on your performance, and it also adds to the longevity, so that's a definite bonus.
The whole thing just continues to trip and stumble due to erratic and irritating control. There were just too many times when Ratchet, Jak or Sly simply refused to execute the command I absolutely provided, and when you factor in the less-than-impressive graphics and repetitive nature of the gameplay, you begin to get tired all too quickly. Now, because there are multiple characters, you can ask a buddy to jump in, but your options are usually limited to a little set of mini-games. Plus, the second player doesn’t have a full role; he just aims a reticule and tries to target roving enemies. Sadly, the whole process is way too slow – regardless of your friend’s competence – and Player 2 ends up yawning rather than grinning. You too will start to yawn if you spend more than a few hours with this one.
PlayStation Move Heroes has a ton of potential and promise but doesn’t really deliver. In all honesty, I just wanted to bowl or throw that disc; I couldn’t handle the action parts after the first few hours. The control fails far too often, the presentation is just “meh” and those fantastic voices and decent soundtrack can’t save the entire lackluster production. Everything begins to feel like too much of a chore, and it’s not a chore you care enough about to complete. The repetitiveness is just too much to deal with and adding in a second player doesn’t really help. It’s too bad, because the three video game legends involved deserve better.
The Good: Iconic, all-star cast. Great voices and effective music. Some intriguing event and activity ideas. Glimpses of pure fun.
The Bad: Lackluster technical presentation. Erratic, unrealiable control. Terrible repetition. Two-player option is disappointing. Nowhere near enough to do overall.
The Ugly: "Oh yes I did make the right movement!"
This is pretty disappointing. I was looking forward to this game then I heard it was just a series of mini games with little to no story then I played the demo and it pretty much confirmed it. I'll probably pick this up at some point down the road because it might be fun to play with my little girl but as of now, it's off my radar.
Ya I almost bought it until I decided to wait and play the demo. So glad I waited cause I didn't know it was mini games until then.
I just can't get into the whole Move thing…. games like this aren't helping either.
Oh and Legend of Mana has been taking up tons of time for me on my PSP….Honestly I don't have time for new tech with all the great memories of how Squaresoft used to be…
yeah I ain't buyin no Move any time soon.
Hand-drawn artistry at its best.
I have played some great move games and have seen how awesome the move controls can be. When I downloaded the demo for this I had high expectations and was very excited to try it out even though the characters it was based around were from games I never really played.
I was terribly disappointed by the demo and am not the least bit surprised by this score. For a game made specifically with the move in mind and in house, it had some of the worst move controls I've seen.
I'm surprised sony released it like this, how sad. Makes the move look bad when there is no reason for it to.
What games do you think work great with Move? Maybe there's a title for me amongst them too.
I hear Move works well in Killzone so gonna try that someday. It sure would be nice to actually use these glowsticks sometime…
Most of the games on sports champions work really well, volley ball kinda sucked it up and gladiator doesn't have the best tracking, but the rest are almost perfect. Even though gladiator has some issues it is still tons of fun.
Killzone 3 works great with the move, but it's easier to use with a gun attachment as your arms don't get as tired as just holding the move controller.
Socom 4 move works good on the beta so I can't see why it won't with the full game.
Tumble is a move only game that I thought I would just pass over, but it is highly addictive and really fun with more than one person. It's control is excellent.
The demo for Echochrome 2 was neat, the controls were perfect, not really my kind of game, but it worked really well with the move.
It's just that with some games having such precise control, the demo for move heroes was atrocious. I kept flicking that stupid whip and it never seemed to do the attack it was supposed to and never went where I aimed. Not to mention turning your character was a chore.
Yeah true I've got sports champions and that's the only game so far that I've played where Move felt right. Throwing frisbees was particulary fun imo, and table tennis was a blast. Just too bad the game itself is so ridiculously small that I think of it more as a sort of tech demo than a game.
Also, I tried R.U.S.E with Move for the first time today, and that worked surprisingly good and is well implemented.
So there's hope in the horizon, no doubt.
Disc golf is the bomb and I'm also a huge fan of Move Bocce.
Yeah, imagine what sports champions *could* have been if they just put some love into a good selection of disc golf maps to troll around in.
… Wonder why none has created that yet… I'ts such an obvious concept for Move.
I pretty much knew that this was going to be a turd when I found out it was from the developers of Conan.
And THIS is supposed to be the 'superior' tech? Sony should have put more work into making better games than using Kevin Butler to trash the competition that has ACTUALLY delivered compelling software. Get real…
I'm sorry, but who has delivered compelling software that uses motion tech?
Right, because one or two games don't turn out as good as we had hoped means the entire tech is trash.
Xseed, Atlus, Capcom, Marvelous, THQ, Deep Silver, and Nintendo. All on the Wii. My wife would say Kinect, too. She really likes it. I'm not impressed yet.
Yea, and the Wii has been out for 5 years while Move has been out for a less than a year. As for Kinect…yea…Kineticals and silly dancing games aren't much better than this.
Criminy, you're sensitive. Didn't say it was trash but it hasn't proven it's worth yet. And besides slapping motion controls on games that can be controlled with a Dualshock, Sony hasn't done anything to show to me that they are committed to taking motion gaming to a different level than it is now.
Ha, right, I'm sensitive and you're the one who's posts are constantly dripping with self righteous indignation.
That's not compelling software, sorry. All the best games on Wii are best played with a Gamecube controller.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/13/2011 11:42:19 PM
This score is hardly representative of the Move's capabilities. It's a score for a game that isn't that great.
