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Fairytale Fights Preview

Scheduled release date:
Q3 2009
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
October 27, 2009

Ah, the overwhelmingly fuzzy feelings generated by our childhood memories, inundated with many a fairytale, specifically designed to appeal to a youngster’s innocent sense of fantasy and adventure. There is a purity associated with such tales; a purity that cannot be tainted by the harsh realities of adulthood; a purity that sustained our youthful imaginations and permeated our dreams. But even the fairytale isn’t immune to a complete makeover for a generation that occasionally enjoys blood and gore just a tad too much. Of course, it may have began a while back with American McGee’s Alice , but it’s gonna continue in next-gen fashion with Fairytale Fights . This is one game that’ll make the fictitious Mother Goose roll over in her fictitious grave, and cause parents to do a double-take if they ever see it in action. It’s still a ways off, but we couldn’t resist the urge to some research on this absolutely nutty title.

To call this particular title a crazy slashfest is an immediate stain on that aforementioned purity, but wait, we haven’t gotten to the multiple spatterings of blood just yet. For the sake of temporary propriety, let’s just call Fairytale Fights an action game with a few platforming elements here and there. That ought to satisfy the categorization needs, even if doesn’t completely sate your desire for in-depth details, which are forthcoming (be patient, people). We can tell you the main character is Little Red Riding Hood…well, perhaps she’s not really Red Riding Hood, but she’s certainly modeled after that ill-fated woods traveler. Thing is, while everyone on earth knows about her particular fairytale, Red has mysteriously lost her fame and now desperately wants it back, even if the surrounding woodland creatures have to pay for that recovery with their lives. Yep, Little Red Riding Hood snaps, and the tranquil, idyllic fairytale setting is about to be irreparably altered. This is where the action comes in, obviously, and if you’re thinking she’ll swing her muffin basket to conk cute little bunnies on the head, you clearly haven’t been paying attention.

But before we get to the weaponry, let’s just talk about Red herself. We assume she’s not the only character in this game, but so far, it’s the only part of the title that has been on display. During a presentation at last month’s Leipzig Games Convention, Red was shone jumping on a rabbit, which at first just left the little critter a tad bid dazed. At this point, we imagine more than a few onlookers were in the midst of turning away from the booth, when…the rabbit exploded under her feet. She jumped on it, and the thing exploded . Blood was everywhere; on Red’s one shiny black shoes and on the ground, and the cute murderer suddenly might slip on the gory mess beneath her feet. Something terrible has happened in the fantasy world! But wait, she hasn’t even begun, because she hasn’t yet used the knife. We have no idea how many different weapons can be used in the game, nor how many altered animals (they appear evil in some way) will meet a messy end at the point of a finely honed blade.

From what attendees saw at Leipzig, the violence is basically through the roof. You can even see the entrails and body parts flying as Red lays into her foes, and she even has combination moves and finishing strikes. It’s like God of War superimposed over a coloring book! Well, perhaps that’s not a fair comparison, considering the combat in Fairytale Fights probably won’t be anywhere near as robust as it normally is in full-on, high-profile action titles. However, co-op play will be offered, which means you can bring in a buddy or two (or three) and partake of the sadistic fun; we’re just not sure what other characters may be involved. What about a dynamic, deadly duo of Hansel and Gretel? How about Little Miss Muffet who has a deep, burning desire to destroy all spiders in existence? Or Mary and her “little lamb” which woke up possessed one day and forced Mary to disembowel it with a shovel? Jack and Jill could be a killer brother and sister tandem, the Old Woman in the Shoe could have her rabid cats act as allies, and Little Jack Horner gets pissed because the curds and why is past its date.

Oh yes, the possibilities are limitless. Playlogic is pulling out all the stops on this action extravaganza, and they’re putting childhood icons directly in the center of a bloodbath. You can’t deny its intrinsic appeal, now can you? This could turn out to be a solid, guilty pleasure for just about everyone, and we’ll keep tabs on its progress. The entire concept may seem downright loopy and certainly twisted, but hey, we gamers are a little loopy and twisted ourselves.

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16 years ago

uh … gameplay plz!

16 years ago

Meh, not fun lol
I used to love the Disney SNES games though, those were good.

Nowadays American cartoons are plain garbage save for BIlly and Mandy and Courage the Cowardly Dog

16 years ago

This has nothing to do with cartoons, just FAIRY TALES! Anyway, this game sounds like it would be fun. Hopefully it'll be a good game.

16 years ago

it reminds me of the two teddy ber things from duckman.

16 years ago

makes me think of those toys macfarlane made of the fairy tales

16 years ago

Well, it has been many many decades since anyone took on this stuff. Wonder how long it'll be before we have Mario committing fratricide against Luigi with a chainsaw?