Initially, I Am Alive was supposed to be a full Blu-Ray adventure, but then the title disappeared off the radar. When it returned, a few things had changed; most notably, it had switched to the digital world. The game once reminded us of Disaster Report but now appears more action-based, and it will release on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade this winter. You will play as a nameless character who has spent the last year trying to get back home; obviously, we’re not starting our harrowing quest immediately after the apocalypse.
Indeed, it’s a post-apocalyptic setting and civilization is in shambles. In your desperate search to locate your wife and child, you will only be armed with a flashlight and some batteries, a backpack, and a camcorder. You’re not sure if your family is still alive and around every turn lurks uncertainty and danger. And although you won’t be fighting bizarre mutated creatures, you will have to deal with the darker sides of humanity. Many are just trying to survive and are willing to help; others adopt an all-for-one attitude and become problematic.
Your decisions will play a major role. Because all supplies and resources are limited, you have to decide when you can lend a hand, and when you have to think about yourself. So do you help those starving people over there, or are your rations low? If you feed them, how will you eat? Now, your choices won’t really affect the storyline, but particular scenarios could play out differently depending on how you approach them. There are checkpoints but if you die – or if you just want to see what might happen if you took another approach – you can retry a section.
As for the gameplay, there are some action and platforming elements involved. Because your environment is broken and unfriendly, you’ll have to traverse some seriously challenging areas, including busted bridges, piles of shifting rubble, and unexpected obstacles. You’ll have to be very careful, especially because you have to watch your stamina. Everything you do drains a bit of stamina, and that includes jumping a gap or fighting a foe. If you run out of stamina, you start to experience fatigue and at that point, you had better find some vittles fast .
So there’s definitely a semblance of strategy involved. When looking at a scenario, you have to plan out a course of action that won’t leave you depleted halfway through. You also have to keep a reserve, as you might come across unavoidable confrontations with other survivors. For the latter, you should probably try looking for weapons; you might find a pistol and a few bullets or a knife of some kind. Lastly, there’s a seriously cool intimidation feature that could save your life: if you can defeat the toughest guy in a group first, the others will run away.
You can even try threatening people with an unloaded gun…just hope they don’t call your bluff. There’s a lot going on here, and we really think I Am Alive could turn out to be one of the better games of the generation. We love the concept, the ideas, and the gameplay is loaded with possibilities. Provided the control and atmosphere is agreeable, this could be a unique, refreshing production that forces you to think and react.
Wow very interesting seems like a game I would really enjoy.
Looks really good, but when something gets downgraded to downloadable there's gotta be a reason. I'll wait for reviews.
Now that seems quite interesting.
Looks nice, but don't know if it's enough. I'm not convinced. It seems to me that it is a mixture of iNfamous and Uncharted. And the theme that you're all alone by yourself in the whole city fighting for your life is getting cold now (high school of dead [Japanese anime], I am legend, the walking dead, dead nation, etc. etc.).
Ben, you need to change the release date in the top because it says winter 2010 😉
Last edited by godsdream on 11/1/2011 12:12:52 AM
I've been interested in this since it was first announced.
But I'm seriously hating the fact that it's not going to be on Bluray & therefore be sitting on my shelf nestled in among all my other PS3 discs.
This well could be a game to get other than SH: Downpour.
winter 2010?
wow, my god my time machine worked!!!!!!!
im really looking forward to this, it looks so different, so unique.
just a shame its a DL only title, i wont be getting it exactly because of that, also makes me feel they could of done so much more with it.
Wooohoow… "The Road", anyone? This could just as well have been the official game for that movie! Had I been more of a movie buff (and less of a gamer) I'd even call it a blatant rip-off.
But since I love post apocalyptic settings in my games I say "cool, bring it on" instead. 🙂
Hmmm well if it goes for a reasonable price on the Store I may pick it up. I am not going to dismiss it becuase it is a download only, Just look at Siren Blood Curse, my favourite horror game this gen (even if the UK got a Blu-ray release ^_^)
Post-apocalyptic has become overused nowadays, is this title too late? What I think it has going for it is the 3rd person aspect, The animations of the progtagonist seem fluent. For now I will keep this title under the radar.
It's really piqued my interest, as it's definitely my kind of game… However, the only thing that throws me off of getting this day one is the fact that it's a downloadable game instead of being in a disc-based format. All that downloading and waiting time is just plain obnoxious, and I'd rather just put the disc in. The only full game that I enjoyed that was fully downloadable was Siren: Blood Curse.
Either way, it's a wait and see thing for me. I'd much rather have that case sitting with my collection of PS3 games.
hmmmm….. it caught my eyes.