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The Godfather II Preview

Scheduled release date:
April 7, 2009
EA Redwood Shores
Number Of Players:
1 (2-16 Online)

Let's not kid ourselves, but the first Godfather game EA put out wasn't exactly great. The PlayStation 3 version was even worse, marred with flaws that were typical in PS3 ports back then. So when a sequel was announced, expectations were low to many of us. But upon finally playing the game, all of that changed. I first had the chance to sample Godfather II about a month ago when EA paid New York City a visit and I liked what I saw. Now, the final game is in my hands and I'm liking the game even more.

The story opens up with Hyman Roth assembling an assortment of crime families in Cuba. Roth has struck a deal with Cuba's former President Fulgencio Batista, to allow them to establish businesses and run parts of the country in peace and spread it up between families. On New Year's 1959, the families are celebrating this massive accomplishment, until Cuba's President announces his sudden resignation to Fidel Castro and sends the country into chaos. With orders from new Dictator, the crime families are now the targets of locale police and you'll have to make way to the airport in an attempt to return back to New York City and protect your partners. This is essentially the first 20 minutes of the game, and it's a damn good 20 minutes, at that.

You control the role of Dominic, and before starting the story mode, you'll customize your character to your liking by changing his face, hair, wardrobe, and etc. After certain events that transpired during your escape from Cuba (which I won't spoil), you will become the boss of a crime family, and begin your rise within the in-game world. You will be given the chance to recruit "made" men as you build your faction and family. This recruitment mechanic will allow you to recruit the men you want, by interrogating them and finding out what their background and specialties are. You can assemble a family of diverse individuals where one is a demolitions expert, the other an arsonist, a fighter, a safe breaker, and so forth. Diversity within your ring of men is key to succeeding.

The action is completely third-person, with gun battles as well as hand-to-hand combat. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by the hand-to-hand mechanics in the game, they feel very natural, fluid, and easy to use – I was knocking guys down left and right immediately. Your arms and legs will play a vital role in the game and its breaking point mechanic, where you'll have to show your enemies who's boss until they give in. Interrogation is a pivotal aspect to the game, and you'll often get physical when someone refuses to co-operate.

For example, much of the game involves control and controlling businesses such as stores, shops, bars, clubs, and etc. If you've blasted through the front doors of a shop, laid out the rival family's guardsmen and approach the shopkeeper he'll be pretty scared, but will likely refuse to give the shop up to you. You can do one of many things: you can rough him up and ask again, you can set something on fire and ask again, or you can smash up the place and ask again. Some owners are more resilient than others, so they'll require a bit more 'persuasion', and that's what I love most about the game.

Traveling around, securing one spot after the other, roughing up business owners feels rewarding and a ton of fun. The game does a good job of really conveying the sense of what it's like being a mafioso – hell, you can even pay off the cops so they leave you alone. There's even a strategy aspect to it all dubbed "Don's View". Don's View is basically a map of the city you're in (there's Havana, New York City, and Miami), and this map allows you to control the amount of manpower you want stationed at your controlled spots. This tactic is important to use, because even though you've acquired control of a business, rival families will still fight you for it. In fact, the family you've stolen the spot from can plan a vengeful assault and take it back; Don's View is your little tool to prevent that from happening to the best of your abilities and available manpower.

Besides giving you the ability to be tact, the Don's View also allows you to keep tabs on what's going on, by listing your "connections", and the corrupt officials you know or favors you're owed, keeping track of your finances, your crime rings, and places of interest you should look into controlling. The amount of depth in the game is quite high, but never overwhelming, which makes for a very enticing experience.

Because the game isn't due out until April 7th, the online world is empty so I've yet to experience the multiplayer modes. But from what I've gathered, 16 player mafioso warfare should offer quite a bit of fun. Stay posted for the full review coming on April 7th. If you're craving a new open-world mafia game, The Godfather II should suit you just fine.

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15 years ago

I'll probably pass this one , unless there's a kickass demo soon that will make me change my mind.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Looks good . When is the review coming out ?

Last edited by Sir Shak on 3/29/2009 1:25:36 AM

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

From the last paragraph: "Stay posted for the full review coming on April 7th."

15 years ago

i'd play the demo,but i just cant get over how it looks like nothing like The Godfather Part II, what was the art director thinking! this is really disapointing to me.

15 years ago

i preordered looks like a cool holdover till prototype or batman or the summer releases.

15 years ago

Ultima, I 100% agree with you on the art direction. Everything I've seen makes me think more Scarface, than Godfather. That being said, if the game is good, I will look past the art direction, and play the game for what it is meant to be, a mob story.

End of line
End of line
15 years ago

It still sounds like it plays like the first one.

15 years ago

Ultima and Thepill need to know that its not meant to be the godfather part II its meant to be a direct sequel to the first game as the first game (which i loved) didn't have you dirctly control michael corleone.

15 years ago

That's Not What I was saying, I said the ART DIRECTION. If you look at any video or screenshots, it looks like EARLY 80's Miami (color scheme), like in the movie Scarface. If you have seen the Godfather movies, you know they have an older grittier look to them. I know how the first game played, and you can read in my first comment, that I can look past the art direction as long as the gameplay is good.

15 years ago

Some of it is set in miami.

15 years ago

I know, but the STYLE is more reminiscent of Scarface than that of The Godfather films. It looks good though, don't get me wrong, I just think a more gritty and aged look would have more appropriate.

15 years ago

GTA IV sucked so hopefully this game can be an worthy replacement

15 years ago


15 years ago

Gta IV neva sucked,it's a classic!

15 years ago

gonna buy this soon as its out

only thing good about GF 1 was the shooting

and looks like in GFII they imrpoved on other aspects

i like the Scarface vibe of this game

cant wait for the review Arnold and Ben!

15 years ago

I will eventually cop this. I'm backed up big time with four games that I am trying to finish. I did love the first one though.

15 years ago

I loved GTA 4 and this will be a welcome addition to my game collection. I completed the 1st one but traded it in as I knew I would not play it again.

The 2nd one looks and sounds even better than the 1st one. With Mafia 2 coming out sometime this year hopefully this will keep me going for ages.

15 years ago

I hope this game is good,Saints Row 2,Wheelman & company didn't do it.Still, i know it might possibly not surpass GTA IV but at least i wish it'll be on par.

15 years ago

@WWW I am enjoying Wheelman while it is no GTA4 or Saints Row but I am sure enjoying it and glad I bought it.

15 years ago

Movie related games never seem to come out that well.
Or, maybe there are a few out there that are good?
All my experiences with them have been nothing to write home about.
It's unfortunate, but for the most part true.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

This is not a movie based game. It has little to nothing to do with the film.

15 years ago

Alright, my bad. I thought they were based on the movies.

15 years ago

I got the first one when I got my PS3 and I enjoyed it. Sounds like this one should be even better. Looking forward to reading the full review.