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Blacklight: Tango Down Review

Replay Value:
Online Gameplay:
Overall Rating:
Ignition Entertainment
Zombie VR Studios
Number Of Players:
1-4 (12 Online)
Release Date:
October 26, 2010

Downloadable games are getting more and more impressive with every passing month. Developers are able to jam more quality goodness into a digital file and due to the significantly lower retail prices for such productions, gamers often benefit. However, while Blacklight: Tango Down looks and sounds a lot like a standard $60 product, the overall execution and implementation of crucial systems and mechanics leaves something to be desired. It ends up being far more frustrating than it needs to be, regardless of whether you choose to play solo or with other people. It’s actually quite strange: technically, the game really excels for a piece of digital interactive entertainment, and everything from control to hit detection to character customization via loadout settings fits the structure. But so many other facets fall well short.

Graphically, Tango Down is an indication of the future; an example of what’s to come from the digital realm down the road. Powered by the Unreal Engine and presenting the player with highly detailed and well-sized environments, one really could mistake it for a full-price retail product. Only when you get up close and personal with enemies and certain environmental objects will you notice a few clarity and refinement issues. The special effects aren’t all that impressive from a critical standpoint and while there is some decent variety in the available maps, nothing really jumps off the screen. That will be the next step for digital productions; the “jumping off the screen” bit. It’s not quite possible just yet, but they’re closer than you might think. The visual presentation here is stable and satisfying, if not especially memorable, and that’s noteworthy.

I’m not the biggest fan of the audio, although the game gets better-than-average marks for snippets of good voice acting and enemy exhortations. The music doesn’t play a large enough role, though, and the track selection is barely even noticeable most of the time. The sound effects also fall shy; the gunfire sounds fake to me, and I had hoped for some appropriately sickening impact effects when bullets strike flesh. In this way, one can indeed notice it’s a downloadable title but as I just said, there are some definite highlights. The voiceover work is few and far between but it really works quite well, and the general feel of a firefight – minus that strange gunfire that strikes a false chord – is one of great urgency. Good sound always helps the situation. Playing online ratchets everything up a notch, too, so that’s another bonus.

Blacklight: Tango Down is a first-person shooter that is smooth, easy to control, and remains a significant challenge throughout all available modes of play. The enemies aren’t stupid and in fact, the AI is downright surprising; foes will strafe quickly across open environments, and you won’t normally find one firing out in the open (at least, not for very long). They’ll take cover, pop up just long enough to take aim, they’re not Godlike when it comes to firing a weapon so not all bullets strike you, and they’ll even try to flank you in some instances. There are only four missions to play through in Black Ops mode (the only mode available for Solo play) but each one features a different environment and various objectives. They even toss in a few small mini-games for opening doors and lowering roadblocks. Still, the biggest plus is the quality and responsiveness of the control, which almost never fails you. I’ve seen $60 FPSs that don’t get it right.

They even include a nifty little gizmo called the HRV (Hyper Reality Visor), that allows you to see where ammo, health, and your enemies reside. It’ll cut through anything, almost like an advanced version of infrared and it’s awfully helpful. But you can’t move when the HRV is activated and it takes time to recharge, so you can’t abuse the option; a darn good move by the designers. Considering all this, we should be looking at a pretty entertaining game, right? …well, sadly, despite the pluses, the game just never comes to fruition; it never crosses the line into rewarding entertainment. There are several major reasons for this: firstly, the single-player option is borderline pointless, as there are only four missions and you’re always outmatched and outgunned. You spend most of your time in cover and moving very, very slowly because if you die once, the mission is over and you have to start from the beginning.

The latter became a huge issue for me; if someone can explain how to start where I left off after dying, it’d be much appreciated. A way might exist but I couldn’t seem to find it. Even excepting this problem, it’s almost as if the developers went out of their way to discourage solo play. You can go through with up to four players and you probably need them to even things out. Then, after a while, you get irritated because you realize this game doesn’t really offer anything new, and as you’re crouched behind yet another obstacle, looking at your crazy low health and praying for an opening, you just go, “why am I killing myself to do this?” So you go online. There’s Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Detonation, Retrieval, and Domination. You’ll soon find that while all the modes deliver in the entertainment category and they work out just fine, it’s still nothing new, and it’s very unbalanced.

