The new movie is scheduled to release in theaters next month, and even though many Trekkies consider it an abomination of sorts – “that’s nothing like the show!” – it should appeal to a new generation that didn’t grow up with Captain Kirk. It may be a decent movie but rather than attempt to create a full-budget, full-price video game adaptation, developer Naked Sky has decided to produce a downloadable title to go along with the film. It’s a top-down, 2D shooter entitled, Star Trek: D-A-C , and it holds a primary emphasis on multiplayer gameplay. You’re probably wondering what “D-A-C” stands for but for some reason, publisher Paramount doesn’t want to reveal the secret just yet. However, IGN believes it simply stands for Deathmatch, Assault and Conquest, which are the three modes for the game. If you want an immediate and somewhat accurate comparison, you may want to think of Battlestar Galactica , which came out a few years ago, but if you desire a deeper outline and explanation, keep reading.
This downloadable title will support up to 12 players; as many as 6 players per team can enter into battle, but if you don’t have enough human players, the game will automatically provide you with AI-controlled ships. And of course, we’d like to provide you with a storyline or a basic plot premise, but as you may have already guessed by the format, there really won’t be much in the way of a story. All we can tell you is that the Federation will face off against the Romulans, which is probably the only aspect of Star Trek: D-A-C that gels with the upcoming movie. The rest of our information is all gameplay-oriented, which shouldn’t be disappointing: in addition to the 12 players, you can compete competitively, work together in a few co-op modes, and sample the 5 different maps. Basically, we’re viewing this as a pick-up-and-play experience, as just about any good downloadable game should be. The last thing you should expect is any similarity whatsoever to past Star Trek video games that featured a whole lot of strategy and tactical action.
You get three classes of ships to toy around with: the fighter, which is quick and light but doesn’t carry the heaviest firepower; the bomber, which has a large amount of power but lacks in maneuverability, and the flagship, which is the slowest ship available, but its Photon Cannon is devastating. As for the modes, Conquest is similar to Zones in Wahawk , where you score points based on how long you control bases around the map. Assault covers two separate play rounds as each team takes turns in their individual quests to attack and defend a star base. Deathmatch is exactly what it sounds like and it’s pretty much the same with Team Deathmatch, although you won’t be able to alter the kill goal or time limit; the first team to 50 kills wins and there’s a 10-minute time limit, and while we’re fine with this, we’re not really sure why we can’t change those numbers. It’s hardly a deal-breaker but by now, online multiplayer aficionados are used to having more control. You do have to take into account that this is a small downloadable game, though; one has to alter his or her expectations accordingly.
As you play, you will nab power-ups that will give you the edge in battle. The white orbs are all over the place and free for everyone to snag, and these will upgrade your guns (to a maximum of five levels) and give you some energy. You won’t only lose energy by getting nailed from enemy fire; you’ll also lose it simply by firing and boosting. Most of this sounds relatively straightforward, but there’s one interesting aspect to the gameplay that pops out at us: if you’re really getting lit up by an opponent and you know you won’t survive, you can elect to eject via escape pod. You then need to survive for only five more seconds and if you can, you’ll respawn with most of your power-ups still intact. However, if you don’t eject or can’t survive that five seconds – which could be an eternity in pressure-packed situations – you’ll have to start from scratch when you respawn. Oh, and don’t forget about the orange orbs, which remind us of the one-time use items in Super Mario Kart ; you know, you’ll get skills like invincibility that can only be used once and for a set amount of time.
Star Trek: D-A-C doesn’t have a release date yet but we have to assume it’ll come out right alongside the film, which means we have less than a month to wait. And when it arrives, it could very well turn out to be one of the most entertaining and addictive downloadable games available on the Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
LoL, nobody cares.
That's not true,I am sure Ben cared when he wrote this article.Lol
I cared because I always care about my work.
But beyond that…
lol, i just meant this sat here awhile and no one was commenting. Don't worry Ben I still read it and appreciate the info.
Lol, ditto
Anyone actually watch Star Trek?
guess not.
Last edited by somethingrandom on 4/28/2009 12:40:06 AM
Lol the dots lead off the page… Adds to the effect!
Yes, quite a lot of people actually. Ever noticed how Paramount continues to churn out DVD and now BluRay sets? There clearly *are* people who will watch Trek – myself among them.
What of it? Is it "Look Down Your Nose At Trekkies Day?"
I don't think I'd ever buy a full price Star Trek game but if this was PSN store priced, say £3-£4, then it could be entertaining for a while.
