We should start getting used to these themed music games, as Guitar Hero: Aerosmith was a proven success for Activision earlier this year, and now SingStar and Rock Band are getting in on the bandwagon. But before Guitar Hero's actual competitor, Rock Band, can release a themed version of its game, Activision was quick to secure yet another major rock band, one that, arguably, has a broader appeal than Aerosmith. Here comes Guitar Hero: Metallica.
That is not to say that Metallica has sold more records, it's just that fans of Aerosmith are significantly older than fans of Metallica and are less likely to play a game of Guitar Hero. So here we have Metallica, who have sold over 100 million records since 1983 and have been one of the forefront leaders of the influence of metal music since their explosion to rock fame. So it only makes sense that the next big rock band to be immortalized with a videogame project would be Metallica.
With a total of 45 tracks, the game will feature a collection of 28 Metallica tracks, and 17 tracks by various artists which include the Foo Fighters, Slayer, Machine Head, Queen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alice in Chains, Judas Priest, Kyuss, Mastodon, The Sword, Michael Schenker Group, and Bob Seger (who's "Turn the Page" was covered by Metallica). These 17 songs were hand selected by Metallica as some of their personal favorite tracks, and we're happy to see them here. If you've bought the Death Magnetic song pack for Guitar Hero: World Tour, it will be imported to GH: Metallica, so worry not.
All together, you will find a total of 20 guest acts in the game, from bands that they worked with, to the bands they admired and inspired them. A partial list of tracks for the game is currently floating around, and I am absolutely floored to see that they've included "No Leaf Clover" into mix, as it is one of my all-time favorite Metallica tracks. For those not familiar, the song first debuted on Metallica's live symphony collaboration record called Metallica S&M – it was one of the few great songs the band wrote in the late 90s.
No word on whether or not we'll see virtual versions of Jason Newsted, Dave Mustaine, or the late-great Cliff, but I wouldn't bet on it. But you will get to see motion captured versions of James, Kirk, Lars, and Robert as you make your way through an assortment of real venues. And to keep the authenticity high, Metallica took on the executive role of approving the game's tracks and content, as well.
It'd have been nice to play through a historic timeline, a'la Aerosmith, but seeing as how complicated Metallica's past is, it's probably too much of a hassle for Activision to bother with. What we do know is that there is footage from all eras of the band's career, so you'll at least be able to see Jason and, possibly Cliff, through the archieved footage of concerts.
Gameplay will take some concepts from GHIII's Battle Mode and bring them to light in the multiplayer mode of GH: Metallica. One such concept is a power-up called "Fade to Black" that'll black out the opponent's note tracks, forcing him to only see black colors. This was explained vaguely, though, so we're not sure if this power-up means that the opponent cannot see his notes, or just the color of his notes turn black. A new, and very crucial, feature for the game is the ability to use two bass pedals with your drum set in a difficulty mode called Expert+.
The multiplayer will support four players to make up the vocals, guitar, bass, and drums. Meanwhile a total of eight gamers can square off in a band battle online. The Rock Star Creator, the music studio, and user-created content sharing will still be featured in Guitar Hero: Metallica.
Being a massive fan, I'm really looking forward to seeing Guitar Hero: Metallica arrive March 29th.
I cant wait for this game either arnold. I'm a huge metallica fan.
I hope it comes with a custom guitar, not just a metallica faceplate.
The series will start going down the tubes when they start making games for bands that are currently extremely popular but have no history.
i never played any of the "music" games until now! wow thats about to change…
and btw there is no metallica without cliff burton so in my mind weather they include him now or in the future it is a must…
hope they include "one" , "the 4 horsemen"
did you know that Dave Mustaine originally wrote '4 Horse Men' as 'Mechanix?' Metallica later changed it to what it is today after Dave was fired.
the four horsemen is also slower than mechanix, with an added solo.
i must be 1 of the few who think iron maiden are the gods of metal (figure of speach) i dont like metallica, never really have.
im getting this after RE5 f*** iron maiden …Metallica and megadeth OWN iron maiden
right i HIGHLY doubt that megadeth can even come close to iron maiden. i like megadeth to but seiously megadeth dont even hold a candle to iron maiden and personally i think metallica is over rated. IRON MAIDEN OWNS them dude, no competition.
To Metalhead08: Iron maiden…..owns Megadeth? Wow. Seriously? Iron Maiden? Dont get me wrong, I love Iron Maiden, but no way do they own Megadeth. The top 4 metal bands of the 80s were Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. Iron Maiden didnt have near the success that any of those bands did. Give me a song by Iron Maiden that is better than peace sells. Nothing? Well, how about Holy Wars? Still no? I can go on and on, but you get my point.
nah man im stickin to what i said, in my oppinion no other band can come close to iron maiden except maybe nightwish but they aint the same. and also dude iron maiden have a sh** load of great songs and only naming one of them dont help support your claims. i like megadeth and ill admit that i aint heard a whole lot of their stuff but what i have heard aint nearly as awsome as iron maiden. i have 2 of their albums lets see…..countdown to extinction and the system has failed are what i have. they're ok but not the best.
