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Duke Nukem Forever Preview

Scheduled release date:
TBA 2011
Take-Two Interactive
3DRealms, Gearbox Software
Number Of Players:

I would’ve bet good money a Duke Nukem Forever preview would never show up on PSXE.  See, we only do previews of games that exist.

We won’t bother going over the 13-year period where the aptly named “Did Not Finish” continued to lure and disappoint, over and over and over . Why beat a dead horse? The bottom line is that it’s coming and in fact, Gearbox Software has already released some media and a demo, which was playable at PAX 2010. Believe it or not, this project has come a long way in development ( real development, I mean) and it’s scheduled to release some time next year. We’re basing this information on that demo, along with a fresh teaser trailer; we will not be relating potentially fictitious information and details that have traversed the Internet for over a decade. The trailer that introduced the PAX demo, which has not been made public just yet, featured the Duke we all know and love- one-liner-lovin,’ knockin’ aliens for a loop, and generally being a bad-ass.

The demo actually has you start off by urinating. Yeah, you hit a button to actually do that. Then you wander on out to some EDF guys who are trying to come up with a plan of action, and they ask Duke for some veteran military advice. You can then draw what you like on the whiteboard before you; it doesn’t matter what you draw because when you’re done, one of the EDF soldiers will say, “That’s a great plan! If we had done that, that guy over there would still have his arm…and at least one of his balls.” Perhaps the biggest problem is in the form of a massive one-eyed alien that is – for some strange reason – standing in the center of a football stadium. Duke grabs the Devastator (rocket launcher) and runs through the tunnels to do battle; upon bringing the beast down, there’s only one thing left to do- tear out the huge eye and kick a field goal with it. If that’s not 100% Duke-esque, absolutely nothing is.

Then, the players zipped forward in time and were allowed to sample the 15th level, which actually puts Duke in charge of a big ol’ monster truck. During your ride, you will simply smash any dumb alien who wanders into your path; it didn’t appear as if an ally could drive while you stood in the back and fired away, but who cares? Crush stuff! You don’t have too far to go, anyway; the truck soon runs out of gas and you’re forced to proceed on foot. What follows is a pitched battle in a village, and Duke can run around and find all sorts of nifty weaponry, including the railgun (overpowered sniping from afar) and an entrenched turret gun. There’s even the shrink ray, which turns your ugly, marauding foes into tiny pet-size creatures that scuttle around, obviously freaked at the comparison between their small stature and Duke’s muscular frame. At the end of the demo, an enemy spaceship landed, at which point we’ll just assume more of the same cocky bad-assery followed.

From what we’ve seen, everything looks pretty good. It’s almost surprising to say that. In looking at a few of the screenshots, you’ll notice artwork and environmental shots, along with what appear to be in-game pics. It can’t be Duke without those strippers – “shake it, baby!” – and the aliens are fittingly grotesque. Considering Gearbox’s remarks and this demo, it’s not difficult to envision the final product: an intense FPS blastfest with the shade-wearing hero of yesteryear; a true-blue modern version of what we once had in the good ol’ days. How much of what we’ve seen can be attributed entirely to Gearbox is unknown; who knows how much data from 3D Realms transferred over…? But we won’t focus on that. We’ll just focus on the good-looking, highly entertaining, appropriately cheesed-out production that is Duke Nukem Forever .  Cross your fingers.

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14 years ago

Yay Ben, You managed to crack a joke in a series of jokes thought to be dead. good show.

I wonder if peeing restores health like in Time to Kill. Seems like good ol' fashioned fun, but the news of a vehicle level makes me wonder.

Last edited by main_event05 on 9/6/2010 9:42:12 PM

14 years ago

Serious Sam for me took over the reigns of Duke Nukem in Duke's absence but I'm really looking forward to getting back into the world of Duke Nukem.

I really enjoyed your enthusiasm in describing the actions displayed in the game. Sometimes you don't need the most advanced gameplay on the market, just some profanity laced humor and tons of ass kicking.

14 years ago

What's serious Sam?

14 years ago

An over the top FPS, first game in the series came out in 2001. I suggest you check it out, you can get it off Steam for under $10.

Think Doom but in an Egyptian setting similar to Stargate with dozens of enemies coming after you at once from 100s of yards away.

14 years ago

I think Duke got a look at "Matt Hazard" and said "Hell no, I'm comin' back."

14 years ago

Haha, I got a look at Matt Hazard and said Hell no.

14 years ago

I'll have to try it out one day.

14 years ago

I have it in physical form if you want to borrow it. If you email me your address I can mail it to you.

14 years ago

haha, i'll have to wait till I can get a P.O. Box.

14 years ago

Ah yes, I may be a rapist.

14 years ago

It's not that.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I know about you. You're a Jehovah's Witness.

Last edited by main_event05 on 9/6/2010 10:37:56 PM

14 years ago

Did we do that at the end of DN3D shortly before taking a sh*t down its neck.

14 years ago

14 years ago

After a decade and fans are still interested? Now that's something.
The demo looks good though.

