PlayStation Move is only a few weeks away, which is why we’ve decided to take a look at what the future has in store. One of the most anticipated Move games is Sorcery , which took center stage during Sony’s E3 conference; that presentation definitely went over well with the audience. The presenter worked through a series of enemies by slinging magical arrows with his staff, and yeah, there’s a resemblance to “Harry Potter.” But the latter was never quite so immersive in the video game world, and besides, Sorcery has its roots in Gaelic/Irish mythology and it appears to be a bit darker in nature. What we’re most interested in is the gameplay, and the accuracy and intricacy of those Move controls. Based on everything we’ve seen and heard, such a game could prove to be extremely entertaining, and a great incentive to be a PlayStation Move owner. We just have to wait until next year to try it.
You may have noticed in that demo that Sorcery features a fixed camera, so you won’t have to worry about controlling the view while attempting to aim and fire at the same time. It was probably a good idea and to simplify the process even further, there will be an auto-aiming mechanic as well. In other words, you don’t necessarily have to be exact when singling out goblins to fire upon. The reason for this relates to the necessity of getting the spell casting motions just right: the game will require that you “draw” the specific spell designs in the air with your motion controller, and that could prove challenging when it comes to the bigger spells. We don’t imagine it would get overly difficult but at least there’s some depth involved, and it’s not only about flicking your wrist in one direction over and over. Motion-sensing games can indeed get a bit repetitive but the options offered by Move should add a new dimension to such mechanics.
Basically, you’ll have a handful of core spells that can be combined together. For instance, while one particular spell only requires a simple, quick movement, you can string it together with other supportive magic incantations. This will also factor into the environment and types of enemies you come across, as you should be able to get quite creative and inventive with your spell combinations. This is another example of depth and one that’s most intriguing; we really want to experiment with the core spells at our disposal. We’re also wondering if there will be any sort of character advancement system. It won’t be labeled as a role-playing game but even so, wouldn’t it be great to enhance the power of your spells, or your general casting ability? Perhaps we’ll be rewarded for being accurate, or maybe we’ll be able to unlock new core skills as we progress through the adventure.
The other thing we’ll want to see as Sony unveils more in the way of gameplay, is different environments; we’ve really only seen battles take place in that same dark dungeon. But the inventive ideas behind the spell-casting, combined with many possibilities that could include everything from platforming to puzzles, really put Sorcery near the top of our must-try Move list. They’ve got plenty of time before the game is scheduled to release (somewhere during the second quarter of next year), and we fully expect to see more media and info as 2010 draws to a close. We wouldn’t be surprised if the game turned out to be even more dynamic and involving than we’ve imagined…Move could really benefit from a potentially top-quality title; consumers can always use more incentive.
Awesome game. I really hope that the future games will have Zelda quality.
Does anyone know if the Navigation Controller has rumble? The playstation website emphasized Move has rumble, but didn't mention the other controller.
Just googled a bit, by looking at the Move 10hr battery life vs Navigation Controller's 30 hr, it doesn't seem so.
I do not think it does rumble. It is wireless however.
Use your DS3 for the rumble?
If you tried holding the dualshock on one hand, you'll feel unnecessary strain on your wrist. I can't imagine how it'll feel after a couple hours of gameplay.
Holding the DS3 in the way that works as the sub-controller isn't uncomfortable at all. That's how you hold it to play High Velocity Bowling. I played that game a lot when I first got the PS3, and holding the controller that way is quite easy and natural after a while.
Not for kids or those .ladies with small hands. Our lot tried it with a Wiimote in the other hand and none of them felt comfy and my eight year old just couldn't cope using it at all-and that was just holding and twiddling the buttons! Playing this kind of game would be a different hing entirely from the swinging of HVB as well, honestly, I think a nav controller is a MUST.
I am really pumped for move and this game is on my watch list. Nice Preview! Is PXE going to do a move hands on preview before launch?
I'll buy this game for sure. Can you imagine someone actually thought Kinnect Harry Potter game looked better than Sorcery? LMAO
They couldn't kinect the dots apparently.
Why did the devs not use the move w/ Kinect for Harry Potter? Seems like a dumb idea as move would be the natural choice.
