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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Preview

Scheduled release date:
TBA 2009
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
October 6, 2009

Sometimes, there’s a fine line between a flat-out, run ‘n gun shooter and a tactical FPS like Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising . Those who prefer military shooters that require the player to use their head as well as their reflexes and dexterity should be intrigued; this sequel by Codemasters not only looks great, but actually skirts the boundary of realism and authenticity. If you’re thinking Dragon Rising will be a Call of Duty clone, you’ll be sorely disappointed. But if you understand the inherent differences, and enjoy scanning the situation and issuing orders, you’ll definitely want to give it a try. You may want to consider Operation Flashpoint as being a first-person version of games like Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon ; it will assist your view of this promising title. Just remember: if you’re planning to ignore your surroundings and fellow allies and sprint into battle with guns blazing, you’ll lose blood at an alarming rate and before too long, you’ll be facedown in the mud.

First of all, given this new generation’s increased focus on freedom and player exploration, you’ll be happy to know that Dragon Rising ’s environment consists of a 25-mile long fictional island. That’s a whole lot of real estate, so when you’re launching an attack, you can scope out your destination objective and come at it from any direction you wish. Now, some of you might be thinking, “well, 25 miles encompasses a big area; will I be wandering around with nothing to do until I come across the enemy?” The answer is, thankfully, “nope.” See, in the bigger scheme of things, you don’t need to be within standard bullet range in order to be in danger. Look up in the air…see those tracers? Mortars? Any other far-flung projectiles? Those are going to force you to take cover on a consistent basis, and you won’t be able to just saunter up and attack a base. So yes, there’s a great deal of space to work with, but we’re guessing that you’ll need every square inch of it if you wish to be successful. Take your time, observe from afar, and advance carefully and above all else, strategically .

The game, just recently announced last week, should cater to many of the hardcore shooter fans. IGN has already gone hands-on with it, and they relate the experience of calling JDAM air-strikes and clearing an area with an M203 grenade launcher, all the while on the lookout for enemies that can appear from just about anywhere. Once you’re in an established location, foes can pop up in any fortified structure or residential house, and the good news is that all such buildings can be entered at any time. Now, although you’re going to have to take care of yourself (obviously), and you can issue orders to your squad members, you don’t necessarily have to. Basically, the ally AI will be advanced enough where they should be able to follow your lead no matter what, despite the fact that rash decisions can endanger the lives of your buddies. So if you opt to charge forward and neglect to inform your fellow squad members, they will follow you without being prompted…they’re taking a tremendous risk, of course, but they won’t leave you hung out to dry.

As for the story, we told you before the island was fictional, and so is the conflict. The island is located in the Northern Pacific and it’s being invaded by the People’s Liberation Army, so the U.S. has sent over a team of Marines to assist the Russians in fending off the attack. Not surprisingly, you’ll be one of the Marines, but you’ll also assume the role of a Special Forces commando at one point in the game, too. Plus, let’s not forget that you won’t be limited to wandering around with guns and grenades; these days, you just gotta have vehicles. Everything from the M1A2 Abrams tank to Seahawk helicopters will be at your disposal, and other nifty gadgets from the Americans, Russians and Chinese will be included. If you combine all the possible combat options and the more freedom-oriented gameplay, you’re looking at a military shooter experience that offers micromanagement and tactical buffs plenty of choices. Just reading this, it should be clear that Dragon Rising has a ton of potential. All we really need to solidify the foundation is a fluid and accessible control scheme, which is something developers should have a firm handle on by now.

Last but not least, the campaign will be mission-based and if you want to bring some friends in on the fun, the game will support four-player co-op! It shouldn’t be all that difficult to find a few friends who would be interested in teaming up, especially if they’ve already done it in other tactical military shooters. Let’s just hope the AI remains just as reliable throughout all gameplay modes; it’s always infuriating when your supposedly reliable team lets you down, again and again. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will release some time later this year, and even though the competition is always stiff, we have faith that Codemasters will come through in fine fashion.

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15 years ago

i'm a little intrigued

15 years ago

Really looking forward to this. If it's anything like the originals, then running in all gung-ho is going to get you killed really quick since you can die with just one hit.

15 years ago

I rem. the original, I spent hours playing it on the lan with friends.

15 years ago

You and me both. Makes me want to fire it up again and see if people are still playing it.

15 years ago

This game sounds really cool. I haven't played the original though.

15 years ago

Is the 4-player co-op online or local splitscreen?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I believe it's online…not sure, though.

15 years ago

I'm looking forward to this, but like Neurotoxiny I haven't played the original.

I think it looks a little bit like Battlefield:BC but with more depth and realism, and is free roaming. Sounds good to me!

Ben do you think it will be out in November time or will it arrive before then?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Based on what we've seen in terms of media, I'd guess it'll arrive before then. But you never know.

15 years ago

Ok thanks, I'm looking forward to your next preview 🙂

Last edited by mikeyp323 on 2/24/2009 11:34:09 AM

15 years ago

This game is not for the masses. I pray they don't dumb it down to improve sales. Keep it as sim as possible. Everyone does the run and gun FPS, it's time for some depth.

I also hope they include the mission editor this time. Talk about endless replay value.

Last edited by elass0wyp0 on 2/24/2009 9:55:09 AM

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

The Original was awesome but it was hard if you wanted to snipe you had to move really slow and use stealth or you would be seen from far away. And the enemys just kept coming. Man it was a blast.

15 years ago

Oh, the fond memories of playing the first one on the PC with friends. =)
It's been almost 10 years now… wow…
Looking forward to getting this one, because "4-player co-op" sealed the deal for me. Games with only 2-player co-op seem a bit lacking. 4-player co-op is where it's at. Talking smack is 3 times the fun, that way!
Heck, I even found Haze to be amusing, because it had me and 3 other buddies doing the campaign.

15 years ago

how do you think this compare to far cry 2?

15 years ago

It really doesn't.

If you want to hop and shoot or spray and prey, this isn't a game for you. Or rather, the original wouldn't be for you and hopefully they won't ruin this version by making it fit in and play nice with the other FPS games.

There is a reason main stream FPS gamers don't know much about OFP. It was too difficult/hardcore for them 😛 lol

15 years ago

The more i hear about this game, the more i like. We need a real tactical shooter that forces players to run around spraying. We need realism and if this game ends up the way its shaping up to be, then its a solid definite buy.

The game sounds great. Codemasters has the ability to do great work. Thanks guys.

15 years ago

I am glad to see that devs haven't all descended into making generic FPSs and are trying something more original, rather than a COD or Halo clone.

Will this be like Far Cry 2 but with a more squad based and sim attitude then? And will it be out before or after Modern Warfare 2? Because I'm afraid that if it comes out at the same time it will be swallowed up.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

This Game keeps looking better and better each time something new pops up for it. Can't wait.

15 years ago

I watched 2 amazing vids of this game a few days ago,
it's a "Realism+", so this one's going in my "must buy" list.

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

Unlock codes for 6 extra missions.
Case sensitive

RaidT18Z – Night Raid
StrongM577 – Coastal Stronghold
AmbushU454 – Ambush
CloseQ8M3 – Close Quarters