We went hands-on with Pandemic's unique take on the Lord of the Rings trilogy a few weeks ago, and based on what we played, we were impressed. LOTR: Conquest is a game that lets you play through the trilogy's biggest and best battles, and then re-play the game in an alternate LOTR universe where Frodo never destroys the ring and ends up being killed instead. We were able to bring you hands-on impressions and tell you how the game played, but here are the bits of info, such as game features that we didn't get to.
As you can see, the game is split up into two campaign modes: Good and Evil. As mentioned, the Good campaign follows the progression of the movies, where as the Evil campaign puts you into the shoes of the various evils from the LOTR universe such as the Balrog, Oliphaunts, Trolls, the Nazgul, and even Sauron. In total, 60 characters will be playable in the game, scattered across five different fighter classes. There are the Warriors, Archers, Scouts, Mages, and Guardians. The It's also worh noting that the cast of 60 doesn't include the actual heroes and villains such Aragorn, Sauron, Gandalf, and etc.
In addition to fighter classes there are also a variety of different races to choose from, including Gondorians, Rohirrim, Elves, Haradrim, Orcs, Uruk-Hai, Easterlings, Hobbits, and a few more that have yet to be announced. When the game prompts you to enter Hero mode (be it good or evil), you'll be able to choose from over 20. The list of known fighters is as follows:
Frodo Baggins
Samwise Gamgee
Grima Wormtongue
Witch-king of Angmar
Mouth of Sauron
What makes LOTR: Conquest even more unique is that it'll feature events and scenarios that are unique to the book, as opposed to the movies, so Pandemic is looking to flesh the experience out a bit further by offering these new elements. You'll get to experience close to 20 scenarios in the game, everything from Helm's Deep, to Minas Morgul, to Mount Doom. The confirmed list of maps for LOTR: Conquest is as follows:
Black Gate
Cirith Ungol
Helm's Deep
Minas Tirith
Minas Morgul
Mount Doom
The Shire
Pelennor Fields
Shelob's Lair
Gap of Rohan
Muliplayer will be good for up to sixteen players online, and four offline. Capture the Flag, Hero Deathmatch, Conquest, and Ring Bearer will be the main multiplayer modes. Pandemic will be re-using code from their Battlefront engine for the online components, so expect good things. Lastly, in case you're wondering what the Ring Bearer mode is, it's a survival challenge where one player is Frodo and the other players are Ringwraiths trying to kill him – just like the movie – so that should give you a good idea of what to expect. Lastly, a co-op mode will allow you to play the campaigns with a friend online or offline via splitscreen – and we all love co-op modes.
Lord of the Rings: Conquest is set to ship at the start of November. Fans of the trilogy should find themselves loving the things this game will have to offer; it's fan-service at its finest.
that looks really cool, I will definitly keep my eyes on this one.
LOTR: Battlefront lol this is classic I'm defiantly getting this
I'll wait for the ratings on this game …, its developed by EA so who knows how good this game is.
might be worth checking out.