Cheaper licensing, perhaps
Even though I hate Harry Pooper, I'll probably grab this at some point after I decide to take the Move plunge.
Oh so you're going to do it, eh? I don't ever see myself doing it. Motion control is a gimmick that takes away from what makes videogames fun. Come on!
I still maintain it is gimmicky, but a few titles could be fun, plus I have 4 nieces that are a lot more technologically knowledgeable than I was at their age and I really need to "move" more. I've been too sedentary. Plus I think later on the better games will start rolling in. So, what the hell right? I want the whole package, everything Playstation has to offer and I've already got the PSEYE.
I can't make up my mind as to whether it is gimmicky, or just alien to me. I picked up a Wii for the family last Christmas that I only play when they are playing it. I like my ps3 games. There are some games like this one and shooting games that should be great with Move.
And I'm with you. I already have the ps eye. What I want to see is a Move/Nav combo.
Best MOVE game so far, definitely getting it if it turns out to be as good as it looks.
If only you could create your own character….that'd so seal the deal for me
But yes, I hope one can level up one's magic and gain many different abilities.
It might sound weird, but this game reminds me of a ps1 game. Reminds me of those quiet platform games: Blasto, Gex, Jersey Devil…..
I have to get this…
Sony, if you're reading, why not try a MOVE jrpg? Think about it, you can grab a whole lot of hungry jrpg fans with your own exclusive MOVE jrpg.
Make it happen Sony, you can 1 up Squeeeenix!
Last edited by Scarecrow on 8/26/2010 10:39:50 PM
This looks far too childish for my tastes. This plus Move and that add-on thingy is going to cost what, $150 total? I'm going to need something better than a child's game to make me buy the Move.
KZ3? Seriously though, even though Move can have games with good HD graphics I think motion sensing tech just promotes childish games over anything else. I'm sure there will be a few really cool games for it down the line though, but so far the launch titles aren't looking worth $40.
I wonder about KZ3 actually. Considering how slowly you turned in KZ2, will KZ3 be able to keep up with the point and shoot of the Move?
GG has claimed they've made some improvements, but will it be enough? Will I play KZ3 with Move for an hour just to realize that it kinda sucks? That the DS3 is what I really want?
Too many questions to warrant a day one purchase.
No, you see, Alienage. Sony will include weights to be attached to your Move wand to simulate the "weighty controls" =p
I agree, which is why I started off with "Seriously" I super doubt I'll do more than experiment with KZ3 and the move. It's just a game where you wanna sit and be comfy while you slaughter.
"Will I play KZ3 with Move for an hour just to realize that it kinda sucks?"
That's what happened to me with the FragFX. Spent $60 on it and only ever used it for about 3-4 hours total. I have higher hopes for Move, though. Especially in the area of PSN games.
they have a kz3 move tech demo. it looks promising, but i think i'll still use the ds3. move looks good for socom 3, and heavy rain though.
Have to agree with alienange on this one. This game looks to be a 10 or15 dollar psn title. At the price point that it is i just see it as a waste of money and time. Thanks to this economy i have precious little of both. I think this game would be fun for the first hour, and then get repetitive and boring. I think anyone that buys this game will force themselves to put a lot of hours into it in order to feel like they got their money's worth. IMO.
I haven't decided on this game yet, I most likely will pass on move all together, but I don't know yet.
I prefer my DS3, for true gaming, gaming is with one controller your holding with both hands.
I owned a Wii and did not like it, we ended up selling it. I regretted buying it.
I like that Sony is doing it, I'm sure the move will work for some people but not for me.
This demonstration was probably the first instance where the Move technology sort of caused a light bulb to light up in my head.
It's apparent to me now that there can be some pretty creative and clever ways to implement an interface to make use of physical gestures.
My concern about the investment of such a product is largely tied to the support. Will we see games that have the production values of MGS, Uncharted, and Killzone being made specifically around the concept of the motion interface alone?
I'm not talking about a point and shoot patch that we'll undoubtedly see on many games, rather, complete innovative games like Sorcery that don't skimp on quality story presentation, musical score and more hardcore gameplay detail.
An off topic side note,
Does anyone know why movies on PSN that were once available, like the latest Harry Potter or The Dark Knight, are now no longer available for download?