I liked the Enterprise series, that vulcan chick was hot: google image Jolene Blalock
Oh good god! You liked Quantum Trek? I kept expecting Dean Stockwell Jr. to walk through a wall and call the captain Sam. TNG, DS9 and Voyager had their own eye candy as well you know.
Enterprise is officially the worst Trek yet, including the Animated Series in the 70's. Of course that all depends on how the latest movie goes.
Voyager was like getting bamboo shoved under your fingernails.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/28/2009 2:04:20 AM
I have a shameless love for the original series. I don't dress up or speak klingon, but I never miss an episode if its on the tube. I am looking forward to the movie, and the MMO they said would be coming based on the Star Trek universe.
Sorry Highlander, but I'm with World on this one. Enterprise is written well and Jolene Blalock is the hottest thing to happen to the franchise. Sure TOS had Uhura and that Yeoman chick, and TNG had the luscious (yet frightfully dull) Deanna Troi, but DS9 didn't have anything special in the "eye candy" department until Ezri showed up the tail end of the series…
P.S. I just realized how huge a nerd I am… How about that NFL draft, eh?
Last edited by Arvis on 4/28/2009 2:03:47 PM
@arvis – oh yes DS9 had no eye-candy? Terry Farrell? D'abo girls in Quarks bar? Yeah, no eye candy…
How anyone can say Enterprise was well written? OK, it wasn't as hokey as Voyager perhaps, but really? Well written? Really? The original series could qualify as well written as many of the stories – especially in seasons 1 and 2 were written by actual published science fiction authors who are and were well respected in the genre. The same can't be said of Voyager or Enterprise.
Terry Farrell was nothing special. Pretty, but certainly no T'pol or 7 of 9. Troi even makes her look plain. And the D'abo girls don't count. They're just in the background. =)
Anyways, I just like Enterprise's persistent stories. Instead of just a one hour block of story, self-contained, they stretch things out over multiple episodes and things happen that have an impact on the "world" within the show. It's very interesting.
now here in the wild you can see the ferouscious and very defensive "Trecky" The Female trecky is the most defensive of her surroundings. If anything comes close to her tv nest then she will bite there heads off yet all treckys are defensive and will challenge anything that disagrees with them. I am very fortunate to see the treckys in there natural environment… The Internet… although it is not too rare because there are many treckys around but this is a dying nation of proud trecksters. Find out if you can help at w w w . hww . ca/ index
Ah, well it would be funnier if you got your terms right. "Trekkies" are the original species, "Trekkers" are the new generation who look down their nose a little at "Trekkies". Then there are "dorks", that's the ones who watch the shows occasionally but are so ashamed of it that they actively insult both "Trekkies "and "Trekkers", constantly trying to make out that their interest in a particular TV genre or show is sad and no one else's particular interest is.
When did it become acceptable to denegrate someone because they watch a particular TV show? Only Trekkies/Trekkers seem subject to this kind of veiled prejudice. What about soap opera addicts, folks who are addicted to reality shows like Survivor or the Amazing Race? How are they any different, or better? what about the people who wouldn't miss an episode of CSI?
Take your snobbery and shove it.
CASH IN! —-or is it??
meh looks like a cheap shoddy title which should be free, why dont they put it as a minigame on home, might aswell, comic adaption crap is all over HOME.
the screens remind me of starcontrol 2 the mini game where you fight the ships in one on one matches. If they could duplicate that with more depth and more players this could be very fun.
im a star trek fan. have been since i was a kid. TNG rules!!!
ahhem… anyway this game just doesn't appeal to me. what i am looking forward to though is…
Star Trek Online… i can't wait for that game to come out… although i may need to finally upgrade my comp. it's been like 4 years lol
It should be ok as a 2d version of ST Legacy.
A top down scrolling shooter…..reminds me of the good-old-days of lining up my quarters in the Arcade to get my play on. Cool.
The only reason Voyager was good was Seven Of Nine aka Jeri Ryan.
I like Star Trek, Dr Who, Red Dwarf, V 🙂
Red Dwarf….oh man, I haven't heard anyone mention that in ages. What a good show that was.
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back…
We will see what the world thinks of Star Trek when the new movie hits. Based on what I have seen, it looks to have the "western in space" that Roddenberry originally envisioned.
I love the idea of Star Trek, and believe the Kirk era is the best. When it came to newer Trek, it was just all the —
"It's some sort of chromodynamic module powered by a tri-polymer plasma."
— that killed it for me. As Kirk would put it, "No more blah, blah, blah!"
If the game has some favorable reviews, I'll get it.
I still think they should make a Star Trek RPG using the Mass Effect game engine…