14 years ago

I'm still waiting on a sequel to Chrono Cross and its been over 10 years.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/6/2010 10:13:33 PM

14 years ago

No offense to Duke Nukem fans, but Chrono Cross deserves a sequel.

I played the first Duke Nukem and personally I don't see a place for DNF in today's gaming landscape, but if there are people who want to play it…enjoy.

14 years ago

Too bad you can't make out a thing in that vid, but it's better than nothing. If they tell us on April 1st this was just a joke, a mocked up demo, I will get medieval.

14 years ago

Lets see… What other games that we think will never happen would also get fan's panties in knots?

-FFVII remake
-Crono Cross sequel
-Xenogears sequel
-Legend of Dragoon sequel

This list could go on forever.

14 years ago

HL Episode3…

I kid, I kid!

13 years ago

I'm surprised there's still people who remember Legend of Dragoon. Though I'd think more of a remake then a sequel.
BG&E2 would make my panties go in a notch.

14 years ago

WAIT KID! Hot blonde right there!

14 years ago

"I'm a hot babe out jogging, you look to check out my great pink headband and before you know it, mayhem happens"

14 years ago

I saw his penis during Season4 of Oz.

14 years ago

LV, whats up with you and wangs??

14 years ago

You'd have to talk to my butt, I have no idea.

14 years ago

Again. I'll have to pass.

14 years ago

Weren't you recently in jail or something?

14 years ago

What!? Um, no………….

14 years ago

I think BikerSaint got locked up a while ago; LV was just M.I.A. for a bit.

14 years ago

Off topic here but anyone know the new firmware update?

It's 3.42, never heard it coming or what's it for?

14 years ago

Everyone's saying it has to do with the recent "hack" from last week. Basically a couple nitwits used a key to bypass some stuff and were able to run pirated games on a PS3 so Sony released this firmware to correct any flaws there may have been.

Where's Highlander when you need him?

14 years ago

Highlander is prolly in Scottland. Killing other Highlanders.


14 years ago

I'm no Highlander, but I know somethings about it. In essence, the hack was made with a USB key, although It has been ported to several other devices. It put the PS3 in debug mode, the same debug mode that Sony uses to fix the PS3s with corrupted OS or firmware. The thing about this mode is that it enables the console to run unsigned code from the hard drive, which in turn enables playing backups. What Sony did with the firmware was probably just disabling/rerouting the access for the debug mode, so the USB key can't initialize it. It was a simple solution, but I fear that it will be simple to circumvent by the hackers too. BTW If anyone's wondering, I'm not a pirate, I'm just a huge fan of homebrew in consoles…

14 years ago

I just checked the PS Blog for it but it's still listing the 3.41 update, so I don't know.
I'm guessing it will probably be listed there tonight then.

BTW, Glad I checked it because I saw I need a 6.31 FW update for my PSP though……

The PSP® system software version 6.31 (with 6.30) update includes the following:

New for 6.31: System software stability during use of some PSP® format software titles has been improved.
video Game

[By Format] has been added to the options menu for [Group Content].
Games can now be grouped and displayed in folders based on format under [Game].

* To sort games by format, select a game icon, and then press the square button.

14 years ago

Saint that was from weeks ago 🙂 (The PSP update). It's pretty cool, you just hit square and it organizes all your games into categories.

14 years ago

I'll have to use "Crush Stuff!" whenever possible now.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if they made a demo just to keep the rumor alive, and the full game is still never coming :/

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

This comments section is probably the funniest thing that I've ever read on this site. Y'all should put together some sort of stand-up roadshow and tour the world. I'd pay.

Okay, Dukey. I reiterate that I don't believe in it. If however it is released, I may have to pick it up. I don't normally go for the gratuitous camp and crude humour, but I reckon I'll have to make an exception in the case of this bona fide legend.

Also, Ben, the developer listed is 3DRealms, but it's now Gearbox in charge. So is that right? Maybe you should list them both considering the former is DOA.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

They were both listed…one just fell off overnight. Fixed now.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Ah, k. Thankyou.

14 years ago

i cant believe im actually reading this!
i mean, im just waiting for someone to pinch me to wake me out of this noir esc dream!

nice to see dukes ego has not taken a shot, i mean "eh, id still hit it." than kicking the eyeball through the goal posts!
ah, its good to have you back, NOW NEVER LEAVE US AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

This all sounds classic Duke!

I just ordered Duke3d on PS1 again! (5 quid too!)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Long live the Duke.

13 years ago

Duke kicks ass but when will the competitor come out of the shadows. DOOM!!!

14 years ago

Pigs are flying.

14 years ago

Haha! "Shake it, baby!" Yeah, buddy!!! I remember the cheesy midi music, pixelated voices and stoner unfriendly trials of booting DN up in DOS mode! Time to revisit him in 52" of HD glory.. from my couch!! Woo hoo!!!

14 years ago

this game is going to be bad ass

13 years ago

I laughed at the end of the video with the image of Dukes crotch and the line "It’s going to be big!" It should be fun, but I´m keeping my expectations low.

13 years ago

Nice to see you back Duke. Since you were the first mature rated game I played. Let's rock!

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