I'm not going to get into all of the usual and detailed hoopla I tend to write about when I do these reviews; Ben's already got all of that covered in his review. My Final Fantasy XIII is more of an op-ed, sort to speak, albeit one with a legitimate score. Many of you guys know I love Final Fantasy, and I love traditional RPGs. I hold Final Fantasy VII and XII very near to my gaming heart, because I love the amount of freedom and exploration both offered. I loved the battle systems, and I loved the customization aspect of both games. Everything that made Final Fantasy VII and XII so great is practically missing from Final Fantasy XIII. And thus, Final Fantasy XIII is not really a true-blooded role-playing game, and it's arguably not even a true Final Fantasy game. Dare I say it, Final Fantasy X-2 was more proper than this here is.
Again, if you're looking for details on combat mechanics and so forth, take a look at Ben's review for that. In any case, Final Fantasy XIII is the antithesis of the Japanese-RPG, as with this iteration the franchise has succumbed to the pressures of making a game super flashy, fast-paced, and, for lack of a better word, 'cool'. As soon as you engage in your first battle, you immediately get the sense that the game has lost its focus. And the more you progress and the more the combat opens up (use of paradigms, summons, etc.) the more you realize how numb the experience can feel.
I use the word numb because Square-Enix has taken a ton of control away from you. So much so that you only get to control one character during battle, while the others are A.I. and fight on their own, where as in Final Fantasy XII you had the option of controlling all three or automating them. Furthermore, you are assigned a party leader, and no matter who that leader is, you cannot switch him/her out, forcing you to play that character for a lengthy duration of time. And that's my other issue; the characters in the game get split up so often that you'll find yourself in command of characters you don't enjoy. Why a developer would intentionally force you to control characters you may not enjoy is beyond me.
Then there's the whole linearity. Sure, Final Fantasy X was pretty linear, but XIII takes it to a whole other level. The lack of towns, the lack true character interaction, the lack of legitimate shops to visit, interesting places to wander off to, the lack of all that essentially makes this the most soulless Final Fantasy to date. To top it all off, Final Fantasy XIII has easily the most boring first 10 hours the franchise has ever seen, it's boring enough to make you want to quit. But I kept playing, and eventually the game really did get better, and the characters I once disliked (Vanille, Hope, Lightning) did get treated to a number of revelations, which fixed their character development considerably.
The story comes off as immediate and way too complicated, and you're just hit with this ton of bricks the moment you boot up the game. There's so much to process that it's borderline overwhelming, at first. Usually the stories unfold a bit more gradually in FF games, but not so with FFXIII. This also contributes to the boring first 10 hours, since such a huge chunk of the story is given to you at the beginning, all you're doing during those 10 hours is running away without any further story progression up until at least about 13-15 hours in. And once the story begins to progress, it actually becomes quite good.
Now, the combat system I have my issues with. It's too frantic, it lacks composure, it lacks focus, and it's not very engaging, because it can be very frustrating to constantly have to switch "Paradigm" setups (job roles for characters) back and forth all throughout the battle. That said, once you get used to it, it's tolerable and if you get the hang of it, it can be fun. Unfortunately due to the speedy nature of it, you'll spend more time looking at bars on screen than you will the combat, as you'll constantly need curing and other status improvements to keep your fighters up. You can slow down the battle speed through the game options, but unfortunately it doesn't help all that much.
Additionally, the game has a bad habit of blindsiding you and throwing you into battles unprepared. Many times I was thrown into fights where my Paradigm setup was not optimized to my liking or to the requirement of the battle. Now get this, if you lose and select retry, the game restarts you from right before the battle and automatically opens up the menu for you to perform your optimization. Now tell me this, why doesn't the game do that in the first place? Absolutely idiotic design there.
I do like the leveling system, and the Crystogenesis system is very reminiscent of past upgrade systems in Final Fantasy X and even XII. From battles you'll earn Crystogen Points (CP) which you'll use to upgrade your characters with via the Crystarium. Enhancing weapons and accessories is done by trading in items you've collected for EXP. Enhancing your stuff will make it more than just stronger, but will also add additional attributes to the item you've enhanced.
