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Fuel Preview

Scheduled release date:
Spring 2009
Asobo Studios
Number Of Players:
1 (2-16 Online)
Release Date:
June 2, 2009

No, this isn't a game based on Metallica's song, or even the band of the same name. This is Codemasters' newest next-gen racer, which, unlike DiRT and GRiD, boasts very little elements of realism. Instead, Fuel takes the best elements of games like MotorStorm and Pure, and breaks down every scope limiting barrier to give the gamer perhaps the largest, most open terrain a racing game has ever seen.

Just how large is this terrain? Does 5000 square miles seem like enough for you? The story behind the game revolves around a group of daredevils and a world that's being attacked by never-ending forces of nature thanks to a global climate pattern that has been completely thrown out of whack. Tornadoes, sandstorms, thunderstorms, blizzards, lightning strikes, and many other dangerous weather effects come and go unexpectedly, complete with a day and night cycle.

The world is your race track, and you can bet your bottom dollar that all of the destructive elements will wreck havoc on the terrain you'll be using. The goal of the races is to win supplies of fuel, as oil prices have skyrocketed to an extraordinary amount that makes the price-hike of summer 2008 look like a bargain at a thrift store. You'll employ a large variety of two and four-wheeled vehicles that must withstand the torturous weather climates that you will have to roar through. Just because they look sturdy, doesn't mean you shouldn't drive carefully, because you can get hurled up in a tornado, or get smashed by an object that a tornado has gusted at you.

With 5000 square miles of terrain, you'll run through a plethora of different environments and scenery, which should help keep the races fresh and entertaining. You'll see everything from a forest, to the Grand Canyon, to a tsunami-wrecked Pacific coast, Nevada wastelands, snow-capped mountains, and much more. Furthermore, because this is an off-roading experience, there will be stunts and massive jumps that you'll find yourself leaping over.

Online will be good for up to 16 gamers, and Codemasters promises hundreds of multiplayer challenges, and that sounds exciting. Fuel is currently pinned for a Spring release, so keep your eyes open for it.

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16 years ago

I hate to love this game. Motorstorm is my favourate offroad racer was supposed to evolve into open world game and then comes along fuel an answer to my dream but from someone else. I hope this game rocks and become a competition to motorstorm and will lead to serious innovations from both studios. My heart & positive thoughts will always be with motorstorm.

16 years ago

that's exactly how i feel. motorstorm pr is great. but this seems like a cross between PR and BurnoutParadise

16 years ago

Motorstorm better be careful (I'm a big weather/time of day fan).

Anything that involves weather is such a big plus!!!

Motorstorm is still my favorite next-gen off-road racing game. Will see if this one can dethrone it(doubt it), but we'll see.

By the way Pacific Rift is amazing, ten times better than the original Motorstorm.

16 years ago

I prefer Motorstorm 1. dont know why

16 years ago

Well it is easier….
Or you just like desetrs…

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
16 years ago

hmmm interesting,this one slipped by me.
Sounds awesome!!!
Is it releasing on disc(very likely)or a psn game?(burnout paradise somehow managed it)
This along with ID"s RAGE(maxed out dvd on both xbox & PC)and GT5 shall be my new driving games to sit beside burnout paradise and be friends,AWHH 🙂

PSN ID: lord_carlos

Last edited by Lord carlos on 1/30/2009 5:54:28 AM

Darth Koth
Darth Koth
16 years ago

This caught my interest last year, this new info makes me more interested, it sounds awesome I love the get from A to B how ever you like thing, just hope the crazy weather doesn't get in the way lol

Last edited by Darth Koth on 1/30/2009 8:25:26 AM

16 years ago

Burnout is 300 miles. i thought it was sooo huge. BUT I MEAN 5000 it impossible. But CODEMASTERS didnt fail with GRID or DIRT
Now its FUEL

16 years ago

Keep in mind it's 300 miles of road vs. 5000 square miles of open terrain. Burnout obviously shows more than just road (you just can't drive on most of the dirt).

16 years ago

I think this is just what every offroad fan has been dreaming of… i think i'll have to get saving. ( Again! 🙂 )