Last edited by MetalHead09 on 12/31/2008 1:44:54 AM
hallowed be they name, sign of the cross, for the greater good of god, 666, the trooper, evil that men do, rhyme of the ancient mariner, dance of death, thin line between love and hate, nothing short of master pieces right there dude. UP THE IRONS!!
Last edited by MetalHead09 on 12/31/2008 2:00:40 AM
oops brain fart, Rime of the ancient mariner.
How can a true metal fan dis Maiden? Your still a teen aren't you?
Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 12/31/2008 6:16:59 AM
I would love it if they made a Disturbed edition I seriously doubt they would ,but I'm a huge disturbed fan.
Why do I get the feeling GH is going to be like Madden.Pay for $60 roster update every year.
I cannot wait for this 😀 The only thing that sucks about it is the date it's coming out! Why can't it be sooner!?
I would have loved if they threw in a Trivium track into this game… or Iron Maiden… That would be awesome 🙂
Great to hear a Sword track is included.
There really needs to be a Guitar Hero: Black Sabbath. That's were it all began.
This game is gunna be tight, but how can there be 20 guest acts and only 17 songs? lol.
I'm not sure myself. My guess is that some are hidden.
28 Metallica songs means it is going to be great. The 17 other songs are just the icing on the cake. And this time, the cake isn't a lie. This time…the cake is METAL! That makes it inedible, yet still delicious.
The cake in Portal wasn't a lie…
…You did see the vid after the credits right?
I who they're Cello players but could Apocalyptica appear on Guitar Hero: Metallica
How about Guitar Hero:Led Zeppelin? Way better than Metallica…
that will never happen as much as most everyone I know, including me, wants it to. Jimmy Page wont release the rights to any Zep song.
Okay Metalhead08. I can name plenty of great Megadeth songs to compete with you 🙂 I actually enjoy having debates like this, cause I get to see other views on metal bands. So, here we go: I already named Peace sells, and Holy Wars, but there is also Lucretia, Gears of War, United Abomination, Amerikhastan, A tout le monde, Mechanix, wake up dead, tornado of souls, hangar 18, take no prisoners, blood of heroes, break point, ashes in your mouth, countdown to extinction, kill the king, angry again, high speed dirt, use the man, mastermind, rust in peace…polaris, set the world afire, disconnect, and many many more. If those two Megadeth albums are all you have heard, you are missing out on a ton. Rust in Peace is arguably their best album, but it can be debatable. I really like Youthanasia as well. Check those two out, as well as Peace Sells…but who's buyin'? And yes, the Iron Maiden songs you listed are masterpieces. I love every single on of em! I just prefer Megadeth over all other metal bands.
Oh, and since Im on the subject, Megadeth is releasing a new album some time in a few months!
Last edited by Reccaman18 on 12/31/2008 11:39:11 PM
well im just like you but prefer Iron Maiden to any other band. one thing im not a big fan of is how much of megadeths songs are political and stuff, sure maiden has a few songs like that but its not their focus. regardless its nice to know another head banger, of everybody i know im like the only one who loves metal.
I just noticed you left out Run to the Hills. How could you! lol
lol my bad but i think i hit a few.
Think they will ever make a DEMOLITION HAMMER Guitar Hero?
yeah im still a Teen but i dont likely Iron Maiden that much in my opinion.. I like Metallica & Megadeth better .. but id rather listen to Maiden than most sh** out there today like Rap
Metalhead08 my respects i respect everybody who likes Metal m/
thanks man and right back at you, rock on and rock hard.
I've been to several concerts in my life time and not one of them can even come close to matching Metallica's energy and their overall aptitude as musicians. I am looking forward to shredding on my plastic controller pretending to be Kirk! Btw, I hope they put an Avenged Sevenfold track into the game
I noticed that no one has mentioned Megadeth's best album "So far, So good, So what" with "Mary Jane", "Set the World Afire", "Hook in Mouth", "In my Darkest Hour", "Liar", "502"…to name a few.
Seriously, youtube some of the titles – set the world afire is even on some of their live dvds. I loved that album and wished that some of the tracks had been the ones chosen for DLC.
Okay, "Set the World Afire" was mentioned – and if you ever play FALLOUT3 – you'll see how they borrow the intro on the CD in the game trailer.
Last edited by Tae on 1/7/2009 9:54:29 AM
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire is not from Megadeth, it was a song by the Ink Spots back in the 50s or something. That is the song frequently playing on GNR in Fallout 3.
@WorldEndsWithMe: Gotta agree, man. These band-specific GH releases are cool for now, but once they've covered the best acts and begin contemplating a GH: Poison release, complete with Rikki Rockett action figure, I'll smash my plasti-guitar, I swear I will!!!
I'd prefer Pink Floyd, The Who, or the Beatles. I got Dark Side of the Moon when I was eight years old. It was my first CD, and they're still my favorite band. At least Harmonix is coming out with a Beatles game, though.
I think rock band is going to get the beatles stuff