Having said all of that, it sounds like I absolutely hate Final Fantasy XIII. I don't. In fact, I actually like it quite a bit. The more I play, the more I like the combat and enjoy grinding to earn more CP, and the more I want to see the story unravel. The problem is that this isn't a Final Fantasy game. It feels like six years ago, when Square-Enix started developing the game, they said "hey, let's make this really cool and different RPG game", and then the executives said "sure, but because it'll never sell as an all new IP, we need to slap a Final Fantasy logo and number on it."
So therein lies the problem: Final Fantasy XIII would've fared better as a spin-off FF game, because quite frankly, this is not what I come to expect out of a franchise that has defined the RPG genre. This is simply too much of a departure. And ripping away so much of the freedom that I've had in the years past? Unacceptable. Imagine the main Metal Gear Solid series suddenly turning into a God of War/Devil May Cry clone? It simply wouldn't fit into the core series of the game. Sure, it might be a good game on its own, but with a legacy behind it, it simply wouldn't work. And thus why Konami's Metal Gear Solid: Rising does not have a number attached to it, but rather a sub-title that clearly says 'this is a spin-off'.
So why the fairly good score then? Well, like I said, the game does pick-up. About 15 hours in and lots of stuff changes. The first 10 hours are largely an introduction to the game as throughout that period you'll constantly see new tutorials during battles and such. Initially, the cut-scenes and some of the cheese is hard to witness, but the quality of the story goes up, as does the quality of cut-scenes. Once your characters also become stronger, things get a little better, as well, but you'll definitely run into a number of battles that you'll have to try and try numerous times.
Also, there's a certain feeling embedded into the game that makes you want to keep playing just to see what happens next, and the linearity of it all certainly makes that aspect easier to embrace. I'm not saying the linearity is good, but it does make it easier to just keep going and going, without worrying about straying off the path.
I'll keep the technical stuff like visuals and sound quick, since Ben has covered that in his review, as well. Final Fantasy XIII looks nothing short of amazing, and it damn sure better, because seeing as how environments are fairly limited in scope, there's little excuse for the game to not look great. The characters are easily the most detailed aspect of the visuals, and the animation really stands out too. Also, the image is very polished and the CG cut-scenes are absolutely astonishing in detail.
Lastly, the sound is pretty good, but not the best an FF game has seen. The soundtrack lacks a certain charm or even character, and voice acting for Hope and Vanille is excruciatingly bad sometimes. Nevermind the fact that for the first 15 hours of the game Vanille is just about the most annoying Final Fantasy character ever. But to make matters worse, her awkward Australian accent sounds slurred, and almost fake (it isn't, the voice actor is actually Aussie…and pretty hot too). But the peppiness of Vanille is too much to stomach, it really is. And Hope, even though he changes up a bit later on, he's hard to listen to, as well.
So, I have a lot of negative things to say about the game, but I don't hate it. I'm disappointed. It's just a radical departure and it's definitely a blemish on the series' legacy. The lack of tradition here is appalling. And Square-Enix's excuses about not having things like towns and an open world are total bull, if you ask me. The bottom line is that this game was neutered for numerous reasons: to appeal to a different demographic, to take up less storage space making it easier to publish for the Xbox 360, and because development of the game had already gone on for over 5 years. I have no doubt in my mind that development for Final Fantasy XIII stopped and restarted multiple times over the course of time, and that would best explain why this is such a massive leap backwards for the franchise.
An 8.1, ROFL. Not a bad score, still a terrible game
I know! that 8.1 is what I would give. All Arnold's complaints were the same as mine.
One more thing I would like to add is the complaint about the leveling up. It's broken down into stages and you level up the stage through progression in the plot. So you would level up to a point that you cant get stronger. As compared with prior FF game, you level up to the point you feel right, or when it require too much experience points to progress further.
Nice review Arnold. Having just beaten it earlier today (and GOW3, which was awesome), I have to agree with you. The story definitely gets better, but the first ten hours were a bit excruciating in terms of the voice acting. Honestly, I was just waiting for Sazh to go ahead and say, "I'm getting too old for this shit" He doesn't, which brought me great sadness. Fun game, great story once you get past the cheesier beginning dialogue, but ultimately a bit of a let-down for FF fans. I enjoyed it, but I can't see myself playing it again. I can't even see myself getting the rest of the hunts done, which is a real shame.