Again, it seems as if newcomers are treated unfairly. You’ll probably go up against opponents who have already earned new weapons and accessories, some of which can give you a tremendous edge. So you run around dying a lot, looking to maybe snag a weapon that’s better than yours (and you haven’t earned yet), and hoping to level up so as to compete on a level playing field. I’m aware this is a trait found in other shooters but big-budget FPSs tend to handle this in a variety of different ways; they allow for new players to work their way into the action. There’s no easy way to do this, here. The health system also seems a little wonky, as you start with a max health of 175 but if you crouch and hide after getting nailed, the health refills…sometimes…and only to a certain point. And sometimes, it wouldn’t refill at all. I just couldn’t figure out how that worked.

In many ways, the technical achievement is high and should be praised. In other – and more important ways – it feels like an incomplete title. Multiplayer has balancing issues all over the place, the challenge is too stiff for one player to have much fun, and really, the single-player “campaign” (if it can even be called that) doesn’t serve much of a purpose. I suppose it’s good for leveling up before going online but if you don’t play co-op, you’re in for a long, tedious, mostly unrewarding experience. Yeah, don’t die. I’m not too bad when it comes to FPSs but I always felt cornered, underpowered, and on the verge of annihilation no matter what I did in either single-player or multiplayer modes, and that’s not really a…happy feeling. Blacklight: Tango Down excels in a lot of areas but due to the drawbacks mentioned in this review, it never gels. It just doesn’t come together in a cohesive, accomplished package. If you have friends who really want to play, I suppose it isn’t bad for $15, though.

The Good: Graphics are impressive for a downloadable; technical aspects excel overall. Responsive, reliable control. Solid collision detection. A few nice gameplay twists, including the HRV.

The Bad: Single-player is unfulfilling. Difficulty too high for any solo play. Too much of the same ol’ same ol’. Major multiplayer balancing issues. Weird health system. Lack of music and environmental variety.

The Ugly: Sometimes when in cover, an enemy will just get stuck and start flickering back and forth. Funny, but unfortunate.

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13 years ago

In an already FPS saturated market, it probably isn't the best idea to bank on a digital-only one that can only ever be sub-par compared to the ones with high production values.

Strange that we don't see any awesome digital RPGs with simple Ps1-ish graphics. They would cost very little to make and would be huge sellers.

13 years ago

World, are you telling me that Section 8 didn't sell well?


Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/28/2010 10:35:06 PM

13 years ago

Yes… I have to agree. The thing is World, with the cross-platform development environment we have now, whereby developers can quickly create a game world and compile on the fly for various platforms, that nasty "Hollywood" feeling comes back to haunt one…

It is quite "easy" now to turn on the mince grinder and church out shovel ware to the point where one becomes numb to it.

How many FPS's can one stomach at a time. I would rather play one or two a year that are really really good, then have droves being grounded out Hollywood style.

Yes, it is easier to develop using multi-platform game engines, but with development convenience and speed comes a general degration in over all quality and the specter of shovel ware…

This is why exclusives are so nice to purchase and collect, there are few and far between, but when released they include the best production values in the industry. I would rather have less games of high quality than more games of poor shovel ware quality…

I do understand, that in some cases, price point attracts people to purchase different games of the same genre. Maybe a family (or individual) can only by "cheaper" games, so they will go for these DL titles, if they are in need of something immediately. Or they may have to wait 6 months for a price drop.

Either way gamers have to decide to either support developers that pump out these quick turn around games or reward the developers that really produce good stuff….



13 years ago

I wasn't moved by Section 8…



13 years ago

I dunno, I haven't even heard of it.