I wished Sony had used a adult gamer for their trailer, instead of making it look more of a child's play.
Anyway, Sorcery is looking pretty good.
Yeah that retarded kid with a smile wasn't inviting lol…
They should have had a sexy babe showing the game off instead
I think the best part of this demo at E3 is that it worked perfectly. Whatever the player did translated very well to the screen.
This still just seems a little too "kiddie" for me though.
Yea and the kid in the video didn't help with the "too Kiddie" feel.
Last edited by StangMan80 on 8/27/2010 12:22:37 AM
i have to say out of all the move games this looks by far the best!
1 its seriously accurate 2 it looks extremely polished even though its not releasing till next year.
this was one of the few things that really impressed me at E3 so i cant wait for it!
It beats the crap out of the Harry Potter Kinect demo from Gamescon this year. Considering that Sorcery is further from release and already looks more polished and clearly a far more functional, feature-full game, I have to say that as time passes I see Kinect in even more of a negative light. The lag and lack of actual control of movement in the game with Kinect was simply embarrassing.
I'm not necessarily saying that Sorcery is the be-all end-all, but in a comparison with Harry Potter on 360 with Kinect? There's simply no comparison, it's Move and Sorcery all the way.
That game looked pretty cute at E3, probably a bit too kiddie for me though. I'll most likely get the Move when Dead Space Extraction comes bundled with Dead Space 2 – assuming the reviews of other Move games shows that the hardware works as promised of course. I'm not going to pay $100+ for something that offers no improvement over what I can do with the regular controller.
This would make me buy MOVE, it's just kinda bad marketing that all the better MOVE games show up next year and not at launch…
haha, isn't kinda what happened with the PS3's launch? some would say so.
Well, sure, but PS3 also had great 360 games to be envious of at the time. Where's the Gears and ME and DR for Kinect? Move's line up of games, working(consistently and with more than two players-seriously, wasn't the success of wii often down to EVERYONE in the family playing at once?)hardware, accuracy and propensity to work in ACTUAL games you might like to play puts it way ahead of Kinect in terms of quality even if the MS marketing push will see Sony trail at launch.
My fear for Kinect buyers is that the casuals who it's aimed at won't realise only two of them can play or that it's so finicky about it's controls either and when they find it's games are watered down versions of what's on Wii and move in casual terms with NO proper games whatsoever they might feel conned by the games industry and leave for good. It's just not ready yet in terms of functionality opr library and there is NOTHING so far in the pipeline to suggest there will EVER be decent games for it. I don't usually care about fanboy bollox but when I see 360 fanboys pushing Kinect I really think they're being selfish and shallow because recommending it right now they can't possibly know how it will pan out as from what we have see there's nowt worth playing.
By comparison the Move has games across the board and looks to be building every day on how well it works-and it began much stronger than Kinect anyway. The launch may be slow by I predict a big chance of Kinect ending up an expensive TV ornament. It's all potential, sure, and I love the ideas behind it but with game devs for MS being third party and fond of safe sellers what chance they will push the boat and make true, amazing new experience for Kinect and risk no one liking them? No one ever made many great new Wi games and that was much more trad than Kinect if you see my point.
haha, I can see the multiplayer aspects of this, kick the auto-aim, and let us duel it out, see who can draw those spells the fastest. Move's stock is rising.
sad to say but that game just doesn't look that fun to me, though I'm probably going to get the move this may have to wait for a price drop before I try
I'm really irritated over the Move/Cam/Game combo. I can't believe they haven't thought to offer a package with a Nav controller instead of a cam. I wouldn't be so worried about the Sports Champions game, but my gf is a big Wii Table Tennis fan. I'm sure she'll want to try the ps version out. Upgrading is going to get pricey FAST, I just wish they would think of those of us out here that have cams already.
Yes. Why no two wands, one Nav plus a disc bundle for us long time cam supporters? We're being penalised for loyalty? I shouldn't be surprised;being in the Uk I'm used to SCEE and their BS so realise how badly Sony takes us all for granted while bending over backwards for US and Japanese gamers.
I think they dropped the ball over having no Navs in bundles anyway.
This is one Move game I have definitely been watching. This looks like it could be a lot of fun.