8.1? Not bad considering, but you make it sound like a rental – although considering the play time it'd be a long rental.
Your review is good because it frames the game in terms of the expectations one has for a Final Fantasy game. And to be honest, I don't see how anyone can come to this game without that context. If you've played RPGs for any time, you've played some of the other FF games, and if you've played the classics and genre defining games like FFVII and FFVIII, you most definitely expect certain things of a JRPG and a Final Fantasy game.
Reading both your review and Ben's has actually confirmed many of the fears and feelings I had about the game before launch. It's clear to me that if I decide to play this game, I absolutely must not go at it in a Final Fantasy frame of mind.
As for the game itself and the design of the first 10-15 hours of the game, I am absolutely amazed by the tolerance that people are showing. Many games are not even that long, and yet people seem to be willing to suffer through the first 15 hours of FFXIII for the promise of better things to come. If a game that was only 12 hours long played like the first 10-15 hours of FFXIII I have a feeling it would do well to get a 5/10 even with stellar visuals.
So in the end, I have to ask why any developer would make the player suffer through that much 'hell' to get to the game underneath? Personally, I don't feel that respects the player as a consumer.
''As for the game itself and the design of the first 10-15 hours of the game, I am absolutely amazed by the tolerance that people are showing. ''
Yes it makes me think that if the game wasn't called FF almost all people would give up before those 10-15 hours.
Wow you make it seem like playing through Final Fantasy XIII is a chore. I've played through the Japanese version and now the English version and have enjoyed them both times. Maybe you should consider playing the game and getting a better rounded opinion? You think that might be helpful. Also about your last bit on how consumers would feel playing this game. I've talked to various people who have never played Final Fantasy before and are enjoying it. I also have a buddy who loves FF7 as much as I do, who is also enjoying this game. I would say up to about 500,000 people who bought in the first week of release must be enjoying the game to some extent.
I have to agree with highlander. I kept asking myself over and over, if people keep complaining about how bad the first 15 hours are, how do they get past it? If I play a boring game for 5 hours, I get aggravated, after 10 hours, I'm ready to say screw this and find something fun to play.
I'm going to give it a try, but I'm not looking forward to swallowing 15 hours of crap, just so I can get some chicken.
Play it. Just pretend it's not XIII. It is certainly based in the FF worlds that we love, and it is very pretty and worth playing.
Dude, the first 10-15 hours sound like a chore. I've seen them (the first 10-15 hours) described as various uncomplimentary things. This quote from Arnold seems to sum up the negative comments I have read; "To top it all off, Final Fantasy XIII has easily the most boring first 10 hours the franchise has ever seen, it's boring enough to make you want to quit."
Any game that features a 10-15 hour long 'tutorial' that is boring enough to make you quite and features a combat system that is frustrating and brings numerous "Game Over" moments not because your party was incapacitated but because the game design makes it impossible for your NPCs to revive the leader. That particular feature has come in for a lot of criticism. The automated battle system has too.
All in all, none of this recommends the game to me at all. I will not suffer through 10-15 hours of that kind of crap, I have better things to do with my time. I don't for a moment believe that when I pay $60 for a game that I should somehow have to pay my dues by putting in 10-15 hours of boredom just to reach the good part, or meat of the game. That's at very least poor design and at worst disrespectful to me as a gamer and purchaser.
I've played heaven knows how many different RPGs and I have to say that many of the features that SE removed from the game are among the reasons I play RPGs. The automated combat system takes the end of turn based combat a step further, and I already abhor the demise of turn based combat. This nonsense of being unable to change the party leader and only controlling one character just tops off the mess for me.
Fine, maybe this is an OK action adventure. Perhaps it's great once you get to Gran Pulse. I won't endure 10-15 hours of less than pleasant gaming just to get to Gran Pulse, especially as the combat system remains the same mess that it is.
8.1 sounds awfully high considering the very serious complaints leveled against the game. But thanks for the review Arnold.
