Typically, when we embark on a preview concerning a game based on a movie, we do so with skepticism and heavy hearts. For so many years, we’ve been disappointed time and time again (even when the project appeared promising at the start), and we’re reluctant to get our hopes up again. But this time, we can’t help it. While we aren’t the biggest fans of the Saw films, we can clearly spot the potential in a survival/horror title that focuses on intense puzzle-solving rather than action-oriented thrills and chills. In this case, success will rely on your steadiness and the speed of your analytical ability; i.e., how fast can you find the solution before your life ends? How difficult must it be to allow your brain to work quickly and efficiently when you’re moments away from death? This is the premise of the movies, and one that might actually be better presented in a video game. Just think about sitting down and trying to free yourself from one of Jigsaw’s demonic puzzles…freaky, isn’t it?
IGN and other journalists got a sneak peek at Saw , and we’ve also dug up early details from Konami and developer Zombie Studios. First up, we should clarify that the game isn’t technically based on any one “Saw” film; it’s actually a separate storyline that takes place somewhere between the first and second movies. The player will hear and view the plot through the voice and eyes of Detective David Tapp, and we’ll also receive elongated stories regarding characters from the first film. This may sound like we’d be starting off plot-heavy, but in actuality, the opening scene will place your life in immediate peril. According to what Zombie Studios showed off to IGN, the very first scenario will have you facing the infamous bear trap conundrum. You’ve got a limited amount of time to free your head from imminent destruction, and it requires you to keep a cool head and a close eye on the screen. You need to follow a few button prompts and in some cases, you might have to twist about to see certain parts of your surroundings. The variety and diversity of the puzzles is what interests us most.
It may feel as if every step might be your last, and that’s intriguing enough. Don’t just walk through any door; it could be a shotgun trap. Some doors will remain shut forever until you can solve the fuse box puzzle outside, and other times, your body will be free (unlike in the bear trap), but in order to escape, you’ll have to locate the solution by carefully scanning the environment. Doesn’t this remind everyone of the old-school puzzle and/or adventure games that used to be popular? In effect, Saw probably won’t feature much of anything in the way of traditional action, and we haven’t seen a significant title like this in quite some time. In this way, it may not appeal to the mainstream crowd – the same crowd that feels more comfortable with Resident Evil 5 , for instance – and that could affect the sales potential. However, we’re certain there are many fans of the movies out there, and they would likely understand what the game is all about; if they find it interesting, it could be a hit. Success may rely entirely on the developer’s ability to create compelling and challenging puzzles without pissing people off…
You won’t be alone in your quest to overcome Jigsaw’s devilish intentions; others will be in the asylum with you, and while some won’t get in the way, others might have orders to stop you. This may present us with something resembling action, but really, the focus is clear and Zombie Studios is going to need a huge amount of ingenuity and creativity. Puzzles are nice additions to certain games, but when the entire experience revolves around them, the designers are really pushed. As an added twist for the player, though, they’re going to implement the concept of morality; how you approach the story may impact the result, and we know there will be multiple endings available. Evidently, every choice you make could and often will have a direct impact on future proceedings, and that adds a definite dash of flavor to this puzzle-centric recipe. For those who are willing to keep your brain muscles pumping, all the while enjoying a scare-a-minute production that will keep you on your toes, this game should deliver. Fear is a driving force of the movies so of course, it should also play a huge role in the game, which is why we’re correctly labeling it, “survival/horror.”
Saw is scheduled to come out in October, and we sincerely hope our high expectations are realized. Yes, it really does have potential.
wow i wanna play this game
I'll rent it and have a go at a few puzzles, sounds intense.
Not even gonna look at it. Saw is torture porn, and I abhor it. I personally feel that any movie the point of which is to sicken and shock the audience with gruesomely realistic and authentic portrayal of torturing individuals, is no more than a snuff movie.
Lol, to each their own. I honestly have to say internet has desensitized me so not much bothers me now, haha.
I don't have much respect for Saw, either, but I'd only classify the Hostel movies as "torture porn."
OH, I agree about the Hostel movies. I've never been a great fan of gore in movies, and Saw is like a full scale deflection on the gore meter for me.
As an aside, don't you think it's odd that we are allowed to have movies such as Saw or Hostel, but the merest mention of certain words, or even brief forms of certain nudity is immediate cause for outrage and an R rating.
I think it's just further confirmation that our society is becoming increasingly desensitized to violence, while at the same time becoming more puritanical on other matters such as language and sex. Of course after the whole 'Hot Coffee' incident, I think that's been clear for some time.
I'm not into the whole torture, gore-whore crap either to be honest. But it's nice to see a less action centred horror game coming to light, and although the movies aren't my cup of tea, this could be a half decent game. It'll be a nice change from the more third-person shooter like 'horror' games *cough*Resi 5*cough*.
