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Bioshock Preview

Scheduled release date:
October 21st, 2008
2K Games
2K Marin
Number Of Players:
1 Player
Release Date:
October 21, 2008

The name Bioshock brings up some really heated debates among gamers. It was arguably last year's biggest and best game as it swept internet videogame forums and websites left and right, submerging gamers into one of the most dense atmosphere's a videogame has ever seen. And it's no surprise that the end result was so popular, seeing as how the developers of Bioshock were also the same group of folk that gave us the System Shock games. Years ago, Bioshock was originally announced to be in development for all next generation consoles, which meant that both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 were getting the game. The game would later be announced as an X360 exclusive, but rumors of a PlayStation 3 version never died.

Considering that development was well underway for the PS3 version before the exclusivity, it made little sense for 2K Games to just cancel the project and we kept reaffirming our readers that the game is well underway. Tidbits and rumors from magazines would emerge saying the same, despite 2K denying it. We eventually got wind that a PS3 announcement is imminent, and that turned out to be true. Fast forward past the deluge of insanity that ensued after the X360 lost perhaps its biggest exclusive and we're here. Having had the final copy of the game for weeks now, I've played enough to tell you that the hype is well worth it. Admittedly, I never purchased an Xbox 360 simply due to fears of its build quality, so I never played Bioshock prior to this.

So after spending hours with the game, I've come away extremely impressed, habitually blurting out "brilliant" during every one of my sessions with the game. What separates Bioshock from other first person games is one of many things. For starters, there is no reliance on firepower as a means of killing and progressing through the game. That is not to say that there are no weapons in the game, there are quite a number of them, it's just that shooting to kill isn't the only way to get things done in the game.

In addition to handguns, shotguns, and the sort, there are also objects you can pick up and use during melee confrontations. You'll often see various objects on the floor that you have the option of picking up and carrying around as a melee weapon. You can see the object as much as you want, so don't worry about it breaking like some other first-person games with melee combat. And to add to that, a third combat mechanic grants you the ability to use Plasmids, a powerful 'psionic' force that lets the player expel shots of electricity, fire, telekinetically grab/throw objects and more.

The cool thing about Plasmids is how intuitive using them feels. For example, you can shoot a charge of electricity onto a pool or just a puddle of water, and it'll electrocute any nearby enemies. You can take that one step further by setting an enemy on fire near a pool of water. If you do so, what usually happens is the enemy will try to use the water to put the flames out. In that instance, here's where you switch your Plasmid selection and charge the water with electricity to electrocute the enemy. It's a cool little trick I've heard and read about, and it's even cooler to pull it off. So yes, the attention to detail in Bioshock is that spectacular.

Another facet of this game that makes it so brilliant is its atmosphere, as I'm sure you may have heard before. No other first-person game takes you to a world that is so…unique. In other first-person games, you're either in the modern-day world or some sort of brooding environment possessed by the supernatural and your objective is to shoot mindlessly. Bioshock changes that, as it boasts an atmosphere that is so rich and enticing that it engages unlike any other first-person game. Instead of running and gunning, you'll stop and look around to appreciate the demolished beauty of this underworld. But you'll also stop and listen to any unusual activity, because practicing caution is something you'll want to do when you're walking through Rapture.

Visually, while the game engine is about 18 months old and there are better looking PS3 games out there, Bioshock is still a superb looking port marred by nothing more than just a few nit-picky issues. It's worth noting that I didn't find Bioshock to be a visual tour de force last year, so pardon me if I don't come off as excited about its technical prowess. With the visuals, the one thing everyone is dying to know is just how well the game stacks up to the X360 version. Well, there are trade-offs. For the PlayStation 3 version, the game no longer has any screen-tearing when the enhanced framerate option is enabled – this is in contrast to the X360 version. Furthermore, with the enhanced framerate on, the engine renders 60 frames per second more consistently than the X360 version did, which would often drop below 50fps. As far as what was sacrificed, the PS3's Bioshock has marginally lower texture quality. The differences in texture detail between both games are really small, and considering the trade-offs and that this is also a port, Bioshock for the PS3 is still every bit as impressive as the X360 version.

If you're on the fence about this port, well jump down with your wallet in hand. Bioshock for the PlayStation 3 is a superb experience that you must not miss out on. No other first-person game has an atmosphere like this and with such fantastic attention to detail. Don't worry about the visuals, they're hardly different than the Xbox 360 game, and it's also nice to have the option for a faster framerate without screen tearing. Bioshock is set to hit next week, get those pre-order slips ready.

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16 years ago

I bet this will be 1/2 by December so i'm going to wait, but i deffinatly am planning on buying it, Bioshock was the only 360 game i wish the PS3 has & now we do, As for people bitching about the graphics get a life! its really not much difference.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

The difference is completely negligible.

16 years ago

i played bioshock alot on ma bros Xbox360 and i played the demo on ma ps3. and im still amazed by this game^^..

16 years ago

play it on the PC with a decent setup and u'd be even more amazed.