While picking up GOW 3 yesterday I couldn't resist picking up FF XIII too. I won't play it until I get through GOD 3 first, but I already have the sinking feeling I'm going to really regret my purchase. By all accounts, the game starts horribly. I am too busy and life is too short to "play" something you hate, but if for no other reason than having an informed opinion I intend to persevere.
It's a testament to how amazing FF VII was that I still put up with this crap…
totally agree with highlander, that automated bullspit, and the oh your pc died game over crap is enough to make me not want to even play it , add to that that there is NOTHING for me to do other than progress from battle to battle to battle for a good 70% of the game…..
you gotta wonder, why the hell would i pay 60 dollars to torturing myself? its like scratching a foot itch by shooting it off
i MAY rent it just to see the flashy hd visuals but im getting my rpg fix from white knight chronicles, shitty story imo, but now THATS an rpg!
i wish sqeenix sat these developers down on a press conference and allowed people to tell them what they want on future ff games, im pretty sure people would eat them up about he automatation and removal of allt he things that made the jrpg genre the dam jrpg genre!!!
Man…Ouch…8.1 seems a bit extraordinary for a Final Fantasy game. This was on my wishlist byt now i am just not sure 🙁
Good review though none the less.
his point is that this doesnt feel like a final fantasy game.
It's definitely worth a play. I'm only 8 hours in, so far, and although I agree with the disappointments of a franchise let-down, I am enjoying myself immensely. I feel disappointed when I have to turn it off and tend to life responsibilities. Which is big for me. Generally, I play a game for an hour to hour and a half, then either switch games or go outside or take care of something I need to do.
But with this game, I easily play 2 hours and don't want to stop. I like both reviews on this game and agree with both scores for the reasons the authors gave. Don't forget, 8.1 is still a good score! You'll be a little disappointed if your familiar with FF games, but you will definitely enjoy yourself with this one. It's hard for a reviewer to give a high 9+ score that doesn't match the expectation the franchise has set for itself.
Try it! You'll like it!
What a pity.
Too bad for the American voice acting I suppose, though I've never heard it.
The Japanese voice acting is top notch and really natural, *especially* Hope and Vanille's.
As for the game itself, to each his own of course, but I still find it really hard to bring myself to agree with a single point of complaint made so far by critics, commenters, etc.
I'm a big FF fan myself, and I find 13 an excellent and breathtaking FF on all accounts.
Perhaps it's just a point of view, but the way I see it, 13 is a great step forward for the series, and it is definitely very FF-ish to me in every respect with a refreshing twist.
The way I see it, lots of people must be expecting FF7 or 6 wrapped up in a shiny new HD package and rebranded as 13…I say time to move on, and soak up the goodness that is 13 and look foward to a better 15. (again, can't vouch for the US version…I personally hate bad voice acting myself).
*My* rating for FF13 would be 9.5/10.
Man I could not agree more with you on that statement. it seems to me everyone wants a Final Fantasy 7 all over again, talk about being a fanboy. You can't say you are a FF fan and not like Final Fantasy XIII. You can't get old school anymore, and it wont go back. I stress this to much. I say good job for Square trying something new. You can't very well please everyone, but then again people are to picky with games these days, and I dare someone to tell me it's all about price. We all know everyone is going nuts over God of War III and it doesn't matter that it's 60 bucks.
i wouldnt blame it on american voice acting because Naughty dog proved that it can be done the right way. Its more of square enix being….well, square enix.
Well when I consider ND is an american company, things settle right into place. The localization time on FF13 was what, like 3 month? However I will say that the voice acting in 13 is very well done when compared to some of the earlier games. Try youtubing FF12 or even some of FFX. It's pretty annoying. Memorable, but annoying.
I didn't find the voice acting bad in general, ok vanilles erotic sounds during battles was weird, but other than that i thought it was pretty good, i felt they envoked the emotions of the characters well.
i've played it for 50 hours in the last week, i'm near the end now so i'm exploring all the extra's which certainly is not lacking. Maybe the reason i enjoyed it so much was because of my moderate expectations due to all the press S-E were put up with since the Japanese release. I actually was hesitant in buying it at first, but i thought well it is tradition so i went for it and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I agree ultima – the voice acting is fine, but I can't have Vanille in my party because it sounds like I'm watching some p0rn with all her moaning during battle….it's quite odd
So, us wanting more of something we love and not wanting to "move on" to something different that we DON'T love makes us fanboys? Thanks. Jerk.