"Desensitization" is a difficult word for me. In my mind, I find it hard to reconcile because military people, doctors, paramedics, and other emergency personnel are forced to become "desensitized" to violence and gore. It's for our own good. Civilians, on the other hand, shouldn't be…? Should they be capable of functioning in an emergency; should they be able to act and react? Or should the shock of the moment incapacitate them? Is that "normal?"
Of course, I don't ever condone the vast amounts of filth tossed at our children, but I have conflicted thoughts about "desensitized" people.
I am, however, convinced the entire world is getting dumber with every passing day. Hence, the movies we have now. 😉
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/14/2009 10:20:20 AM
Yea…umm…torture and gore…would Revolver Ocelot even like that? I mean when I see all that on the screen – it's like "Oh c'mon we get the picture the person is already dead and there's possibly no way to get them out…just kill them U sadist."
But of course they won't because that's what sadists do.
Just curious if you've actually seen the first Saw, or are just reacting to your perceptions of it's content based on a trailer or something?
The first was actually clever, and felt original. And probably not as gory as you'd think. Some questionable acting, but still entertaining. Oh and it had the guy who plays Ben Linus from Lost in it, always a plus. 🙂
I will confess to having made a judgment not to watch Saw based on trailer, previews and reviews. However, that judgement has been re-enforced by each sequel to the original. I understand the point you're making and do recognize the suspense/puzzle/horror nature of the original movie. However as each sequel has come and gone, the reviews and discussions of each one have indicated a slide away from the artistic merit of 'clever' suspence/horror and towards a blood drenched heave inducing finale.
My choice not to watch the original movie was that it would not be my cup of tea, I like a decent action movie and am no stranger to blood and what not, but the up-close and personal infliction of pain makes me extremely uncomfortable. So I decided that on balance Saw was not for me.
All of that said, Saw as a movie franchise is not limited to the first movie, there are four sequels, and you have to admit that each one has pushed the limits further and further. Not as far or as disturbingly as Hostel perhaps, but still the limits have been pushed. So my opinion of Saw and this game is the culmination of the Saw franchise, not simply of that first movie.
@Highlander…and almost everyone else on this page….why place a comment on an article saying you're not interested in the game? You must have been at least a little bit interesed to open it and read it to start with.
ANYWAY, I can't wait for this game to come out. Looks like another first day buy. I loved the films, the roller coster in Thorpe Park (England) didn't quite live up to expectations, but was good, and now they have a game XD. I just hope it doesn't coincide with my trip to Egypt in October :s
By the way. Is this a PS3 exclusive? Just think if they used the whole Blu-ray capacity 😛
Why comment? Because I have an opinion and there's this box asking for comments, then when someone replies I often wish to reply to them, and so on. 🙂
This game sounds like to much horror I couldn't play it with out tripping.
I see this game, and I think to myself, "That was too close. You were almost a jill sandwich." Of course, the puzzles should be much harder than Barry kicking a door down. Sounds interesting, I think I'll rent it with WEWM.
i'll play this on acid
watched the movies while high so y'know
didnt saw V come out already?
No drug-related stuff, please.
Brutality doesnt fascinate me.
Not interested, i really don't like the movies i actually think they are making to many of them the first 2 were good but after that they got stupid. I agree with you Ben on Hostle that movie is messed up i losted my lunch during that movie.
lol, what in the world were you thinking, eating while watching that movie? You must have known it's reputation before hand.
Robochic I agree that after the first 2 they should have stopped. They are getting rediculous now.
I don't see why some of you don't like the movies. I mean we've played games that are a lot worse as far as gore and violence is concerned. I do agree in regards of the Hostel movies though..Now that stuff is just down right sick and the definition of torture porn.
I'll definitely check this out. It will be like a breath of fresh air to play a puzzle oriented game. It's like this generation is being dominated by FPS'
'We'? Who is this 'we' you're talking about? Speak for yourself, I have not played anything even remotely close to Saw or Hostel.
Interesting… a Myst-like survival/horror. I think this is definitely a rental. I miss the Myst games. Games today, at least console games, don't have enough hardcore puzzling. Or have I just missed the ones that do?
Saw isn't even that gory compared to some stuff. I've seen sicker scenes on CSI. You want gore? Look at Guinea Pig 2 from Japan. That's gore.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/14/2009 1:50:46 PM
If it's done right, I'll get it.
I love gorefest movies.
Beside's all those movies already mentioned above, here's a few more for those who are into them too…..
Devil's Rejects
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" series
The Hills Have Eyes
Rest Stop
"The Cube" series
(I'd love to see the Cube series made into great PS3 games)
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/14/2009 11:47:48 PM