The original Resistance was easily the best game of the lackluster PlayStation 3 launch, and we at PSXE loved the online multiplayer. Therefore, we were very excited to become involved with the beta test for the sequel, which releases on November 4. If you were at all on the fence about this one, we’re about to push you over…so you can land on your feet and start running to the store next week.
However, let’s be clear: Resistance 2 boasts a new style of run ‘n gun FPS gameplay that may surprise fans of the original title. This game clearly moves a good deal faster than Fall of Man , as the online multiplayer reminds us more of something like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (speed-wise), although it’s not quite as fast as Unreal Tournament III . However, due to the recent influx of FPSs, we adapted to the change in gameplay speed very quickly, and were soon having a blast sampling the Competitive and Cooperative aspects of the beta. The latter lets you play through a certain mission with 7 allies; it’s more challenging than you might expect, and you’re able to select from three different Classes, including the Medic (something else that will remind you of other multiplayer FPSs). Upon completing the mission successfully, you will receive experience that will in turn level up your chosen Class character. In the beta, you max out at Lv. 10, although we assume this won’t be the case for the final online build in Resistance 2 . As is, the mere fact there’s a Cooperative mode included sets Insomniac’s effort apart from other games, and unless you act as a team, you’re gonna be toast.
Of course, the Competitive side of the beta gets the most attention, as this is where the standard multiplayer goodness resides: you can participate in Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Skirmish, and Core Control. We’re certain you’re familiar with the first two; Skirmish is more about obtaining and holding fixed positions on the battlefield and Core Control is basically the R2 version of Capture the Flag. There are three maps and a variety of different variations of the maps, which allows you to test matches that range all the way up to 60 players. Only the Orick map would accommodate that many, but you could bring up to 40 players in other maps, like the Alleys in Chicago, and the ultimate Deathmatch map appeared to be San Francisco/Docks. Only 10 could get into this one, but we tended to have the most fun here, although the Subway section of Chicago would be a close second. Core Control down there is great, as is Team Deathmatch. As for playing with 59 other players, we never once experienced any major issues like lag, and things could get downright insane at times. If you’ve never played a 60-player Deathmatch in an online game before, you’re missing out…
Anyway, moving on to the specifics. The default weapon for the Humans and Chimera is back; the Carbine for the former and the Bullseye for the latter. They’re essentially the same as they were in the original Resistance , although the Bullseye has undergone a radical cosmetic overhaul. The Fareye sniper rifle is back as is the Auger (slightly redesigned), but perhaps the two standout weapons of the beta are the Marksman and the minigun. The latter is slow but once it gets going, it can mow down enemies in the blink of an eye, and its alternate fire gives the player a shield that, unlike the Auger’s shield in the original title, moves with the player. The Marksman is the Chimeran sniper rifle, but unlike the Fareye, it has a semi-automatic fire that works wonderfully for moderate to even long distance attacks, and the alternate fire is this crazy ball of lightning. As for other new additions, there’s the ability to customize your character for Loadout (much like in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation ) and the new Berzerk mode, which gives you a temporary advantage over the competition. In regards to projectiles, grenades, air-fuel grenades, and hedgehogs all make their triumphant return.
The controls are simple enough: you move with the left analog stick, aim with the right, fire with the R1 button, use the alternate fire of the weapon with R2, tap the L2 button to crouch and hold it to run, Square is to reload, X is to jump, and Circle throws the selected explosive. The control scheme is fine, although we did find ourselves crouching many times when we wanted to run, but it’s an eccentricity we soon became familiar with. The entire beta experience has been super fun, with the possible exception of bad spawn points – spawning directly in front of an opposing players is frustrating as hell – and we weren’t too crazy about the Chicago/Reconstruction map. There were also several instances of crashing and network disconnects, but that only seemed to happen around the time when they opened up the closed beta to the public. Oh, and for whatever reason, there weren’t many – if any – weapon and item pick-ups on any of the maps; you had to stick with what you loaded out with, or what you’d pick up in the field. Remember, one of the biggest changes is that you can only carry one primary weapon at a time, which some people may not like, but it does add to the strategy.
Furthermore, this means you’ll want to master one or two particular weapons, just so you can compete on the highest possible level. It was one of the aspects of the beta we really enjoyed, and while the upgraded speed took some getting used to, we always had plenty of fun. We really don’t have much to say in regards to the negative, although some may argue that this revamped style means R2 blends in with other FPSs out there. …well, one can say that, but the “blending” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Those other competitive FPSs are pretty damn good online, aren’t they? Anyway, we can’t wait to lay our hands on Resistance 2 , and we’re more psyched then ever now that we’ve had time with the beta. Kick…ass.
IT'S FREAKING SWEEEEEETTTTT! Medic is insane. i hope they change the infinite stuff on the medic a bit cheap. but its damn great me and ma bro and friends kicking ass. Just what i wanted, preorder going in now!
I had this game on preorder as soon as I could! I loved the first, and I will by no means be missing this one. The beta kicks major ass, and I cant wait to jump into the story mode. This game is gonna be sweet!
its amazing but today i havent been able to connect 🙁
I had the same trouble to connect.
Game is nothing short of perfection. IGNs review is very positive and it in turn makes me want the game even more. Man is this last week going to go S…O… S…L…O…W…
Didnt get my QORE invite I hate QORE never got my R2 invite
it's OK you missing out on nothing big….. just something HUGE! I think they will send it to you before it ends. A most get game for me
The beta is better than I had ever imagined. And I imagined quite a bit! I am extremely happy that I've preordered R2. Getting experience points for blasting Chimera? Awesome! Can't wait to see you guys online after Nov 4.
Glad to hear its faster, I have the beta but I just can't get the stinkin 16mb update, something always goes wrong! And the beta dies Thursday at midnight!
Damnn i want this beta sooo bad! Hopefully i get wave 2, this medic thing sounds awesome! ee!
Wow! Im glad they sped it up a bit. Hopefully we can play with our British bros too! Thats what I liked that you could see where they were from.
Lot of great British capture the flag players (they tend to be a lil more civil too). The American gamers turned everything racial when I would play deathmatch in the original. Sometimes Id feel a little embarrassed.