Oh, and Dismael, you saying the voice acting in FF12 is "annoying" just proves that you've never touched the game.
If it's not FF then the score will be damn high everywhere but it won't sell like how it does now.
Great review(s), Ben & Arnold. Both reviews, like opposite sides of a coin, seem to represent two different views, but converge to the same point. Long time fans, this was a disappointment, but it excelled at quite few things to warrant an 8.1, not as an FF, nor even an RPG, but as a game. Ben, gave it a bit more credit as a game (8.7 iirc), and played-down his grievances and expectations as fan, a bit more. But they both say the same thing. If you are a fan looking for FF, you won't quite find it. If you are casual player, or new to the series, you're still gonna have to be patient (for the first 10-15 hours or so).
Square tried to please too many different parties (MS, casual gamers, new gamers, and fans), when they should've stuck to the golden recipe.
Okay thanks psxtreme, I'm gonna wait til game drop to 29.99 .
not really ..why I would buy a rated 4/10 game?
the only reviews I trust are psxtreme ones.
my problem with FF 13 its that it lacks what I like of jrpgs, so why I'm gonna pay 60 bucks for something like that?
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/17/2010 3:21:50 AM
Because we all waste 60 bucks on other garbage instead? I can understand wanting to read PSXextremes opinions on games, but solely using that as an excuse not to play a game is pretty lame. Whatever happened to playing it for yourself. Hell you don't even have to buy it, you could rent it. Ooh dare we even do that anymore.
dude plz calm down.
read the comment.
I'm going to buy the game but at 29.99 , the game isn't a rental if you ask me.
Uhm, I'm pretty calm. Last I checked I don't think feeling convey well over the Intenet.
You're going to buy it at 29.99, yeah sounds like a great deal, that'll happen any time soon. I'm quite sure of it.
Last edited by DIsmael85 on 3/17/2010 3:58:16 AM
yes, I already said that I gonna wait, I don't need the game in this moment, I'm not a FFtard.
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/17/2010 10:20:40 AM
It strikes me how many "sheep" we have on here that base their sole purchase on a review score. I'm currently running through God of War III, and with how fast I'm getting through it, I wouldn't be far from saying the game doesn't deserve a high 9. It's the same formula sure, and I love it, and the graphics are amazing, but it just feels short. Oh well.
I thumbed you down DIsmael85, because you're becoming more and more annoying with every passing comment.
We're not "sheep" as you put it. We may simply not have the time, money or opportunity to try each and every game, so we rely on reviews and opinions of others – especially the one expressed by Ben and Arnold.
Frankly I could call you a "simpleton" for reading without comprehension. Our negative approach to FFXIII is not based on a score (8.1 or 8.7 is pretty high in my book) but on the whole review.
Take care.
Last edited by mbg77 on 3/17/2010 4:11:12 AM
i dont think people here on psxextreme base their decision on the actual score. i personally dont care about the score at all, i'm reading the substance of the review. As i read both reviews after i got final fantasy XIII on day 1, i would have to agree with them about this game not feeling like a final fantasy game. people who also buy this game just because its called final fantasy can also be called "sheep" and thats who square enix is counting on to sell this game. I'm a fan of the final fantasy series so i'm in this group of "sheep" and this game doesnt give you the feeling of what a final fantasy game should be. They chose to over simplify things in order to appeal to the other demographics (twitch gamers as ben put it).
And after the onslaught of games this past 3 months, i have to be picky on which games i am going to buy. I mean, why would i buy a game full price or day 1 when they carry a name that to me implies a promise of quality/experience and disappoints the loyal fans of the series. i bought final fantasy XIII with the same approach as i do with every final fantasy game, treating each as a completely different game. I never would have thought it completely separated itself from the other iterations i loved by taking out the crucial components that made the final fantasy experience.
this being said, i just want some feedback concerning resonance of fate since i havent heard much from it. I still on the fence about picking it up but since i still have heavy rain, god of war series, and bad company 2 online, and the rest of Final fantasy XIII to finish, i guess i can wait.