To be honest I haven't seen anything using motion controls that's made me want to pick it up and own it. That includes everything from the big three (Sony, MS, Nintendo).
The Metroid Prime Trilogy and Killzone 3 are the best titles I have played using motion controls.
Which is why I said Sony should focus on BETTER software to take advantage of said capabilities….
Have you played Heavy Rain with the move? I've only played for like an hour with it but it's like the game was made for it.
Oh indeed. I can't believe I forgot about Heavy Rain. It was the first game I played with Move. It's fantastic with Move. I enjoyed playing it with Move a lot more than I did with the DS3.
PorkChop, your first line was "and this is supposed to be 'superior' tech?" The implications were obvious, I thought.
I love how you say something like that knowing your gunna get some backlash and yet act innocent in your replys, lol.
I think you guys are a bit rough on Porky. I understand what he's saying.
Are there any of us who got Move right after release who honestly can say they are *not* feeling a bit disappointed now?
I think it's fair to ask if this tech truly *is* this amazing when I bet 70-80% of all Move sticks around the globe pretty much are collecting dust right now.
Sure, it takes time to adapt new technology and all that, but there is still not a single "Move flagship" on the market?
Especially when one listen to BBC and every god damn tech-related programme any given month has a feature about Kinetic and how the community has been able to make it work on PCs, found new and creative use for it that goes way beyond gaming and bla-bla yadi yada.
I'm not saying that there never will be a use for Move, I firmly believe it will, but still. Do I feel a bit disappointed? Well… Yes.
Last edited by Beamboom on 4/14/2011 6:28:37 AM
The BBC is a company not a programme and is FAR from tech-related I'm afraid.
I'm not disappointed with move, I don't buy every move game, but what games I have that support move are awesome. Earlier I was mentioning some games and I forgot Heavy Rain, love it with move.
I'm not into sports games at all, but I've played sports champions alone for about 50 hours and with my wife and friends probably another 60 hours.
@Liam: Ehh, hello? BBC? The worlds largest broadcasting corporation?… Of course I know that BBC is not a program? Geez…
I said their tech-related *programs* has often featured a story about kinetic over the last year or so. Science and tech programs like Click, Digital Planet, Discovery, Click On and Science In action. That's five weekly shows right there for ya.
BeamBoom ~ Sorry I mis-read your comment, I though you said The BBC and every other tech-related programme, implying BBC was a programme. Me also thoughts you said that it was a tech-related 'programme'. All-in-all, a huge fail on my part 🙂
That's so boo.
Oh dear, another ps3 exclusive thats just meh…. I feel that socom 4 won't be getting a very good score either.
It's not lookin good around the net.
really? Why? I thought the beta was pretty good and the move controls worked well. I haven't done any looking elsewhere at scores so what are they saying?
they think its old fashioned, maybe not twitcher friendly?
Most of the complaints I have read have been with the campaign.
I believe alot of the reviews are pretty bogus. At least their reasoning against how it's "not exactly like Socom II" are anyway. It does sound like the campaign is short and not that great, but the complaints about how the game changed slightly in multiplayer are pretty lame in my opinion. Of course they changed some things! Its a sequel of a game thats almost 10 years old. People really let nostalgia cloud their judgment.
On from what I read the reviewers docked the game a great deal for having a "short campaign with a bad story". Same reviewers that have given all the Call of Dutys 9 +. Pretty lame.
Anyway, I loved the beta, I loved Socom 1 and 2, so I'm gonna most likely love Socom 4.
Once I heard this game was a series of mini games I lost interest. It's sad I really was looking forward to all these "heroes" being in one great adventure together.
This should be no indication of how MOVE hardware works either. When implemented right it's unbelievable how great it is. I'm talking games like Heavy Rain, RE5, MAG, KZ3, sports champions, and so far the Socom 4 beta, are perfect examples of how to use the hardware. Considering it's been out awhile that's not a huge list but that's all I've played with move, including the demo for this game being reviewed. But this game should hold no bearing on wether to get move or not. It sounds like they just didn't get it right! On that note I'm still looking forward to sorcery whenever it releases!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/14/2011 1:04:01 AM
couldn't agree more, I had hope for this game, originally thought it was going to be a platforming game with story like the games from the characters involved, what a let down that turned out to be.
I also agree though that this is not at all representative of the move capabilities.
i hope rachet and clank all 4 one is better.
is it move compatible?
No Move support, only 3-D.
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 4/14/2011 8:25:14 AM
Sad… this could have been one of the games that would have added more persuasion to get myself a Move controller. The thing is: It has so much potential. Three of the best platforming franchises to be found on the PS2 being brought together for a game using motion controls. This could have, and by rights SHOULD HAVE, been our SMG2.
Instead, Nihilistic Software decided to turn it into a minigame compilation that could be made in any other form. Such wasted potential is immensely frustrating for me. And this is the development team behind Resistance NGP? I think it's about time to curb excitement for that project as well.
It would of been sooooo good if the game was like Super Smash Brothers Brawl(I know its on wii, please dont shoot me) except with playstation characters.
Let's be honest…when we all saw this at E3, was anyone actually expecting it to be any good? I sure wasn't, I mean look at the name. You can just tell it was gunna be poor. I'd say the same for R&C – All 4 1 if it wasn't developed by Insomniac themselves.
Perhaps Naughty dog will show how a platformer can benifit from move-capabilities with Uncharted 3? If anyone can….
I thought it had a ton of potential. They should have just made it your typical Ratchet and Clankesque adventure with a decent story and better controls and it could have been great. Instead they opted for a bunch of mini games which made it blagh.