13 years ago

you kidding there are tons of rpgs with simple ps1 graphics on the store they are the ps1 classics, and if there is one on there that you haven't played yet than it is like discovering treasure

13 years ago

I'm talking about all new games that nobody has played before. duh. Making a game like FFVII nowadays would cost a tiny fraction of what it once did and all you need is a good script because RPG fans tend not to need superfantastic graphics to have a great experience.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Uh…OT, OT, OT.

13 years ago

@ ben….
whats OT?

13 years ago

I don't think digital download games are OT here. In fact I think WorldEnds has a brilliant idea there. Why are all the RPGs on the DS when they could be digital downloads off the PSN?

If puzzlers and fps can do it, then why not rpg?

13 years ago

Thank you Alien, I tend to agree. I'll abide by the rules, but PSN/XBL titles that compete with big budget titles in the same genre feel in this milieu.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

You guys only think it isn't OT because I've been far too lenient about that rule in the past.

Trust me…OT.

13 years ago


Say, since you HAVE been lenient and LV seems to have taken a few days off you didn't ban him did you?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Ha. No.

13 years ago

Tried the 20 minute demo…go frustrated and deleted it

13 years ago

Played the PC version when it released in early summer. It's fun for multiplayer bullet swapping but all in all it just doesn't have really long lasting appeal. But still fun for a budget shooter.

13 years ago

this game looks horible O.o

13 years ago

Sounds good but I'm not one for buying digital download FPS. If I was seriously hard up for an FPS I'd just buy one of the many that are sitting at retail for $20.

13 years ago

Wow this guys negatives are ridiculous:

Your health bar always regenerates to about half-way after a few seconds if you don't get shot again.

Many people I have played to and other reviewers have stated how pretty balanced the game is and not over-balanced. Yes higher ranked people might have a better scope or a bit more accuracy than you, but you can still take them down a rank 70 as easily as a rank 10.

In Single player you do restart the mission if you die, but if you are playing with another you will respawn at checkpoints if at least one of you are alive.

Silngle player can be difficult but if you go slow and use your HRV correctly it is challenging but not difficult. (Of course changing the difficuly changes things 🙂 )

Overall, I think this game is great for the price of a meal.

Last edited by CubanB on 10/29/2010 10:56:51 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

"Your health bar always regenerates to about half-way after a few seconds if you don't get shot again."

A complete lie. Trust me, it doesn't. It would regenerate to 88 when I got low, and sometimes randomly in between, but it was NOT uniform.

"Many people I have played to and other reviewers have stated how pretty balanced the game is and not over-balanced."

No idea what reviews you're looking at. There are only a few so far, and several are lower than mine and slam the balance even worse than I did.

13 years ago

Well on the health things I have never had that issue…and for the balance I am talking about past reviews from the XBOX and friends /others I have played with.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

…yeah, those aren't reviews.

13 years ago

Ben the reason your health doesn't fill up all the way is to prevent camping. The whole game is built to be a fast paced shooter, more like unreal tournament or quake. There are health stations placed around the levels and its your job to find them to get your health back up to 175.

I have had no issues with balance and I am currently level 16. I have played against level 1 players and believe me they can kill me just as well as I can kill them. Most of the attachments have draw backs, IE what puts up your damage puts down your movement speed or rate of fire, so to me I don't see balance issues.

To me I feel that the game is probably a 7.5 for the price point and the content your getting. If you like shooters, then pick this up unless your waiting for black ops, if your not it will tide you over until killzone 3 which is going to be amazing. Its a really fun pick up and play game and honestly it got better when I upgraded from the demo

13 years ago

You know what is really wrong with this game? It utilizes the Unreal Engine, that engine is crap. It is dated, and either needs to be scrapped or if Developers have the money they should build one from the ground up.

13 years ago

Or use ones that hardly ever get any use but for one single game, even though they are better than Unreal. I'm sure companies that have abandoned their engines would be willing to sell em off.

What's Ninja Theory gonna do with their HS engine? I mean it wouldn't work for an FPS like this but they are Unreal users now and should sell it someone who can make better games.

13 years ago

A couple things impressed me with this game, and that was the weapon customization and the price.

Outside of that, the Demo didn't do much for me.

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