On a related note, when i played final fantasy games, i usually stick to playing it completely without touching any game. In Final fantasy XIII i really dont mind dropping it for a while and playing bad company 2, killzone 2, Uncharted 2, or mag. Hell, i even picked up white knight chronicles for some quests again.
Well I thumbed you down mbg77 because all you did was prove my point. I will post what I want however I want. It's my opinion. As well as I do respect yours. This is a forum style thread, with debate open freely. If you are so annoyed, you could simply click the X in the corner of your browser. I say "Sheep" because of some of the comments about how "I wont buy this game anymore" because of another opinion. Not saying everyone has money, just saying, you should try it out. There are ways to do that at not such a high price. You as well have a good day.
I can understand what you say. With the amount of games out these days it's pretty hard to sit on just one for very long. I find myself playing multiple games at one time. I imported FF13 way back when it released in Japan. So I've had several months to sit there and play it. Of course it wasn't easy to follow so I felt pretty ill about it, but I enjoyed the game very much, and it was a Final Fantasy, new sure, but a Final Fantasy none the less. Now that I have the US version and I can understand everything, I love the game more than I did before. I just find the hate on this game to be one of rabid fans of the old not getting their way. These companies sure, will lose money if no one buys it, but for the love of god, the game isn't horrible. Hell 8's aren't horrible, but with how people are these days, 8's are bad, while 9.5 and up are golden. People have become to dependent on scores and reviews and we have forgot one major thing, a game is a game. Play the damn thing.
Last edited by DIsmael85 on 3/17/2010 4:26:12 AM
@ dismael85
I am not a sheep. I make my own damn decisions. I'm still gonna get this game regardless of the review, but it's nice to know what I am getting into.
"It strikes me how many "sheep" we have on here that base their sole purchase on a review score."
I'm not thumbing anyone or taking sides, but I think that sums up the main problem with the video game industry as a whole.
I realize $60 is a lot to spend on a game, but people tend to blindly follow reviewers without thought, and it ends up bleeding into effecting sales.
That's the main reason why COD release every year, plus monthly map packs. Now we have Battlefield and Medal of Honor all trying to capitalize on the review trends. The developers received the message loud and clear.
The devil's advocate things is getting more than obnoxious as you may or may not be able to tell by sheer amount of thumbs down your getting… lol.
In case you hadn't noticed, that vast majority of comments here regarding FFXIII are based on something other than review scores. Some of us haven't played the game (myself for example) and are judging it based on the comments of those who have and the content of reviews that go into more depth than simply praising the game's polish. Believe it or not by reading and considering all the comments of those that play a game, you can get a feel for whether the game is your kind of game or not, and that's not based on the scores. Sheeple buy a game regardless of the reviews, and other sheeple buy a game simply because it has good scores. As someone who bothers to read comments from gamers who play the game, as well as reviews from reliable sources where the score matters less than the content of the review, I do neither. I buy a game based on the opinion I form through my research and possibly even playing the demo (should one be available). Most of the other commenters on this site take a similar approach.
God of War 3 has more "holy sh!t" moments throughout the course of the game than all the games you will likely play this year COMBINED. it's tied with uncharted 2 as best game of the generation for me.
definitely deserving of top honors.
@ dismael85
Most of us leveling criticism HAVE played the game. We don't like it as much as you so stop trying to convince us other wise.
Wow, you're pretty condescending to say anyone's a sheep just because somebody doesn't want to spend $60 on a gimped game that had 1/2 it's own content taken out!!!
Assume much??????
people want to play an rpg, so they read about final fantasy..
what do they read?
that its not that "rpg-ish", so they decide to not buy it because it doesnt appeal to what they WANT TO PLAY
comprende? its really not a hard concept, yet you seem to be struggling with it, im no rocket scientist but i think you sat on a stick and lost it in there for good….
Agreed. Playing it now and it just doesnt feel right…not bad, but not what I was expecting. FFX probably sets the bar for the series IMO. and FFVIII is my second favorite (as it was my first one to play). sure FFX was somewhat linear, but you actually stopped at points and looked around. This is just –>–>–>–>—->—->–>–> all game long, at least for the hours ive been playing it
Last edited by CHAOS THEORY X on 3/17/2010 3:16:23 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone will flame me for this, but upon reading the review, it sound more like a complaint than anything constructive.