16 years ago

play anything on a decent PC with a decent set up and you'll be amazed, but thats the beauty of consoles.. minimal expense and quality game.

anyway… yes, Bioshock or FarCry2.. Farcry2 or Bioshock!!

damn, I dont know which to get first.

16 years ago

Consoles are the best don't got the time to be upgrapin PC's evry now n then!

16 years ago

360 version > PS3 version

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

360 version = PS3 version.

16 years ago

I like Bioshock's feel,it's sumn different but not for me.

16 years ago

Excellent idea, inspired gameplay, but the demo ultimately decided for me that I am not going to be picking this up. Whatever it is that causes me to hand over money for a game just wasn't there, and those annoying flying things just never stopped. So many of you liked it that I thought maybe I'm crazy, but to me it's really just another example of a game that 360 fans blew out of proportion.

16 years ago

Those flying thangs put me off in the first place,no doubt!

16 years ago

I heard there's going to be a few hours extra campaign that didn't make it to the 360, and that might make this the first game i rebuy. When 2k gave me 5 minutes with this while interviewing them on the darkness, I practically creamed my pants.
The graphics were pretty good for the 360, except they used that frakking glow filter on everything that NFSU loves.

I don't think anything has ever lived up to that kind of hype. Just about every book, game, show, movie that all my friends have seen and loved and raved to me about for months seems like a cheap POS when I get my hands on it.
Plus all the extra radio diaries and stuff are only entertaining if you keep track and lean towards Ayn Rand's frame of thinking.

Last edited by Joe_III on 10/13/2008 6:55:02 PM

16 years ago

Haven't read Rand in a long while, that is a good take on the overall theme.

16 years ago

hey guys, World Ends with You is a game for DS right? Is it out yet?

16 years ago

Yes and i think yes, ironically i've never played it, i just jacked the title for myself.

16 years ago

You really cannot base the game off of the demo. They could've picked a better section of the game to start the demo, but I guess it was best to introduce you into the world of Rapture first…

That aside, the game is amazing, no matter the technical differences.

@Arnold, I totally agree with you on the game. I think it was the environment that made me love the game so much. Then as I unlocked more and more plasmids, weapon upgrades, etc., it got better and better. Then add in the diaries as well as the variety of enemies you come across and it got even better yet!

Last edited by Daedusian on 10/13/2008 8:37:38 PM

16 years ago

now if all game developer work hard like this when porting games, x360 and ps3 both can deliver good visual.

btw bioshock
ps3 is about the same with the X360.

ofcourse if you see still images, x360 will look batter due to the better texures, but with everything in motion in gameplay, stable fps in PS3 will make less headache/motionsick. and you wont be able to see that the textures are blurry. because you are moving.

but yeah, with good PC you can play bioshock in a lot better visual an stable framerate.
the problem is, PC graphic card is expensive. radeon hd 4850 is about 220USD in my country 🙁
you already can get x360 with that vga money alone.

Last edited by orangpelupa on 10/13/2008 8:22:50 PM

16 years ago

The demo was pretty fun, never played the full version before. I hear astounding things. FC2 then Bioshock.

16 years ago

Screw anyone who doesnt like this version of Bioshock, Im getting it day 1 release with my copy of LBP. I loved it on the Xbox, and I will finally have this masterpiece on my console of choice. Anyone who says otherwise is a blatant fanboy because either they are miffed it's not exclusive or they were one of those guys bashing it when it came out for the 360 last year. Get off your high horses, it's a new game and it's a damn fine one.

16 years ago

Played it on 360 and then too it was not visually even an average next gen game.Has a good story mode,but the visuals are disappoining on both consoles.

16 years ago

What were you comparing this too? Wait nevermind I dont want to know.

16 years ago

… probably God of War IV or Heavy Rain 3 LOL.

16 years ago

i will get this game but not right now. I will wait till it's priced lower. Sorry but a year old game just doesnt do it for me to pay the full price for it. I have respect for the DEVS of the game but just can't see myself paying full price for a game over a year old.

16 years ago

How come it matters that its a year old? Just because its a year old doesn't mean the games any less fun.

Last edited by AntDC on 10/14/2008 3:16:40 PM

16 years ago

I don't think it has anything to do with that fact that it's a great game, it's just that the game has been out for a year and the price has dropped and it's going to come out AGAIN and be full price. I have never played it and I'm sure it's well worth the price… but it's like buying MGS4 a year from now and paying the same price. Although a great game, it just wouldn't make sense.

16 years ago

I would like to chime in on the whole graphics debate if I may. 1st off I HAVE NOT seen this on xbox nor have I seen the screen shots side by side so I can not say which is better. My issue is, why are people so worried about that. I feel the only ones who are concerned about it are the ones who only play xbox, or own both systems. If you are an xbox loyalist, why worry about the other system. If you play both, chances are you already got it on xbox so again, why be concerned. I have played the demo, and Im gonna rent it to see what else the game has. I'm not tryin to be mean or rude or put anyone down, I'm just stating my opinion. If Im wrong, Im wrong.

Last edited by DeadReaper on 10/16/2008 7:27:24 PM