"Why a developer would intentionally force you to control characters you may not enjoy is beyond me."
Dude seriously? This is a huge complaint. It sounds more like a fanboy crying about characters rather than playing to learn more about them. I know, it's my opinion, but I just don't understand how this has anything to do about the game overall. There are plenty of other points I could pick out, but it just takes so long and it's a lot of work I'd really rather not waste time doing. I understand everyone has their feelings on what a game should be, and this is just one site after all, but to score a game so low based on some of your points sounds like a person who wants a FF7 remake so bad nothing will do until it happens. Who knows it might, but until then, it just seems that way. Most of what people are complaining about on here seems that way. If you were to put yourself in Square-Enixs shoes, I wonder would you be able to make something better? Would you be able to make something that not only fans will buy, but people who haven't will as well? When it comes to RPGs is a slippery slope and it's hard. Most people want WRPG's now a days. I'm all for JRPGs. I can't stress enough how I've grown up on them, but it seems like we have people who are stuck in a time long ago and those who have moved on. I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan, maybe more so than Ben or Arnold. I understand how reviews are supposed to be viewed, but when it comes down to swaying the masses, you've got to know that people are going to listen to the reviews rather than their own opinion. Is pretty shameful, especially in this case. I can officially say the days of the RPG are gone. Especially if this is how we have to consider people are going to treat it.
You made me laugh…thankyou.hahahahah
I bought the game. I am playing the crap out of it. I am loving it.
All that said, the review is spot on in all of its points. This is a great game and it really does open up and get better after a tedious amount of tutoring and hand holding for the first 10 hours. This game is not a great RPG or FF instalment though. You said earlier that you can't have old school any more but there are old school games out there that are good. Tales of Vesperia, White Knight Chronicles, Eternal Sonata just to name a few. These are all good games and they are not a linear battle simulating hack and slash.
Defend the game all you want, it is a good game. But please stop belittling people because they have serious complaints about the deviation that the game has taken. It has taken a large departure from what an RPG has always been and it just feels disappointing to some people myself included, but to say we are all sheep or that there can never be an old school RPG again is just demeaning and flawed at best. And to say you cannot be a true Final Fantasy fan and not like XIII is just ignorant. People can have absolutely any opinion that they want and just because it doesn't match yours does not mean it is any less valid of an opinion.
That's all just my opinion though.
Nonsense. I'm sorry not one thing you have said on this thread is even remotely coherent. Why do i get the feeling this is the ONLY Final Fantasy game you have played?
FFXIII is a good game, its JUST NOT FINAL FANTASY!
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/17/2010 11:58:42 AM
I've been saying this to everyone I discuss FFXIII with… A good game, but not a good FF.
p.s. Arnold, it sure took you a long time to get this review done, Ben said it should have come by the end of last weekend.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 3/17/2010 3:32:53 AM
Theres only one thing i like about the crytal/level system and that is noone will be left out and weak if you never used then at all. Even if i dont use snow, hes still up there compared to the other party members.
Ohh, too bad you cant switch party members freely in battle like they did with final fantasy X. i kinda like the idea that if non of your current party members can get the job done, call someone else in.
The only thing i can say about the gameplay mechanics is that its so dumbed down that i actually level grind while watching a movie using the picture in picture on my tv. all i need is keep button mashing the X button until the current "level cap". Why is there even a "level cap" that opens up after each chapter? The upgrade costs alone can stop people from progressing further. ohh, and i want to ear gil and not wait for the item drops that doesnt happen much even after gaining a 5 star rating.
Last edited by johnld on 3/17/2010 3:48:38 AM
There's a level cap for each chapter? The more I hear about this game the more ridiculous it sounds. Is the point of this game to tell me how I should play video games? Pick this character, only get to this level, choose this class. What the crap?
Thankfully we have the freedom of choice, and my choice is to wait until I can get this game uber cheap, so I only pay what it's worth.
yeah, it starts of letting you level up to a certain stage of the crystal thing then after every chapter it tells you that your character can move on even further. hell, you cant even max out your character until you finish the game i think.